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My Favorite Eclipse Shortcuts

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Photo by NASA Goddard Photo and VideoL

Learning your tools can make you far more efficient, whether those tools are Photoshop, Sublime Text, or Microsoft Word.  I do a fair bit of java development, so I use an IDE called Eclipse.  Here are some of my favorite shortcuts. (Note that you can personalize eclipse shortcuts via the menu outlined here.)

  • control-shift-t: look up a particular type/class by name
  • control-shift-r: look up a particular file by name
  • alt-shift-c (custom): check in the file I’m working on
  • control-f5 (custom): re-run the last thing I ran (typically a unit test)
  • control-h: search through any files for a given string (can set up patterns for the file names if desired)
  • control-f8: shift perspective (from java to debug, for example) without my hands leaving the keyboard

Also, I always install vrapper, which lets me move around my editor screen via the vi movement keys.

What shortcuts do you use to get around eclipse?

Pentaho Data Integration is damn cool

I have worked on two small projects with Pentaho Data Integration.  If you’re looking for a business intelligence tool that lets you manipulate large amounts of data in a performant way, you definitely want to take a look at this.  The version I’m working with is a couple of revisions back, but the online support is pretty good.  It’s way more developer-efficient than writing java, though debugging is more difficult.

Why is it so cool?  It lets you focus on your problem–validating and transforming your data–rather than the mechanics of it (where do the CSV files live?  what fields did I just add?  how do I parse this fixed width file?).  You can also call out to Java if you need to.

There is a bit of a learning curve, especially around the difference between transformations and jobs.  I bought my first tech book of 2011, Pentaho Kettle Solutions.  These projects weren’t even using Pentaho for its sweet spot, ETLing to a data warehouse, but I have found this to be an invaluable tool for moving data from text files to databases while cleaning up and processing it.

How to get the GWT developer browser plugin

The Google Web Toolkit developer plugin, which integrates with a variety of browsers and lets you debug GWT code from within the Eclipse IDE, is astonishingly easy to get, but I haven’t found any great instructions, so I wrote this brief post.

You just need to start your IDE, start up any application in Development mode, and then visit the address the development mode server is running on in your browser (it will look something like this: “http://localhost:8080/host.html&gwt.codesvr=” if you are running off an external server–not sure what it looks like for folks using embedded jetty). It will send you to the ‘Missing Plugin’ page (or you can go there directly).

Some browsers are not supported (Safari on Windows is one I know of). The best list of supported browsers I was able to find was on the ‘Missing Plugin’ page; click the ‘plugins for other systems’ link.

BTW, this is different than the GWT plugin for Eclipse.

Using ‘tasks’ in Eclipse

Update, 11/13/2009:  If you are looking for help with tasks using Mylyn (integrated into later versions of eclipse), you don’t want this post.  Instead, you’ll want to read and watch the resources here.  This post is all about simple text based code markers, not Mylyn’s implementation.

In Eclipse (version 3.2–one revision behind the current latest), I use a feature called ‘Tasks’. Using this feature, I can, anywhere in a file managed by Eclipse, put in a tag like ‘XXX’ and write a note to myself. It’s very handy because when I’m developing, I’ll often think of a problem or situation that I’d like my code to handle, but not have time to deal with it just then. I could add it to a bug tracker, or an excel spreadsheet, or write it down, but I find adding it to the source code works just as well. Then, I can use the ‘Tasks’ view in Eclipse to gather all of these notes at a later time, and deal with them one by one. I add it using this type of comment (for java–if I add the task in an XML file, I use XML comments):

//XXX need to revisit this class.

The way you include the tasks view in the java perspective is: go to the java perspective, then choose ‘Window’ from the menubar, then ‘Show View’ then ‘Tasks’. According to the help, Tasks are usually only shown in the ‘Resources’ perspective.

My one gripe with tasks is that it seems to be easy to create them, but darn hard to delete them. You can add new task tags via this path: ‘Window’ / ‘Preferences’ / ‘Web and XML’ / ‘Task Tags’, and use the ‘clean and redetect task tags’ button. This does appear to pick up new tasks (or tasks marked with tags that you’ve added), but doesn’t seem to remove tasks that are no longer marked in the source code (whether they are no longer marked because you removed them from the source code, or because you removed that task [TODO] tag from the list of task tag).

If you add a task via the mouse, you can remove it by right clicking on the checkbox. However, that doesn’t remove the task comment from the source file. Also, if you add a task via a comment, you cannot mark it done in the ‘Task’ view.

What I’d like is some synchronicity between the source file and the view. If I add a task in the source file, it should show up in the ‘Task’ view. If I then delete that line from the source file, I’d like the view to reflect that. If I mark it as completed in the view, then choose ‘Delete Completed tasks’ from the context menu, the line in the source file should be removed as well.

Am I missing something here? Am I using tasks incorrectly?

I looked through the Eclipse help, on google, and in the Eclipse newsgroups but did not find anything that helped. No mention of this issue in the release notes for version 3.3. Browsing around the buglist didn’t turn up anything that applied to what I want to do (via a quick scan).

I’ll probably file a bug sometime soon, but should really review all the entered bugs to see if someone else has my issue. In the meantime, I’ll just bleat a bit here.

[tags]eclipse,tasks view[/tags]

Eclipse Remote File Synchronization Plugins

I was talking to a friend about Eclipse and he was saying that one of the things keeping him from using Eclipse was the lack of a ssh synchronization plugin (so that he could edit locally and deploy to a remote server, a typical web application setup). I typically use CVS for that purpose, but sometimes it’s overkill.

I took it upon myself to find one, because I think it’d be useful too. I found a few (all open source):

Sftp Plugin: Not updated since 2003, didn’t work in Eclipse 3.2.1. CPL Licensed. Seemed like it had the nicest interface.

Deployer: Works, but only deployed one file at a time (that I could see). Not released since 2005. LGPL.

DeployerFTP: Looked to be FTP only (according to the documentation), released in 2006.

And finally, one that worked for me: Esftp. Last released in 2006, but works with Eclipse 3.2.1. LGPL 2.1. Weird install procedure (but if you read the README.txt in the distribution, it makes sense) so make sure to read the installation instructions.

Some of these were listed in the Eclipse Plugins directory, but others weren’t. Caveat emptor.

[tags]eclipse plugins[/tags]

MolhadoRef: A refactoring-aware version control system

This past Thursday, I went to one of the CU Comp Sci Colloquia. The speaker was Danny Dig, and he discussed Refactoring-Aware Software Merging and Version Control for Object-Oriented Programs, in particular, MolhadoRef. Mr Dig billed this several times as the first refactoring aware source control system ‘that we are aware of’.

Being relatively new to IDEs in general and Eclipse in particular, I find that the automatic refactoring is one of the largest productivity enhancements that I’ve discovered. The ability to almost effortlessly change a variable name to more accurately reflect its purpose, and to know that such a change will propagate everywhere it is used, lets you update variable names more often. I was recently editing a piece of PHP code and one of the variables had changed slightly in purpose. I could have done a search and replace, but I wouldn’t be positive that the changes hadn’t broken something subtle. With Eclipse, there’s no such hesitation.

This is almost worth the cost of having to use the mouse and not being able to use vi keystrokes (at least, without the vi plugin). But when you throw in the other refactorings, including move method and rename method, well, refactoring becomes invaluable.

What follows are my notes from the talk.

Mr Dig discussed how refactoring is becoming more prevalent in todays development environments, and how this is challenging text based version control systems such as CVS and SVN. The main issues are that refactoring causes global changes, while version control systems excel at tracking local changes. In addition, refactoring impacts program elements, while version control systems focus on files. In short, refactorings are more likely than normal edits to create conflicts and/or merge errors–due to refactoring tools, changes are regularly no longer limited to files.

In addition, when you move members between classes, you can lose version history–the only connection back to the original location is a commit comment, which is neither dependable nor robust.

MolhadoRef aims to change this, by making the version control system become refactoring aware. Currently MolhadoRef exists in ‘research project’ form as an Eclipse plugin, and is part of Mr Dig’s PhD thesis work. (By ‘research form’, I think he means not ready for prime time. For example, in his demo, when you checked changes in, there was no support for a commit message.) There are plans to release it as an open source project, but it is currently not so available. MolhadoRef is based on Molhado, which is an SCM system with support for OO software, on the backend, and Eclipse and a refactoring engine on the front end.

Basically, MolhadoRef can handle API level merging, where ‘API level’ means any member declarations. It also supports normal text edits in the same manner as CVS or SVN. It also tracks compile time as well as runtime merge conflicts.

On checkin, it follows the following algorithm:

  1. Detect API change operations, using a 3 way comparison. They are also tracked with tools such as Catchup or RefactoringCrawler
  2. Detect and resolve conflicts. It attempts to do so in an automated fashion, but sometimes requires user input.
  3. Undo refactorings. Sometimes this is not entirely possible, but if it fails, MolhadoRef is intelligent enough to fall back to a text merge.
  4. Merge text changes. This happens on a method level, not on a file level.
  5. Replay refactorings. This can be hard, because you need to serialize what may have been two parallel series of refactorings. He went into some things I didn’t understand right here, including using graph theory to reorder the refactoring, or making a refactoring into an enhanced refactoring (which not only changes code, but future refactorings in the chain).

Mr Dig conducted a case study and an experiment to prove the effectiveness of MolhadoRef. In the case study, he and a partner developed MolhadoRef separately for 3 weeks, and then merged the changes using both MolhadoRef and CVS. With 1267 lines of changed code, CVS had 36 conflicts, 41 compile errors, 7 runtime errors (determined by unit test coverage), and it took 105 minutes (including human time) to merge the two trees. In contrast, MolhadoRef had 1 conflict, 0 compile and runtime errors, and it took 1 minute to merge. Pretty impressive.

The experiment was to split 10 students (fairly experienced with Eclipse and java) into two groups. Each group had a common task. At the end, the changes made by each person in the first group were merged with the changes made by each person in the second group, producing 25 merge sessions. Using these episodes, using MolhadoRef led to 3.6 times fewer conflicts, 11.6 times fewer compiler errors, and 1.5 fewer runtime errors. In addition, the time to merge was 3.5 times faster with MolhadoRef.

The larger picture that Mr Dig is pursuing is to perform automated upgrades of component based applications (pdf). If you’ve ever upgraded from one version of a java web framework to another, you’ll know how painful it can be, especially if the API has changed. According to Mr Dig, 80% of the API changes in 5 projects he’s examined so far (4 open source, 1 proprietary) were due to refactorings. He told us why MolhadoRef fits into this picture, but I didn’t note it. Bummer.

He did say that both Microsoft and IBM were interested in his work. He also mentioned, I think, that Eclipse has already accepted some of his refactoring code.


What does that mean for us developers who don’t use build version control systems? well, not much right now, but if some of the bigger providers start to use this, it means that bigger, longer lived projects can be better managed; that code history won’t be lost as often, and that merge conflicts will decrease in severity and number. I for one can’t wait for that day.

[tags]refactoring, version control systems[/tags]

Eclipse and existing CVS modules

On a project I’m working on, we just made the move from local CVS via a windows share to remote CVS via ssh. I’m a big fan of that, because I was seeing some weird behavior from the drive, and because Eclipse doesn’t support local repositories.

The Eclipse/CVS FAQ had some good information, but I had a bit of trouble importing CVS source into a java project (which is important so you get the command line completion, etc).

The easiest way I’ve found to get things working in Eclipse with previously existing CVS modules is to do this:

  • Make sure everything is checked into CVS using command line tools.
  • Open eclipse.
  • Delete the project(s). When it prompts you “Are you sure you want to
    delete project ‘xxx’?” choose “Do not delete contents” and click “Yes”.
  • For each project:
    • On the menu, Go to File/New Project.
    • Choose “Java Project”.
    • Give the project name you’ve used for the module.
    • On the same screen, choose “Create project from existing source”. Put the path of the directory of the previously checked out file.
    • Click finish.

Eclipse is smart enough to connect to CVS by looking in the CVS subdirectories, although you may need to change your project’s CVS settings. I had to change it from the ext to the extssh connection method.

This was with Eclipse version 3.1.2 Build M20060118-1600 on Windows, with cygwin.

[tags]Eclipse, cvs[/tags]

Eclipse impressions

I have previously espoused opinions about IDEs. But, I’ve heard great things about Eclipse, including this rather direct statement from a developer who I respect:

Having a solid IDE like IntelliJ or Eclipse so radically improves your productivity that I quite simply don’t see how you can call yourself a professional developer without using one.

So, I thought I’d give Eclipse a try. Again. The latest version is Eclipse 3.1. This time I wasn’t going to try to get by with just the free tutorials. I did some browsing on Amazon and found Eclipse Distilled. This book, while aimed at Eclipse 3.0, is eminently readable and quite informative on the Eclipse way of doing things. All the views and perspectives and projects and jargon can be a bit confusing, so I was happy to pay $35 for this guide.

After using Eclipse for a few weeks, I have some likes and dislikes:


  • Code completion: huge. Hitting control-space and choosing a method rather than having to remember exactly what it is named is big. (Charles Petzold talks about a similar feature called IntelliSense in Visual Studio and some of the ramifications. Not sure if all of them apply to Eclipse.)
  • Integration with existing projects: while you can easily start new projects with Eclipse, I was also very impressed with how easy it was to bring an existing codebase into the system and begin using Eclipse to modify it.
  • Refactoring: again, huge. I find that I use the ‘rename method’ refactoring most often. The ability to just change the name of a method in one place and have it propagate allows you much more flexibility.


  • Using CVS externally confuses Eclipse: I consider myself a power user of CVS. This means it’s often easier for me to drop down and run commands from the prompt. This seems to confuse Eclipse, especially when I’m adding files.
  • No support for local CVS repositories: it’s a known bug, with some workarounds available.
  • Memory usage: 150M of memory is used, even when it is doing nothing. Now, I realize that most new boxes are shipped with gigs and gigs of memory, if you run Eclipse inside VMware with Oracle and Tomcat, eventually things start to get a bit crowded.
  • I have a few other quibbles, but above are the main ones I’ve run into so far.

So, ok, ok. I was wrong. Those of you who have used Eclipse or NetBeans or VisualStudio or IntelliJ or Visual SlickEdit are snoozing right now, but I’ve learned something important. IDEs can be very good and when a free cross platform IDE is available and paired with an external build tool, the results can be powerful indeed.

“Eclipse Distilled” at Amazon.
