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Using JSONP For Angular Requests

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Photo by Neil T

I was writing an angular app (source) that was accessing the Best Buy API, just to play around and get more familiar with Angular.  All of my previous apps had been to APIs that I controlled, and could thus use CORS to set headers.  Obviously, not so with the Best Buy API.


Luckily Angular makes accessing data via JSONP almost exactly the same as accessing data via XMLHttpRequest/CORS.  Rather than use $http.get, you use $http.jsonp. You have the same promise returned, and can handle the results in the same way. I didn’t dive into error handling (but if Angular follows jQuery’s lead, it looks like there’s none), and obviously JSONP can only be used to read information, but the guts of injecting a script, etc, are all handled for you.


Avoiding “Module ‘XXX’ is not available” Errors in AngularJS

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Photo by Nirazilla

As I continue to build applications with AngularJS, I see how strong the ecosystem is.  While there aren’t quite as many plugins for Angular as there are for JQuery, many of the JQuery plugins have been wrapped up as Angular directives.

One of the issues I banged my head against a couple of times when using a new directive was how many places I had to modify code, and the totally non intuitive error messages that were displayed.

Here are the places you need to modify if you want to use a directive:

  • a module definition (your app or a controller).  You need to add the directive to the list of dependencies: var controllers = angular.module("controllers", [ "localytics.directives",'ngModal' ]);.
  • the index.html file. You need to add links to the javascript files and css that the directive uses. If you are using bower to manage these components, you can find the files under the directory managed by bower.
  • the karma.conf.js file. This file sets up the environment for your unit tests. You want to set up the files attribute to point to the javascript files you added to the index.html page above.

If you don’t add the correct module name to your dependency list, misspell it, or don’t add the javascript to the index.html or your karma configuration file, you will see this error message in your console:

Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module app due to:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module controllers due to:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module ngModall due to:
Error: [$injector:nomod] Module ‘ngModall’ is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you specify the dependencies as the second argument.$injector/nomod?p0=ngModall

And the app won’t start.

Hope this helps someone else avoid some head banging.

Preparing Your AngularJS App for Deployment

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Photo by kevin dooley

I have recently been working on an AngularJS CRUD front end to a REST API (built with DropWizard).  I have been working off the angular-phonecat example app (from the tutorial).

After making a few changes, I wanted to deploy the app to a standalone web server (Apache2).  I naively checked out the codebase on the web server, and visited index.html.

I saw a blank screen.  Looking in the console, I saw this error message: ReferenceError: angular is not defined


“Looks like there’s more to deploying this application than I thought.”  Some searching around doesn’t reveal a lot, maybe because deployment is just taken for granted in the AngularJS community?  Or I don’t know what questions to ask?

Regardless, the fundamental fact of building AngularJS apps for deployment is that, at least with the angular-phonecat base, your dependencies are managed by bower and/or npm, and you need to make sure you bundle them up when you are running on a web server that isn’t the npm started web server.

In practice, this means writing a Gruntfile (or, actually, modify this Gruntfile), which is similar to an ant build.xml file–you write targets and then gather them together.

For my initial Gruntfile, I wanted to make things as simple as possible, so I stripped out some of the fanciness of the g00glen00b file.  In the end, I had two tasks:

  1. bowercopy to  copy my bower dependencies to a temp directory.  I tried to use the bower grunt task, but wasn’t able to make it work.
  2. compress to gather the files and build the zip file

These were bundled together in a ‘package’ task that looked like this: grunt.registerTask('package', [ 'bowercopy', 'compress:dist' ]);

The compress task is complicated and took some figuring out (this post was helpful, as was a close reading of the task’s readme page and the page detailing how file objects can be dynamically generated). Here’s an example of the dist task:

 compress: {
          dist: {
            options: {
              archive: 'dist/<%= %>-<%= pkg.version %>.zip'
            files: [{
              src: [ 'app/index.html' ],
              dest: '/',
              expand: true,
              flatten: true
            }, {
              cwd: 'dist/libs',
              src: [ '**' ],
              dest: 'bower_components',
	      expand: true,
              // ... more files definitions 

I want to unpack this a bit. First, the options object specifies an archive file and the name of the file. You can see that it is dynamically created based on values from the package.json (which is read in earlier in the grunt config file).

Then, the set of files to be added to this archive is specified. The src attribute outlines the list of files to include in the zip file. src handles wildcards (* for all in the directory, ** for all in the directory and subdirectories). The dest attribute, in contrast, indicates the directory where the file is to land in the zip archive. The expand attribute lets grunt do dynamic file matching (more here). The flatten attribute removes all the leading paths from the source files–if you didn’t have flatten:true in the index.html entry, it would be placed at /app/index.html in the zip file. The dist/libs entry handles all the dependencies that were copied to that tmp directory by the bowercopy task. What the cwd attribute tells grunt is to act like it is in that directory for the src attribute. So, a file at dist/lib/foo/bar will be treated like it was foo/bar and, in the task above, copied to bower_components/foo/bar in the zipfile. This allows one to maintain the same directory structure in my index.html file in both dev and production.

Finally, you need to install grunt and run grunt package to get your zipfile with all dependencies, for deployment.

There are a lot of other beneficial changes grunt can make to your app before deployment, like concatenating css and minifying the javascript, and I encourage you to read this post for more information, but this was enough to get the app running in an environment without npm or any of the other angularJS toolchain.

Installing the AngularJS Docs on Your Computer

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Photo by jenny downing

If you want access to the AngularJS API docs offline, download the zipfile for the version you are using (latest as of writing is 1.2.23), unzip it it to a web server directory, and visit the URL in your browser.

The docs need to be served via http or https to work, so you can’t just download the zip file, unzip, and open up the index.html file in your browser.

I use the python simple web server.  If you are also using this simple web server, make sure to start the python web server in the top level directory of the unzipped files, not the docs directory.  The docs reach up a level and pull in javascript and css.

Obviously, you don’t get any links to outside blogs, articles or videos, but this does give you the API, the tutorial and the guide.  When I’m without internet access, having this on my computer gives me at least a fighting chance of solving any issues I run into.