Here are some questions and answers about DynamoDB, Amazon’s managed NoSQL database offering.
- What are options for dynamically scaling DynamoDB provisioned throughput?
- Hard to beat the options outlined in this StackOverflow post. You can do it via scripting, the DynamicDynamoDB open source library, a lambda function, cloudwatch–lots of different ways.
- Do DynamoDB streams support multiple readers?
- Yes, but you want to be careful to not have more than two readers per shard.
- How does optimistic concurrency control work?
- Nicely outlined here but the long and the short of it is you need to make sure you associate a version with your items, read that version when you prepare to update, and then update if and only if the version is the same as the one you read.
- Do you have any insight into the internals of DynamoDB?
- Here’s a PDF from 2007, here’s documentation about partitions, and here’s a Hacker News comment from someone who claims to be a former DynamoDB developer
- How do you connect to DynamoDB? Is there an IP address?
- You use the SDK or CLI which connect to an endpoint in a region that you know no further details of.
- What is the difference between eventual and strong consistency with respect to DynamoDB reads?
- The docs talk about it and so does this excellent SO answer (which covers the general concept as opposed to DynamoDB’s specifics).
- Does DynamoDB have any automatic encrypt at rest options?
- I couldn’t find any server side encryption option for DynamoDB, but did find this client side encryption post.