Friendster is still alive and kicking, and according to Salon, it’s adding 200,000 users every week. In the past, I’ve commented about their business model and I still don’t see any resolution of those problems (lest we forget, taking VC money is not a business model!). But, I’m not here to write about the business model of Friendster today.
I check in, periodically, to Friendster to see if anyone new has joined, or added a new picture, or come up with a new catchy slogan for themselves. When I joined, it was daily, now it’s monthly. One of the things that detracted from the experience was the speed of the site. It was sloooow. Well, they’ve dealt with that–it’s now a peppy site (at least on Saturday morning). And it appears that one of the ways they did this was to switch from JSP to PHP. Wow. (Some folks noticed a while ago.) I wasn’t able to find any references comparing the relative speed of PHP and JSP, but I certainly appreciate Friendster’s new responsiveness.