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Monthly Archives: July 2015

Making my Twitter feed richer with Zapier and hnrss

twitter photo
Photo by marek.sotak

I read Hacker News, a site for startups and technologies, and occasionally post as well.  A few months back, I realized that the items that I post to HN, I want to tweet as well.  While I could have whipped something up with the HN RSS feed and the Twitter API (would probably be easier than Twitversation), I decided to try to use Zapier (which I’ve loved for a while).  It was dead simple to set up a Zap reading from my HN RSS feed and posting to my Twitter feed.  Probably about 10 minutes of time, and now I doubled my posts to Twitter.

Of course, this misses out on one of the huge benefits of Twitter–the conversational nature of the app.  When my auto posts happen, I don’t have a chance to follow up, or to cc: the authors, etc.

However, the perfect is the enemy of the good, and I figured it was better to engage in Twitter haphazardly and imperfectly than not at all.

Good time had by all at the HN Meetup

Where can you talk about super-capacitors vs batteries, whether you should rewrite your app (hint, you shouldn’t), penetration testing of well known organizations, cost of living, and native vs cross platform mobile apps?  All while enjoying a cold drink and the best fried food the Dark Horse can offer?

At the Boulder Hacker News Meetup, that’s where.  We had our inaugural meetup today and had a good showing.  Developers, startup owners, FTEs, contractors, backend folks, front end devs and penetration testers all showed up, and, as the Meetup page suggests, ate, drank and chatted.

Hope to see you at the next one.