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Monthly Archives: September 2012

The trigger creator sends emails when a google form is submitted and email is sent

Google Forms are a great way to collect data.  You can have the form do any number of things using Google Apps Script when the form is submitted, including sending email.

If you want the email to come from a certain person, you can’t manipulate that in the script you write.  (There’s nothing in the mail API doc about a ‘from’ field.)  You can modify the reply to header, but if you want an email to come from one person, you need to have that person create the on form submit trigger, because they are then the active user.

Java address parsing gets an upgrade

I wrote last year about address parsing solutions in java, and how an open source project call JGeocoder had worked out well for us.  I wanted to announce that my company, 8z, has significantly improved the address parsing capability of JGeocoder based on data from a number of property listings.

My colleague, Karamjeet Khalsa, added this functionality as well as more than fifty unit tests.  An address that previously would have failed but now is parsed correctly is: 25266 Road 38.1 Dolores CO. Or try this one: 10 Black Bear Gypsum CO.  This code focuses on not just parsing address, city and state, but also breaking apart the address into components like street number, unit number, etc (for US style addresses).

Working with the current maintainer of the project, Karamjeet uploaded the new jar yesterday, and it is now ready to download.  This is the first release in four years, so if you need address parsing, go take a look!

A Tale of Two Mobile App Development Program Applications

I just can’t believe the difference in the application process between Google (for Google Play) and Apple (for the App Store).

For Google, I had to

  • sign in to a Google account
  • give them an email address and a phone number
  • agree to terms and conditions
  • pay $25 (but make sure you have a valid Google Wallet account!)
  • wait for the registration to be processed
  • invite other developers in my company

For Apple (where I need to register as a corporation) I had to

  • Upgrade a mac to Lion
  • Start the signup process
  • Realize that the company doesn’t have an updated Dun and Bradstreet profile
  • Call Dun and Bradstreet
  • Be sent to to update the profile
  • Find out who the executive officers of the company were
  • Get them to sign up to update the profile
  • Update the profile
  • Submit it
  • Wait for over 5 business days
  • Resubmit my application to Apple
  • Get rejected again because they didn’t recognize the company as a legal entity
  • Exchange a couple of emails with Apple employees
  • Determine what the rejection is possibly because I didn’t want for D&B to update the Apple database (up to 14 business days!)

And all that is before I can see (and agree to) the terms of use and pay the $99/year, and get my application processed.
