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Monthly Archives: February 2019

Announcing: Letters to a New Developer

Blank paper, pencil, lightbulb, eraserI’ve been working on a new project that I’m excited to share here. It’s called Letters to a New Developer. It’s a blog with over forty posts full of advice for people who are just starting out in the field of development.

So much of development is not about code. It’s about teams and processes and organizations and questions. I feel like the traditional education system (whether four year college or bootcamp) does a good job of teaching folks coding fundamentals (what you need to be a programmer) but there is so much more to being a successful developer than coding. In my experience, delivering code is a necessary but not sufficient activity for success in a software company.

That’s why I’ve spent the last five months writing up some of my experiences and learnings.

The posts are mostly mine, but some are from guest posters who bring a different perspective. I also excerpt posts I find on the Internet that I find helpful, so that I can stand on the shoulders of some of the giants who have come before.

Here are some of my favorite Letters To a New Developer posts: Always Be Journaling from Brooke Kuhlmann, Get Used to Failure, and Learning to Read Code is More Important Than Learning to Write It.

I hope you find this project as fun to read as I’ve found it to write.