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Monthly Archives: June 2015

The power of SQL–WP edition

lightning photoI’ve noticed a lot of comment spam lately, and had been dealing with it piecemeal. I have all comments moderated, so it wasn’t affecting the user experience, but I was getting email reminders to moderate lots of comments that were not English and/or advertising something.

WordPress lets you turn off comments for a post, but it is tedious through the GUI. So, I dove into the wordpress database, and ran this SQL query:

update wp_posts set comment_status = 'closed' where post_date < '2014-01-01';

This sets comments to closed for all posts from 2013 or earlier (over 1000 posts).  The power of the command line is the ability to repeat yourself effortlessly.  (The drawback of the command line is its obscurity.)

I should probably write a cron job to do that every year, as posts older than two years old aren’t commented on much. To be honest, the comments section of ‘Dan Moore!’ isn’t used much at all–I know some blogs (AVC) have vibrant comments areas, but I never tried to foster a community.

Using basic authentication and Jetty realms to protect Apache Camel REST routes

So, just finished up looking at authentication mechanisms for a REST service that runs on Camel for a client.  I was using Camel 2.15.2 and the default Jetty component, which is Jetty 8.  I was ready to use Oauth2 until I read this post which makes the very valid point that unless you have difficulty exchanging a shared secret with your users, SSL + basic auth may be enough.  Since these APIs will be used by apps that are built for the same client, and there is no role based access, it seemed like SSL _ basic auth would be good enough.

This example is different from a lot of other Camel security posts, which are all about securing routes within camel.  This example secures the external facing REST routes defined using the REST DSL. I’m pretty sure the spring security example could be modified to protect REST DSL routes as well.

So, easy enough.  I looked at the Camel Jetty security configuration docs, and locking things down with basic auth seemed straightforward.  But, they were out of date.  Here’s an updated version.  (I’ve applied for the ability to edit the Camel website and will update the docs when I can.)

First off, secure the rest configuration in your camel context:

<camelContext ...>
   <restConfiguration component="jetty" ...>
      <endpointProperty key="handlers" value="securityHandler"></endpointProperty>

Also, make sure you have the camel-jetty module imported your pom.xml (or build.gradle, etc).

Now, create the security context. The below is done in spring XML, but I’m sure it can be converted to Spring annotation configuration easily. This example uses a HashLoginService, which requires a properties file. I didn’t end up using it because this was POC code, but here’s how to configure the HashLoginService.

<!-- Jetty Security handling -->
<bean id="constraint" class=""> <!-- this class's package changed -->
   <property name="name" value="BASIC"/>
   <property name="roles" value="XXXrolenameXXX"/>
   <property name="authenticate" value="true"/>

<bean id="constraintMapping" class="">
   <property name="constraint" ref="constraint"/>
   <property name="pathSpec" value="/*"/>

<bean id="securityHandler" class="">
   <property name="loginService">
      <bean class="" />
   <property name="authenticator">
      <bean class=""/>
   <property name="constraintMappings">
         <ref bean="constraintMapping"/>

As mentioned above, I ended up writing a POC authentication class which had hardcoded values. This post was very helpful to me, as was looking through the jetty8 code on using grepcode.

public class HardcodedLoginService implements LoginService {
        // matches what is in the constraint object in the spring config
        private final String[] ACCESS_ROLE = new String[] { "rolename" };

	public UserIdentity login(String username, Object creds) {
        UserIdentity user = null;
		boolean validUser = "ralph".equals(username) && "s3cr3t".equals(creds);
		if (validUser) {
			Credential credential = (creds instanceof Credential)?(Credential)creds:Credential.getCredential(creds.toString());

		    Principal userPrincipal = new MappedLoginService.KnownUser(username,credential);
		    Subject subject = new Subject();
		    user=identityService.newUserIdentity(subject,userPrincipal, ACCESS_ROLE);
		    users.put(user.getUserPrincipal().getName(), true);

	    return (user != null) ? user : null;


How, when you retrieve your rest routes, you need to pass your username and password or the request will fail with a 401 error: curl -v --user ralph:s3cr3t http://localhost:8080/restroute

Note that the ACCESS_ROLE variable in the login class must match the roles property of the constraint object, or you’ll get this message:

Problem accessing /restroute. Reason:

You can find a working example on github (with the hardcoded login provider).

Thanks to my client Katasi for letting me publish this work.