I’ve noticed a lot of comment spam lately, and had been dealing with it piecemeal. I have all comments moderated, so it wasn’t affecting the user experience, but I was getting email reminders to moderate lots of comments that were not English and/or advertising something.
WordPress lets you turn off comments for a post, but it is tedious through the GUI. So, I dove into the wordpress database, and ran this SQL query:
update wp_posts set comment_status = 'closed' where post_date < '2014-01-01';
This sets comments to closed
for all posts from 2013 or earlier (over 1000 posts). The power of the command line is the ability to repeat yourself effortlessly. (The drawback of the command line is its obscurity.)
I should probably write a cron job to do that every year, as posts older than two years old aren’t commented on much. To be honest, the comments section of ‘Dan Moore!’ isn’t used much at all–I know some blogs (AVC) have vibrant comments areas, but I never tried to foster a community.