Life is full of endings as well as beginnings. It’s easy to celebrate the latter, but the former are just as important. I joined The Food Corridor just about two years ago. This Friday is my last full day with the company. The company is left in very capable hands and has some exciting new plans. I look forward to cheering their success from the sidelines.
I am a firm believer in saying thank you, so I’d like to give some thanks to folks who have helped me out on my TFC journey.
The customers: Like any startup, we had to search to find our niche (“ideas are nice, but execution is a bitch”). But I’m glad to have been able to help shared use kitchens “spend less time in the office and more time in the kitchen”. What great people. They are working every day to help their clients (food businesses) build sustainable economic businesses. I learned so much and have a tremendous appreciation for the economic, regulatory and every day challenges kitchen managers face. Our clients were also forgiving of my mistakes, especially around matters of money and user experience. I appreciate their trust and patience.
The investors: A number of Colorado based angels and funds took a chance on TFC. Thanks for the rigor of your due diligence, the support you gave, and of course for the cash that is helping take TFC to the next level. But thank you most of all for your belief.
The informal advisors: TFC had a tremendous crew of folks helping out in many many ways with advice and connections and cheerleading. You all know who you are, and I appreciate every minute you gave to help TFC get where it is.
The formal advisors: We had a number of advisors who took hours and days out of their busy schedule to help out a newbie company, whether by reviewing documents, spending time at an all hands or investing. Thank you Christine, David and Mick.
The team: Small, nimble and potent. I learned something from each and every one of you. Charlie, thank you for the dashboard concept and your time. Lindsay, thank you for volunteering your time to make TFC better, and to help me see the system in new ways. Stephanie, I appreciated your questions and willingness to try new things and I’m so glad you found the right spot for you. Julie, I appreciated your focus on process and customer support. Chad, thanks for making those cold calls. Ben, thank you for your financial rigor and patience, as well as the ‘bigco’ perspective. Jim, Marcus and Joe, thank you for your early support and enthusiasm. Rachael, thank you for your good humor, food business perspective and constant attention to the TFC public image. Meghan, thanks for your attention to detail, your humor, your endless drive to get it right, and of course for your wicked intercom chops. Nenad, Luka, Michael, Seamus and Luciano, thank you for relentlessly putting the customer exactly where they should be–front and center. (If I failed to mention anyone above, please accept my apologies.)
My co-founder: Ashley, I wish you (aided by the TFC team and support system, of course) all the best in taking TFC to the heights I know it can achieve. Thank you so very much for the opportunity to hike alongside while I was able.
My wife: I can’t imagine pursuing any startup without the support of my spouse. The journey is crushing at times even with enthusiastic help. She’s been a sounding board, supporter, cheerleader and true believer. Thank you so much.