I’m putting together a business metrics dashboard for The Food Corridor (what is old is new again, I remember a project at XOR, my first job out of school, that was all about creating a dashboard). I could have just thrown together some rails views, but I looked around and saw Smashing, which is a fork of Dashing, a dashboard project that came out of shopify.
Smashing is a sinatra app and is fairly simple to set up. It looks gorgeous, a lot better than anything I could hack together. I could install it on a free heroku dyno. Even though it will take a bit of time to spin up, it is now running for free. Smashing has nice MVC separation–you have dashboards which assemble widgets, and then jobs which push data to widgets on a schedule. Sending data looks something like this: send_event('val', { current: current })
where val
is referenced in the widget.
You can create more than one dashboard (I did only one). They aren’t customizable by non developers, but once the widgets are written, they can be created by someone with a modicum of experience editing HTML.
Some tips:
- Smashing stores its state in a file. If you are running on heroku, the filesystem is ephemeral. You have two options. You can store the state in an external data store like redis (patch mentioned here, I didn’t try it). Or you can rely on the systems you are polling for metrics to maintain the state. That’s the path I took.
- The number widget has the ability to display percentage changed since last updated:
send_event('val', { current: current, last: last })
. Make sure that val is an integer–I sent a string like “100000” and that was treated as a zero for purposes of calculation. - If you are accessing any external systems, make sure you inject any secrets via environment variables. For local development, I used dotenv.
- You’ll want some kind of authentication system.
- The widgets that come with Smashing aren’t complicated, but neither are they documented, so prepare to spend some time understanding what they expect.
- I grouped jobs, which gather the data, by data source. You can send multiple events per job, and I thought that made it clearer. Connections to APIs or databases only needed to happen once as well.
- The business metrics which I was displaying really only change on a monthly basis. So I wanted to run the data gathering immediately, then in a week or two weeks. Because of the ephemeral state, I expect the second run will never happy, but wanted to be prepared for it. I did so by creating a function and calling it once on job load and then in the scheduler.
Here’s pseudo code for the job that pulls data from stripe:
Stripe.api_key = ENV['STRIPE_SECRET_KEY'] def stripe # pull data from stripe... send_event('stripeval', { current: current }) end stripe SCHEDULER.interval '1w' do stripe end
Smashing is no full on technical metrics solution (like Scout or New Relic), but can be useful for displaying limited data in a beautiful format with a minimum of developmetn effort. If you’re looking for a dead simple dashboard, Smashing will work for you.