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A quick look at xkit

I was prototyping a small app in xkit and wanted to document this useful tool. When I first saw this launch on HackerNews, I couldn’t quite understand what the purpose was. But now that I’ve spent a bit of time playing with it, I understand it a bit more.

Suppose you are writing a recipe management SaaS and realize that you want to integrate with some other services. Perhaps you want to be able to export the steps of a recipe to a Trello board, or to a Google doc, or to a PDF.

These are all services available on the internet with an API which will allow end users to give your application access to their accounts. This lets you publish to each user’s Google docs account or Trello board.

(I’m not as familiar with services offering PDF generation functionality, but a quick search turns up some options, including some that you can self host.)

There’s a fair bit of hoop jumping in terms of setting up API keys and OAuth consent screens, however.

And this is the problem that xkit solves. If they’ve already written the connection (here’s a list), it is quite simple to add the ability for a user to connect to the service. With no previous experience, I was able to connect to Trello in about an hour. The user experience of connecting the external SaaS application is really smooth and far better than something I could whip up quickly.

If they haven’t written a connector, I don’t believe you can write one yourself. For example, for that PDF service, you’d need to contact the xkit folks and ask them to add one.

This is different than, say, Zapier, because it’s operating at a different level. Zapier is excellent (and has been for years) at letting users connect their apps. But xkit lets you let your users connect apps, basically letting you build a mini Zapier (in terms of connectivity, not functionality).

You can also host your own app catalog if you want to. I didn’t get into this too much, though, so it’s unclear what the benefits of that are.

They provide a user data store out of the box, but also integrate with a number of other providers (including FusionAuth). This means you can leverage your existing auth solution and still get the easy integration with other third party APIs.

Their pricing seems reasonable, given what they take off your plate.

Nothing’s perfect, however. I found a few documentation bugs, which I let them know about (they host their docs on and I found the suggestion process delightful). When I tried to sign up, the service was down, but a quick Tweet exchange resolved the issue within 30 minutes.

It is bizarre to me as an authentication focused company that they don’t have a “forgot password” link on their login pages. The documentation is javascript heavy, with nary a mention of other languages, but that’s understandable as they’re just starting out. It’s also strangely video heavy, which I found a bit distracting; that, however, could just be my learning style.

All in all, if you are looking to integrate third party APIs which require OAuth interactions on the part of your users, you’d be well served to take a look at xkit.

Creating a CircleCI orb to authenticate a user during a build

I’m a big fan of automating all the things and I also believe in the DRY principle. I’ve been using CircleCI for years and noticed that they had added a way to abstract away some repeated configuration called orbs. I recently built one and wanted to share my experience.

If you are thinking about building an orb, first take a look at the list of existing orbs. After all, it’s better to reuse code someone else will maintain if it does what you need.

In my case, I wanted to explore building an orb. I dreamed up a use case for which no one else had written an orb. The situation is that you store user data in FusionAuth. Each time a build runs, you want to verify that the user running the build is active andvalid before continuing the build. If the user can’t authenticate, fail the build.

Set up the authentication server

I set up a FusionAuth server using their instructions on EC2. It can’t be on localhost because CircleCI needs to communicate with it during the build. The server didn’t run well on a t2.micro size so I ended up springing for a t2.large, where it worked fine. I also had some difficulty installing mysql on the Amazon Linux AMI, but this SO answer helped me out. I added a FusionAuth application and user via the admin panel. I also got an API key. I limited the API key drastically; it could only post to the login endpoint. I tested access with curl like so (ALL_CAPS strings are placeholders you’d want to replace with real values):

curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" -XPOST -H 'Authorization: API_KEY' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ "loginId": "USERNAME", "password": "PASSWORD", "applicationId": "APPLICATION_ID" }' \
http://FUSION_AUTH_SERVER_HOSTNAME:9011/api/login|grep 202 > /dev/null

FusionAuth returns a 404 status code if the user isn’t authenticated successfully (they don’t exist or have an incorrect password) and 202 if the user logs in successfully (more API information here). Note that this login process may skew some of the reporting (around DAUs, for example) so you’ll want to create a separate application just for CI/CD.

The curl + grep statement above exits with a value of 0 if the user successfully authenticates and with a value of 1 if authentication fails. The former will allow the build to continue and the latter will stop it.

The check I want to run worked. Now I just needed to build and publish the orb.


White orb

Building the orb

An orb is reusable CircleCI configuration. You have three kinds of configuration you can re-use:

  • jobs: a normal CircleCI job, but you can also pass in parameters. A great option if you have a job you want to use across different projects; something like ‘run this formatting tool’.
  • executors: an environment in which to execute code (docker container, vm, etc).
  • commands: a set of steps that can be reused. It is lower level than a job and can be used across different jobs.

I chose to create a single command. I also created a job to run while I was developing (I added it as a project in CircleCI). You can see the full source code here.

Here are the interesting bits where I define the command to be shared (ah, yaml):

        type: string
        default: "user"
        description: "FusionAuth username to try to validate"
        type: string
        default: "appid"
        description: "FusionAuth application id"
        type: string
        default: ""
        description: "FusionAuth host base url"
        type: env_var_name
        default: BUILDER_PASS
        description: "The user's FusionAuth password is stored in this environment variable"
        type: env_var_name
        default: FUSION_AUTH_API
        description: "The FusionAuth API key is stored in this environment variable"
      - run: |
         curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}"   -XPOST -H "Authorization: ${<< parameters.fusionauth_api_key_env_var_name >>}"  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "loginId": "<< parameters.username >>", "password": "'${<< parameters.password_env_var_name >>}'", "applicationId": "<< parameters.applicationid >>" }' << parameters.hostbaseurl >>api/login |grep 202 > /dev/null
      - run: |
         echo User authorized

The command verifyauth takes parameters. These have defaults and descriptions. Anything that you wouldn’t mind seeing checked into a source code repository can be passed as a parameter. You then call the command in your job and pass parameters as needed (we’ll see that below).

However, there are sometimes secrets which need to be stored as environment variables (in the project or the context): API keys or passwords, for example. However, I still wanted to make them configurable by whoever uses the orb. Enter the  env_var_name parameter type. This type lets the user specify the name of the environment variable. If I set the password_env_var_name to AUTH_CHECK_PASS, then I need to make sure there is an AUTH_CHECK_PASS environment variable set somewhere in my project containing the password with which we’ll authenticate against FusionAuth. This lets the orb be both configurable and secure.

Finally, you can see that the first step of the command is posting login data to the authentication server. Again, if we see anything other than 202 we fail and the build stops. (You’ve seen that curl command before.)

Publishing the development orb

To be able to use the orb with a different project, I needed to publish the orb (I could have developed the orb inline to avoid this). The publishing instructions are here. The only issue I ran into was that I had to update my CircleCI organization settings and allow “Uncertified Orbs” before I could create a namespace. After that I was able to publish a development version of my orb:

circleci orb publish .circleci/config.yml mooreds/verifyauth@dev:testing

I was in the directory of my orb code and referenced my config. mooreds is my orb namespace, verifyauth is the orb name (which is arbitrary and not connected to the source repository name in any way) and dev:testing is the version of the orb. Note that there are two types of orb version: production, which strictly follow semantic versioning, and development, prefaced by dev: and after string that can contain “up to 1023 non whitespace characters”. Development orbs have other limitations: they are not public, are mutable and only last for 90 days. You’ll want to publish your orbs with production versions if you are using them for any purpose other than prototyping or exploration.

I published my orb via the command line, but the docs outline publishing via a CircleCI job.

Testing the orb

Now I wanted a second project to test the orb. Here’s the project source code. Here’s the interesting code:

  verifyauth: mooreds/verifyauth@dev:testing
      - verifyauth/verifyauth: # when called from external job, command is namespaced to by the name of the orb
          username: "circlecimooreds"
          applicationid: "98113cee-d1a8-4abf-baf5-a6ea742f80a1"

You can see that I pull in the orb at the development version, which I’d previously published. Then I call the namespaced command with some parameters. For this command to work, I also needed to set up required environment variables (in this case, BUILDER_PASS and FUSION_AUTH_API because I didn’t pass in any of the env_var_name parameters). If you don’t set those environment variables (or, alternatively, set the parameters to different values, and then set those environment variables), the build will fail no matter what, as the API call won’t succeed.

I then pushed this sample project up to CircleCI and ran a few builds to make sure the parameters were being picked up.

Publishing the production orb

Now that I had an orb that is parameterized and exposed the command we want to share, I needed to publish it for everyone to use. Note that your configuration code is entirely exposed if you publish an orb. You can see the source of any orb via the circleci orb source command. circleci orb source mooreds/verifyauth@0.0.2 will show you the entire source of my sample orb. They warn you a number of times about this.

To promote to production an orb that you have published to development, update the dev version: circleci orb publish .circleci/config.yml mooreds/verifyauth@dev:testing to catch any changes and then promote it: circleci orb publish promote mooreds/verifyauth@dev:testing patch.

Note that the patch argument at the end of the promote command bumps the patch number (0.0.1 -> 0.0.2) but you can also bump the minor and major numbers. Any changes you make to a production orb require you to publish and promote it again; production orb versions are immutable. For instance, I wanted to update the description of some parameters, but had to publish an entirely new version.

After publishing, you’d want to update any projects that use the orb to use the production version.

Publiished orb listing

The listing of my published orb

Areas for further work

This was a slightly contrived example. I wanted to gain some experience both with FusionAuth and with CircleCI (I have friends who work at both companies). There are a number of areas where this could be improved:

  • authenticate against a different authentication server (LDAP, Okta, AWS IAM)
  • store additional information about the user in the authentication database (for instance, which projects they can build) and convert the authentication curl command into an authorization command
  • run the identity server over SSL (I just used HTTP because it was easier to get up and running, but that’s obviously a production no-no)
  • pull the user and password from the build environment. It’s pretty clear to me how you’d pull the user (there’s a CIRCLE_USERNAME environment variable) but I’m not sure how to pass the password. I can think of a couple of solutions:
    • don’t login at all, just allow the API key to pull user data and match on the username (this is probably the best option)
    • pass the password via a pipeline parameter, which means you’d have to set up an API call to build
    • have one common password for all users in the FusionAuth system, and use it only for access control to the build pipeline
    • make the password the same as the username in the FusionAuth system, and use it only for access control to the build pipeline

In conclusion

If you want to interact with external services from within CircleCI, check out the list of existing orbs.

If you have a service that you want to make it easier for CircleCI users to interact with and use, create an orb and publish it.

If you are working with CircleCI and have duplicate configuration that you want to share between projects, setting up your own orbs is a great idea. Orbs are flexible and easy to parameterize. If you’re OK with your configuration being public (it wasn’t clear to me if there was any way to have the configuration kept private), you can encapsulate your build and deploy best practices in an easy to consume manner.

Joining Transposit

I am starting a new job today. I joined Transposit as a developer advocate.

I’m excited for two main reasons.

I think that the company is in the right place to solve a real customer pain point. In my mind, this stands at the intersection of Heroku and Zapier. I love both these companies and have used them, but sometimes you need something that is more customizable than a chain of Zaps (perhaps something that maintains state or interacts with an API action that Zapier doesn’t support) and yet you don’t want to be responsible for the full SDLC of an app running on Heroku, including all the pain of deploying and building authentication. Even with Rails, you still need to snap together a number of components to build a real application on Heroku. You might reach for AWS Lambda, especially if you are only working within the AWS universe, but what if you need access to other APIs? You can pull down an SDK, but you just put yourself back in the land of more complexity.

I’ve encountered this myself and understand how much software doesn’t get built for these reasons. (Or it gets built and does half the job it could, or it gets built and turns into a maintenance problem in a year or two.)

Transposit threads this needle by creating a low code solution. You have all the power of Javascript (with the perils as well). It handles some of the things that pretty much every application is going to have (authentication, scheduled jobs, per user settings) and hosts your application for you. The big win, however, is the API composition abstraction. Every API they integrate with (full list) is just a database table. The syntax can be a bit weird at times, but the abstraction works (I’ve created a few apps). Authentication with an API is managed by Transposit as well (though you have to set it up) and you have the option of having the authentication be per user or application wide.

I think that Transposit is going to make it much easier to build software that will help automate business and make people’s lives easier. That’s something I’ve been thinking about for a long time. It’s free to signup and kick the tires, so you can go build something, like a slackbot that fits into a tweet.

The second reason I’m excited to join Transposit is because I’ll be shifting roles. After a couple of decades as a developer, CTO, engineering manager, tech lead and technology instructor (not all at the same time!) I’ll be trying out the developer advocate role. I’ll be doing a lot more writing and interaction with Transposit’s primary users, developers, to help make the platform into the best solution it can be.

PS, we’re hiring.

Amazon Alexa

I had a lot of fun working on a one day ‘hackfest’ project with Amazon Alexa. I learned a lot about voice UX and Alexa implementation details.It’s an interesting platform, especially if you have broad brand recognition and can deliver high level valuable information via short chunks of text.

From my blog post on the Culture Foundry site:

The multi step interaction is a bit clunky, but I think it’s a great way to avoid collisions between different skills. Basically, the user calls out an ‘invocation’ like ‘open color picker’. Interactions with Alexa after that are send directly to that particular skill until an end point is reached in the interaction tree. Each of these interactions is triggered by a different voice command, and is handled by something called an ‘intent’. Intents can have multiple triggering commands (‘what is my favorite color’ vs ‘what is my color’, for example). There’s also a lightweight, session level storage while the entire invocation is occurring, which means you can easily pass data between intents without reaching out to a more persistent data storage.

You can read the whole post over there.

Useful gem: stripe_event

If you are going to use stripe for payments, you need to set up your webhooks. If you are using rails, the easiest solution I’ve found is stripe_event. This gem mounts a configurable endpoint and takes care of all the authentication you need to receive the webhooks.You then set up configuration in an initializer to receive the various webhooks you want to receive. The type of hooks you want depends on your application, but all the available events are listed here and the stripe support folks are happy to point you toward interesting ones if you approach them with a problem.

You can (and should) test the stripe events by using fixtures and request tests. I found the most difficult part of that testing process to be getting sample data for the json payload. The documentation has some, but you may need to run a sample event through your test dashboard and capture the json via a generic webhook capture. I ended up using this type of puts debugging to help get the json for events:

events.all do |event|
  ## debugging
  puts "xxxdebugging all events"
  puts event.to_s

In my experience, we never received enough load to really stress out this gem (I’ve seen maybe 30 requests a minute), but if you plan to have a high webhook load, you may want to do some load testing.

Definitely a gem worth having if you are using stripe.

Using WordPress as a CRUD Database, API Included

Ethernet cordBased on this HN discussion, which I discussed a while back, I looked at how to set up WP as a CRUD database accessible via API.

It wasn’t hard. Steps:

  1. Install WordPress (I used ec2 and the Cloudformation sample template)
  2. Install the following plugins
  3. I also installed the following optional plugins
  4. I created a custom post type of ‘todo’ and added a couple of custom fields.
  5. I was able to get the todos by going to these URLs (apparently you can have the API live at wp-json, but that required some rejiggering of url permalinks).
    • http://host/wordpress/?rest_route=/wp/v2/todo/8
    • http://host/wordpress/?rest_route=/wp/v2/todos

Here’s an example of the output:

  "id": 8,
  "date": "2018-03-05T02:38:26",
  "date_gmt": "2018-03-05T02:38:26",
  "guid": {
    "rendered": "http://host/wordpress/?post_type=todo&p=8"
  "modified": "2018-03-05T02:40:01",
  "modified_gmt": "2018-03-05T02:40:01",
  "slug": "auto-draft",
  "status": "publish",
  "type": "todo",
  "link": "http://host/wordpress/todo/auto-draft/",
  "title": {
    "rendered": "Buy Milk"
  "template": "",
  "acf": {
    "": false,
    "due_date": "20180308",
    "description": "please buy milk.",
    "who_owns_it": {
      "ID": "1",
      "user_firstname": "",
      "user_lastname": "",
      "nickname": "mooreds",
      "user_nicename": "mooreds",
      "display_name": "mooreds",
      "user_email": "...",
      "user_url": "",
      "user_registered": "2018-03-05 02:21:36",
      "user_description": "",
      "user_avatar": "..."
    "done": false
  "_links": {
    "self": [
        "href": "http://host/wordpress/wp-json/wp/v2/todo/8"
    "collection": [
        "href": "http://host/wordpress/wp-json/wp/v2/todo"
    "about": [
        "href": "http://host/wordpress/wp-json/wp/v2/types/todo"
    "wp:attachment": [
        "href": "http://host/wordpress/wp-json/wp/v2/media?parent=8"
    "curies": [
        "name": "wp",
        "href": "{rel}",
        "templated": true

The custom post fields are all under the ACF key, and you can see that there was an expansion of the who_owns_it field. If you are going to do this, make sure have the the normal title tag be part of the custom post, otherwise the WP UX for editing the custom posts won’t be much use.

Not perfectly restful, but a super simple way to set up an API that non technical folks can use to create, update or delete records and that you can consume in other systems.

Swagger looks pretty good from here

SwaggerA few years ago I was working on an API that my client was going to make available to some of their clients. I used Swagger, which I’d heard about from a Gluecon presentation.

I was unimpressed. I recall having difficulty getting the online tool to work and the documentation generated was poor. This could very well have been user error or my misunderstanding of the sweet spot of the tool, but for whatever reason it wasn’t a fit for the problem.

Fast forward a few years and I was talking to a company about a position. They were planning to use Swagger to generate their API SDKs. They had an API which was crucial to their business and were currently supporting a large number of SDKs on a bespoke basis. I reviewed the documentation of Swagger and downloaded the 2.3 version. I was very quickly able to generate a number of client and server stubs using the codegen project. They have a long list of supported languages, but I quickly generated ruby, csharp and perl client bindings and a simple rails5 and spring server. I didn’t push these through to production and I’m sure that if I had I’d have learned about the rough edges (it’s always nice to check out Stack Overflow for rough edges for any technology–here’s questions for swagger). Regardless, the ability to take a simple JSON configuration file and create API front ends and backends in minutes was quite impressive.

Note that the codegen tools are all in java, so if leveraging that technology gives you the willies, you might want to look around for another solution. Note also that Swagger has now been moved to the OpenAPI project (as of version 2.0 of Swagger). If you want to know more about that, here’s the blog post announcing that move. Here’s a look at features of the next version.

If you are developing an API first company (and there are good reasons to be that), I’d recommend taking a long hard look at Swagger. The speed of adding SDK support as well as the community around this tooling look to be huge advantages.

Pact Testing

PadlockI attended the Google Developer Group meetup last week and enjoyed many of the talks. It was a lightning session, so there were ten speakers. In particular I really enjoyed “Pact Contract Testing” by Claire Chen. The idea behind Pact Testing, which has been around since 2013 and has had four major specification releases, is to formalize the contract between an API consumer and producer and allow each side of the API conversation to be developed independently. You can record the interactions between each consumer and producer and re-play them during testing to verify that no regressions have occurred. It’s really designed for a situation where you control both the consumer and the producer and want to verify that there are no breaking changes when either of them evolve.

So, this seems like mocks and stubs on steroids with the additional benefit of being cross platform (many languages are supported) and exercising the entire producer or consumer independently. You can also run an external server to maintain all the pacts independently.

If you are running a microservices architecture, I’d strongly recommend taking a look at this. Next time I’m involved in an API consumer/producer project, I’ll definitely be using this, and will report back then.

See also “convince me that Pact Testing is a good idea” and “what is Pact not good for?”.

Software infrastructure configuration options

I ran across this great article when I was reading up on Terraform.

It does a good job of running through the options (puppet, cloudformation, etc) on how to set up your infrastructure via software. Here’s a great quote on why they chose Terraform:

On the other hand, with the kind of declarative approach used in Terraform, the code always represents the latest state of your infrastructure. At a glance, you can tell what’s currently deployed and how it’s configured, without having to worry about history or timing. This also makes it easy to create reusable code, as you don’t have to manually account for the current state of the world. Instead, you just focus on describing your desired state, and Terraform figures out how to get from one state to the other automatically.

Things I wish I knew about Stripe

Striped, but not charging your credit card

So, at The Food Corridor, we’ve been using Stripe happily since we launched in June of 2016.  As a developer, I’d used Stripe before in a couple of different ways, but this has definitely been my most sustained use of the payment service.  (If you don’t know what Stripe is, it is an API that makes charging customers as easy as an API call.  More here.)

I wanted to outline some of the things I’ve learned from months of using Stripe.

  • Stripe supports pulling money directly from bank accounts, via ACH, but it really isn’t the same ACH as your bank lets you do.  This is because Stripe isn’t a bank.  The biggest thing to be aware of here is that Stripe ACH takes 7 days to arrive in your bank account.  Another issue is that you have to do verification.  They have two ways of doing verification–micro deposits and Plaid.  Plaid is instant, but only supports major banks, which was a non starter for us (updated 9/8: Plaid supports around 1000 banks now).  The code for micro deposits is straightforward, but be prepared for some customer support issues.  Stripe deposits two amounts and withdraws just one amount, which was confusing for some of our users.  It also takes a couple of days, so if your users are hot to spend money, Stripe ACH may not be a fit.  The win?  Definitely cheaper.  (And I didn’t find any other service that would support both credit card and ACH transactions that was developer friendly.)
  • Don’t forget to set up your webhooks out of the gate.  Stripe mentions this, but I glossed over it in the early days, and missed some events that were important.  (The most relevant is that ACH is asynchronous, so when an ACH transfer fails, it is reported via webhook.  If bank account verification doesn’t work, you’ll get a different kind of webhook.  Review the docs and set up webhooks for all the ACH events.)  If you don’t have time for a full featured webhook processing implementation, Zapier can just send the webhook data to your email. This can be a great stopgap solution.  Or you can use stripe_event.
  • Per support, if a webhook post fails (because your app is down, for example), they are retried once an hour for 72 hours.
  • Speaking of stopgap solutions, the Stripe Dashboard is fantastic for manual processes.  Just because you can automate everything via an API, doesn’t mean you should.  There can be some complicated edge cases with payment processing, especially around refunds, but they can easily be handled with a google doc of instructions and the Stripe Dashboard.  I have found only one use case that the API can handle that the dashboard cannot (a partial refund of an ACH transaction).
  • I have found Stripe support to be excellent, quick and knowledgeable.
  • Occasionally customer charges will be declined because of bank fraud triggers.  Expect to occasionally ask your customers to call their bank.  (I think this has happend about once every third month).
  • Disputes are a total pain, because the process is opaque and slow (expect a resolution in about two months and know you are not in possession of the payment during that time).
  • Make sure to capture the payment id anytime you charge a card or run ACH.  It will make future automation a lot easier.
  • Monthly plans are complicated, so if you can lean on Stripe for management, even if you are doing manual plan management (applying coupons, adding, or removing users from plans via the dashboard), do that.
  • The first payment you charge takes 7 days to move from stripe to your​ bank account.  This is for fraud protection.  Payments thereafter typically take 2 days (but it depends on your country and industry).

And here are some special tips if you are using Stripe Connect (their marketplace product).

  • Read the docs!
  • Remember that first payment timeline?  It applies to every one of the connected accounts.  Think about charging your own credit card as soon as you connect an account to help with customer cash flow.
  • Consider whether you want to use managed vs standalone accounts.  Managed accounts are a lot more work but allow you to have a seamless UX that you control.  Standalone accounts, which we use, are far quicker to setup.  I think this depends on the number of sellers you have in your marketplace.
  • You also want to think about whether to place the charges on the platform account or on the connected accounts.  A major factor there is who bears the Stripe fees, the platform or the sellers.  We charged on the platform account because we wanted all our data in one place.  If you are selling plans, you can’t charge on the platform and use Stripe plans.
  • If you are charging on the platform account, and are using standalone accounts (where the sellers have to set up a stripe account) your sellers won’t see charge descriptions unless you manually copy the description over.  The code looks like:

# this will let the sellers know what invoice the charge was for
transfer_id = charge.transfer
transfer = Stripe::Transfer.retrieve(transfer_id, expand: ['destination_
payment_id = transfer.destination_payment
payment = Stripe::Charge.retrieve(payment_id, {stripe_account: destinati
payment.description = description

Happy charging!