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What’s New With Ruby?

Red Rubyish DiamondFor the past couple of months I’ve been doing a short segment at the beginning of the Boulder Ruby Meetup called “What’s happened in Rubyland?”

I basically look at 3-4 blogs and google searches and see what is happening. Of course, far more than what I can collate is happening (I don’t look at any major gem releases, for example) but this gives quick insight into major happenings.

Here are the past three editions. Enjoy the starkness of my presentation.

PS We’re always on the lookout for speakers. Let me or tweet the organizers if you’re interested.


Fixing the RubyGems “Too Many Requests 429” error

lots of gemsA server on which I am working runs this command: /usr/bin/gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri aws-sdk to get the aws-sdk. I was seeing this error message:

Error: Execution of '/usr/bin/gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri aws-sdk' returned 1: ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
    bad response Too Many Requests 429 (

Every time I ran it I’d see a different gem that triggered the 429 response. There wasn’t much out there when searching, other than a note that I should update to a new version of bundler (which I wasn’t using).

Finally, I figured out how to get past this. What I did was manually run /usr/bin/gem install -f --no-rdoc --no-ri aws-sdk multiple times, and each time the command would get a little further. Finally all the dependencies had been downloaded. Then I was able to run it without the -f switch after that.

The joy of removing code

I am working on a project right now where my main task is to remove code. “What? I thought developers were supposed to add code, not remove it?” Well in some cases removing code actually can help a project. Some reasons to remove code: if the code doesn’t serve any purpose, if it isn’t executed, if it is for an edge case that never happens, if it has been superseded.

Removing code is easier with automated tests, but I still find myself using a combination of automated tests, manual testing, and the find command. (This codebase is ruby, if I was using java I’d use the type system.) It’s painstaking work, but will be good in the end.

My steps for removing code:

  • Start with a plan and and end goal in mind. Otherwise it can get overwhelming if you are dealing with a system of any size.
  • Create a feature branch
  • Identify one piece of code you’re going to either remove or keep
  • Make sure you know where it is called. If it isn’t called anywhere, remove it.
  • Remove any tests and associated functionality (views, helpers, etc).
  • Examine any state managed by the code for removal (database tables, etc)
    • Oftentimes I’ll just note that this should be removed in a few months, and focus on hiding the UX. It’s a lot easier to resurrect UX if you make a mistake than it is a dropped database table.
  • Commit the changes with a good commit message.
  • Fan out from there and see if you need to add anything to your list.

Take your time, don’t rush it.

Code that never runs can’t have any bugs, and is super fast. Think about removing some code today.

Speed up development by catching your mail locally

Have you ever been developing some kind of application that sends email? You need to test how the email looks, so you have to have access to an external SMTP server and you have to configure your application to use that. You can definitely set up sendgrid or another MTA to send email from your local computer and then use a real email address as your target. However, then to develop this portion of the application you need to be online.

Another option that I’ve found is the Mailcatcher gem. This is a small ruby program that you can easily configure as your SMTP endpoint. Then when your development environment sends mail, mailcatcher catches it. Then you can visit a URL on your local computer and view received emails. As soon as mailcatcher shuts down, the emails are lost, however.

Even though this is a ruby gem, you can use the app with different languages–as long as it you can configure the application to point to an SMTP server, you’re good (in the readme, there are examples for Django and PHP).

One note about it being a gem. Don’t put it in your Gemfile if you are building a rails app, because of possible conflicts. This means that if you manage your ruby environments via rvm you’ll need to re-install mailcatcher every time you change your ruby version.

Bonus: mailcatcher even has an API so you can use it in your integration test environment to verify that certain actions in your application caused certain emails to be sent.

Getting access to the very nice date functionality in non Rails Ruby

I am doing some small ruby scripts for a dashboard and need to do some date calculations, like the timestamp of the first of the previous month and the timestamp of the end of the previous month. Rails makes this so easy with ( - 1.month).beginning_of_month. I looked around for a way to do it with straight up Ruby, but didn’t see a good solution.

Luckily, some of the nice parts of Rails have been broken out into the active support gem. You need to add it to your Gemfile or however else you are managing your gems, of course. Confusingly, the gem is activesupport and the require statement is require active_support/... (see the underscore?).

There’s an entire guide on how to pull in just the active support functionality you need. Unfortunately, I couldn’t make the targeted includes work (I was trying to pull in both numeric and date extensions precisely, but kept getting the error message undefined method `month' for 1:Integer (NoMethodError).

Finally, I just pulled in active_support/time and everything worked.

Masterless puppet and CloudFormation

puppet photo
Photo by nevil zaveri (thank you for 10million+ views 🙂

I’ve had some experience with CloudFormation in the past, and recently gained some puppet expertise.  I thought it’d be great to combine the two, working on a new project to set up the ELK stack for a client.

Basically, we are creating an ec2 instance (or a number of them) from a vanilla image using a CloudFormation template, doing a small amount of initialization via the UserData section and then using puppet to configure them further.  However, puppet is used in a masterless context, where the intelligence (of knowing which machine should be configured which way) isn’t in the manifest file, but rather in the code that checks out the modules and manifests. Here’s a great example of a project set up to use masterless puppet.

Before I dive into more details, other solutions I looked at included:

  • doing all the machine setup in UserData
    • This is a bad idea because it forces you to set up and tear down machines each time you want to make a configuration change.  Leads to a longer development cycle, especially at first.  Plus bash is great for small configurations, but when you have dependencies and other complexities, the scripts can get hairy.
  • pulling a bash script from s3/github in UserData
    • puppet is made for configuration management and handles more complexity than a bash script.  I’ll admit, I used puppet with an eye to the future when we had more machines and more types of machines.  I suppose you could do the same with bash, but puppet handles more of typical CM tasks, including setting up cron jobs, making sure services run, and deriving dependencies between services, files and artifacts.
  • using a different CM tool, like ansible or chef
    • I was familiar with puppet.  I imagine the same solution would work with other CM tools.
  • using a puppet master
    • This presentation convinced me to avoid setting up a puppet master.  Cattle not pets.
  • using cloud-init instead of UserData for initial setup
    • I tried.  I couldn’t figure out cloud-init, even with this great post.  It’s been a few months, so I’m afraid I don’t even remember what the issue was, but I remember this solution not working for me.
  • create an instance/AMI with all software installed
    • puppet allows for more flexibility, is quicker to setup, and allows you to manage your configuration in a VCS rather than a pile of different AMIs.
  • use a container instead of AMIs
    • isn’t docker the answer to everything? I didn’t choose this because I was entirely new to containerization and didn’t want to take the risk.

Since I’ve already outlined how the solution works, let’s dive into details.

Here’s the UserData section of the CloudFormation template:

          "Fn::Base64": {
            "Fn::Join": [
                "#!/bin/bash \n",
                "exec > /tmp/part-001.log 2>&1 \n",
                "date >> /etc/ \n",
                "yum install puppet -y \n",
                "yum install git -y \n",
                "aws --region us-west-2 s3 cp s3://s3bucket/auth-files/id_rsa/root/.ssh/id_rsa && chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa \n",
                "# connect once to github, so we know the host \n",
                "ssh -T -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no \n",
                "git clone \n",
                "puppet apply --modulepath repo/infra/puppet/modules pure-spider/infra/puppet/manifests/",
                { "Ref" : "Environment" },
                "/logstash.pp \n",
                "date >> /etc/\n"

So, we are using a bash script, but only for a little bit.  The second line (starting with exec) stores output into a logfile for debugging purposes.  We then store off the date and install puppet and git.  The aws command pulls down a private key stored in s3.  This instance has access to s3 because of an IAM setup elsewhere in the CloudFormation template–the access we have is read-only and the private key has already been added to our github repository.  Then we connect to github via ssh to ‘get to know the host’.  Then we clone the repository containing the infrastructure code.  Finally, we apply the manifest, which is partially determined by a parameter to the CloudFormation template.

This bash script will run on creation of the EC2 instance.  Once this script is solid, if you are testing adding additional puppet modules, you only have to do a git pull and puppet apply to add more functionality to the modules.  (Of course, at the end you should stand up and tear down via CloudFormation just to test end to end.)  You can also see how it’d be easy to have the logstash.conf file be a parameter to the CloudFormation template, which would let you store your configuration for web servers, database servers, etc, in puppet as well.

I’m happy with how flexible this solution is.  CloudFormation manages the machine creation as well as any other resources, puppet manages the software installed in those machines, and git allows you to maintain all that configuration in one place.

400 error on heroku git:clone

heroku photo
Photo by jacobian

I’m working on an estimate for changes to a heroku hosted web application.

I was trying to run heroku git:clone --app appname after adding myself as a collaborator. I was running this on a new vagrant box running ubuntu.

However, I kept getting this error message:

vagrant@precise64:~$ heroku git:clone --app appname
Cloning from app 'appname'...
Cloning into 'appname'...
error: The requested URL returned error: 400 while accessing
fatal: HTTP request failed

And I couldn’t understand why.

After some fiddling, I determined that first you need to have an ssh key generated:

vagrant@precise64:~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

And then you can run:

vagrant@precise64:~$ heroku git:clone --app appname --ssh-git
Cloning from app 'appname'...
Cloning into 'appname'...
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address 'ipaddress' to the list of known hosts.
Fetching repository, done.
remote: Counting objects: 902, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (473/473), done.
remote: Total 902 (delta 433), reused 826 (delta 379)
Receiving objects: 100% (902/902), 28.06 MiB | 556 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (433/433), done.

Hope this helps someone, somewhere.

Open Source, Consulting and Building SaaS Products

construction photo
Photo by JD Hancock

I was browsing Hacker News the other day, and ran across this article, lamenting how difficult it was to support a company with an open source project and that insomuch as one could, consulting generated far more revenue than selling SaaS services like hosting.  For the record, I’ve never touched LocomotiveCMS.  From a brief glance, it looks nice.

While I feel for them, I think that they have alternatives:

  • Sell premium support.  Right now, it appears the only way to get premium support is to host with them, and it seems that many clients are more interested in self hosted solutions.  Makes sense–if you are a rails developer (the target market for this CMS) you already have a hosting solution.  But if premium support was offered separately, they could hire someone (possibly part time) less skilled than Didier, the primary developer, and have them take care of tier 1 support.  And still offer a warm fuzzy feeling for harder problems, which would escalate to Didier.  Companies like to pay for that kind of service, even if they don’t always use it.  This strategy would also decrease the amount of revenue needed to hire someone to help Didier (customer server folks are less expensive than developers).
  • Sell an ebook (or a couple).  These are far easier to create and sell than a SaaS product.  (I use leanpub!)  It could be an ‘authoritative guide to LocomotiveCMS’ or just focus on one part.  Since Didier knows which questions he often answers for people who have paid him money, he’s probably got a very good idea of where the pain points are.
  • Someone suggested this in the comments, but a marketplace for plugins to LocomotiveCMS seems like a natural way to go.  Again, i don’t know that community, and marketplaces for CMSes can be hard to kick start, but this is worth evaluating.
  • I’m sure there are others.  Here’s an exhaustive list of business models, courtesy of the AVC community, so if I were them, I’d review and see what was a fit.

In my comment on the HN post, I talk about how products often face a “round peg in an elliptical hole” problem. I meant that products often solve 80% of the problem for 80% of the users.  They also require users to change their processes (more crystallization).  Typically there’s just enough offset that people feel cognitive drag.  (Of course, the same thing usually happens with custom solutions, you just don’t know that until you are done.  Doh!)

Especially in crowded markets, like CMSes, it is far far easier to sell enough hours to make a living customizing a solution than it is to sell enough products to make a living.  Brennan Dunn covers this ground well.  Every consulting company I’ve ever seen or been a part of, and every consultant I’ve ever known (except the ones who were contracting for one client and really were employees with more flexibility), dreams of transitioning from non scalable consulting by the hour to scalable product sales.  One friend even had a name for it–the “von MacIntyre machine”, which would make money while he slept.

But it’s hard.

Python Minesweeper Programming Problem

At an interview, I was asked to build a python program, using TDD, which would output the results of a minesweeper game.  Not a fully functional game, just a small program that would take an array of bomb locations and print out a map of the board with all values exposed.

So, if you have a 3×3 board, and there is a bomb in each corner, it would print out something like this:

x 2 x
2 4 2
x 2 x

Or if you have a 3×3 board and there is only a bomb in the upper left corner, it would print out something like this:

x 1 0
1 1 0
0 0 0

I did not complete the task in the allotted time, but it was a fun programming exercise and I hope illuminating to the interviewers. I actually took it home and finished it up. Here’s the full text of the program:

class Board:
        def __init__(self, size = 1, bomblocations = []):
		self._size = size
		self._bomblocations = bomblocations
	def size(self):
		return self._size
	def _bombLocation(self,location):
                for onebomblocation in self._bomblocations:
                	if onebomblocation == location:
				return 'x'

	def _isOnBoard(self,location):
		if location[0] =self._size:
		    	return False
		if location[1] >=self._size:
		    	return False
		return True

	def whatsAt(self,location):
		if self._bombLocation(location) == 'x':
			return 'x'
		if not self._isOnBoard(location):
			return None
		return self._numberOfBombsAdjacent(location)

	def _numberOfBombsAdjacent(self,location):
		bombcount = 0
		# change x, then y
		currx = location[0] 
		curry = location[1] 
		for xincrement in [-1,0,1]:
			xtotest = currx + xincrement
			for yincrement in [-1,0,1]:
				ytotest = curry + yincrement
				#print 'testing: '+ str(xtotest) + ', '+str(ytotest)+ ', '+str(bombcount)
				if not self._isOnBoard([xtotest,ytotest]):
				if self._bombLocation([xtotest,ytotest]) == 'x':
					bombcount += 1
		return bombcount

	def printBoard(self):
		x = 0
		while x < self._size:
			y = 0
			while y < self._size:
				print self.whatsAt([x,y]),
				y += 1
			x += 1
def main():
	board = Board(15,[[0,1],[1,2],[2,4],[2,5],[3,5],[5,5]])

if __name__ == "__main__": 

And the tests:

import unittest
import app

class TestApp(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):

    def test_board_creation(self):

        newboard = app.Board()

    def test_default_board_size(self):
     	newboard = app.Board()
        self.assertEqual(1, newboard.size())	

    def test_constructor_board_size(self):
     	newboard = app.Board(3)
        self.assertEqual(3, newboard.size())	

    def test_board_with_bomb(self):
     	newboard = app.Board(3,[[0,0]])
        self.assertEqual('x', newboard.whatsAt([0,0]))	

    def test_board_with_n_bombs(self):
     	newboard = app.Board(4,[[0,0],[3,3]])
        self.assertEqual('x', newboard.whatsAt([0,0]))	
        self.assertEqual('x', newboard.whatsAt([3,3]))	

    def test_board_with_bomb_check_other_spaces_separated_bombs(self):
     	newboard = app.Board(4,[[0,0],[3,3]])
        self.assertEqual(1, newboard.whatsAt([0,1]))	
        self.assertEqual(1, newboard.whatsAt([1,0]))	
        self.assertEqual(1, newboard.whatsAt([1,1]))	
        self.assertEqual(0, newboard.whatsAt([1,2]))	
        self.assertEqual(0, newboard.whatsAt([2,1]))	
        self.assertEqual(1, newboard.whatsAt([3,2]))	
        self.assertEqual(1, newboard.whatsAt([2,3]))	
        self.assertEqual(1, newboard.whatsAt([2,2]))	

    def test_check_other_spaces_contiguous_bombs(self):
     	newboard = app.Board(4,[[0,1],[0,0]])
        self.assertEqual(1, newboard.whatsAt([0,2]))	
        self.assertEqual(2, newboard.whatsAt([1,0]))	
        self.assertEqual(0, newboard.whatsAt([2,1]))	

    def test_off_the_board(self):
     	newboard = app.Board(3,[[0,0],[1,2]])
        self.assertEqual(None, newboard.whatsAt([3,3]))	

This was written in python 2.7, and reminded me of the pleasure of small, from the ground up software (as opposed to gluing together libraries to achieve business objectives, which is what I do a lot of nowadays).

Building a System with IronMQ and Python

messages photo
Photo by andrewrennie

One of my most recent projects was writing a system to deliver real estate listing data to a content management system. The CMS was not in my control. Since the listing data source was bursty and I wasn’t sure how the CMS would handle the load, I decided to use a message queue, where the messages would have a JSON payload. Message queues are great at decoupling components of a system.

For the queue, I used IronMQ. The company already was using it, it has a free tier (up to 24 messages a second), the service has been stable and reliable, it has great language SDKs, and setting up a durable message queue is something I’d rather outsource. (I do wish Zapier supported it.) In other situations (when posting messages from mobile apps), we ran Varnish in front of IronMQ so that it could be replaced easily. In this case, we didn’t because there were fewer moving pieces (it was server to server communication and it would be easier to swap out IronMQ should that be required).

I wrote the bridge code from the listing database to the message queue in python. The shop was mostly Java and some python, and python seemed a better fit for a small ‘pull from here, push to there’ application. I used pytest for unit testing, jenkins to run the unit tests in a CI environment, and autopep8 for formatting. My colleague was a more experienced python programmer, so I was able to lean on him for questions. I didn’t find python hard to pick back up (I’d scripted in python a little years ago), and it was a fun language to code in. Reminded me of perl w/r/t packages and quick developer feedback. I did miss Java’s dependency management, though (my college recommended virtualenv as a possible solution).

The JSON payload would allow developers writing the message consumer to use almost any language they wanted–any language if they used the IronMQ REST API rather than an SDK.

I can’t share the code, but for this kind of problem, python was a great solution. And I’ll reach for IronMQ any time I need a message queue. This pair of technologies was quick to implement, easy to deploy, and high performance wasn’t really a requirement, since the frequency of the listing delivery was the real bottleneck.