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Monthly Archives: June 2007

Film On The Rocks 2007 ICal file available

I’ve thought for a long time that venues should publish event information in a more computer friendly format. I’m not alone. At barcamp a few months ago, Tom Tromey mentioned the same idea. I believe he’s approached KGNU, but I don’t see any evidence that the concert calendar is available via ICal or RSS.

Making your event information computer parseable allows people to access your event information data and use it in different forms. The win is big for event venues because, unlike some other data providers (like magazines), the business model is robust and built in–people buying tickets to a show. Event venues should want their calendar data spread far and wide!

Since I’ve started using Thurnderbird and in particular the Lightning plugin, I’ve been loving the calendar. I used to have a paper calendar that would be occasionally updated. But since I’m in front of my email all the time, I can use Lightning for todos, reminders and sundry other items that would have ended up on a note card or back of an envelope before.

That’s why I’m making the Film On The Rocks ICal file available–purely for selfish reasons. If you’ve never been to Film On The Rocks, it’s a good time.

If you are a event venue and would like advice on making your events even more noticable, feel free to contact me. If you’ve got your events in a database of almost any kind, it shouldn’t be hard to do.
[tags]film on the rocks,red rocks, events, ical[/tags]

Weird Network Failure When Windows XP Stands By

Sometimes when I hibernate or standby my windows XP box, starting it back up causes network failure. Websites couldn’t be found, ping failed, and ssh couldn’t go anywhere.

I was perplexed for a while, as restarting the wireless connection didn’t fix the problem. You actually had to restart the entire computer.

A few weeks ago I dug into the problem and realized the issue was the dns service.

To fix, just restart the dns service from a cmd window (as an administrator) like so:

net stop dnscache

net start dnscache

You should be good to go.


Announcement: FRUGOS GeoSummit 2007

One of my clients is helping out with this unconference. If you’re into GIS, it seems like it’d be worth going. I certainly had fun at the last unconference I went to.  I am planning to attend; hope I see you there.

FRUGOS (Front Range Users of Geospatial Open Source) is holding its
first GeoSummit on Saturday, June 16th at Churchill Navigation–100
Arapahoe–in Boulder.

This will be a unique gathering of a variety of folks interested in
Place–geo-types, hackers, academics, artists, amateur enthusiasts,
etc. While there certainly will be representation from the GIS and open
source worlds, we encourage all who are fascinated about the
intersections of technology and engagement with the world around us to

Also, we’ll be structuring the day around the “un-conference” model (see, so, for starters, you
can expect:
No Pitches
No PowerPoint
No Passivity (unless you’re a little sleepy after lunch)

Bring your laptop (we’ll have wireless), and a project or enthusiasm
you’d like to talk about with the group, get feedback, and collaborate
on fresh solutions: the agenda of the day will be structured during
the morning registration/sign-up/socializing period.

If interested–
1) RSVP by joining the Google Groups set up for this event–

2) Bring a laptop (and cellphone/GPS if your enthusiasms tilt that
way), your idea/project, and willingness to collaborate

3) Spread the word

Tentative Schedule

9:30-10:30AM Registration, refreshment, socializing
10:30-12ish Sessions
12ish-2 Lunch (there’s a grill, beverages, and hiking trails)
2-? Sessions

This promises to be a great combination of creativity, intellectual
engagement, eating and drinking, and socializing.

