Just starting to test some GWT applications against IE8. (Using IE Collection, which is very useful. It includes standalone versions of IE from IE1 to IE8. Very useful, even if the version of IE8 doesn’t include the developer tools.)
The only issue I’ve seen so far is that popups don’t work correctly. Some appear, but not where they are supposed to. Others, particularly with the lightbox we’re using (from the GWT-Widget project), just don’t appear at all.
For the latter, you get the very helpful message:
Line: 2618 Char : 324 Error: Not implemented Code: 0 File: url to your GWT cache.js file.
(This is with GWT 1.5.3.) After compiling the GWT with “-style DETAILED”, I looked at the precise line causing the error message.
It was in this method:
You can see where I commented out the style.setExpression calls, which seemed to fix the issue (the $intern strings are css property names like 'left'). Obviously not very sustainable. The other fix available right now is to add this meta tag to the HEAD section of your HTML documents:function com_google_gwt_user_client_ui_impl_PopupImplIE6_$onShow__Lcom_google_gwt_user_client_ui_impl_PopupImplIE6_2Lcom_google_gwt_user_client_Element_2(popup){ var frame = $doc.createElement($intern_1350); frame.src = $intern_1351; frame.scrolling = $intern_1352; frame.frameBorder = 0; popup.__frame = frame; frame.__popup = popup; var style = frame.style; style.position = $intern_1314; style.filter = $intern_1353; style.visibility = popup.style.visibility; style.border = 0; style.padding = 0; style.margin = 0; style.left = popup.offsetLeft; style.top = popup.offsetTop; style.width = popup.offsetWidth; style.height = popup.offsetHeight; style.zIndex = popup.style.zIndex; /* style.setExpression($intern_110, $intern_1354); style.setExpression($intern_111, $intern_1355); style.setExpression($intern_91, $intern_1356); style.setExpression($intern_93, $intern_1357); style.setExpression($intern_1358, $intern_1359); */ popup.parentElement.insertBefore(frame, popup); }
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />
For more information on this, follow the GWT issue tracker bug 3329.