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Monthly Archives: February 2014

Build your capital

I was working on a post about how important it is to have a side project, but then read this post by patio11: “Don’t End the Week with Nothing”, which could be more accurately titled “Don’t End the Week with Nothing except your Paycheck”. Not that there is anything wrong with just having a paycheck, but Patrick’s point is that when you work on something you own, rather than something you are paid for, you can (in the right circumstances, with hard work and luck) get accumulating returns.

He did such a good job explaining how to move your career forward as a software developer (a superset of the topic I was covering with my “have a side project” post), that I wanted to call your attention to it. The whole article is worth reading, but here’s my favorite part:

Telling people you can do great work is easy: any idiot can do it, and many idiots do. Having people tell people you do great work is an improvement. It suffers because measuring individual productivity on a team effort is famously difficult, and people often have no particular reason to trust the representations of the people doing the endorsements.

This is one of the reasons I blog, it’s why I have spoken at several user’s groups, it is why I wrote a book, and it is why I have a side project.

Accessing more build information from your Cordova CLI hooks

Hooks now give you, as of cordova CLI 3.3.1-0.4.2, much more information about the environment you were executing in.

Before, if I had platform specific code, I needed to check at runtime:

App.config.flurryid = "";
    if (window.device && window.device.platform) {
        if (window.device.platform == "Android") {
            App.config.flurryid = /*REP*/ 'notreallyanandroidflurryid' /*REP*/ ;
        if (window.device.platform == "iOS") {
            App.config.flurryid = /*REP*/ 'notreallyaniosflurryidxxx' /*REP*/ ;

Now, you can inject platform specific code at build time, via hooks. The runtime code is simplified to

App.config.flurryid = /*REP*/ 'myflurryid' /*REP*/;

and you just replace 'myflurryid' with the appropriate value from your configuration file (more on platform specific configuration files).

From the readme in the hooks directory:

All scripts are run from the project’s root directory and have the root directory passes as the first argument. All other options are passed to the script using environment variables:

* CORDOVA_VERSION – The version of the Cordova-CLI.
* CORDOVA_PLATFORMS – Comma separated list of platforms that the command applies to (e.g.: android, ios).
* CORDOVA_PLUGINS – Comma separated list of plugin IDs that the command applies to (e.g.: org.apache.cordova.file, org.apache.cordova.file-transfer)
* CORDOVA_HOOK – Path to the hook that is being executed.
* CORDOVA_CMDLINE – The exact command-line arguments passed to cordova (e.g.: cordova run ios –emulate)

Here’s a sample plugin which you can put in your hooks/before_prepare directory. If you do this and then run cordova -d prepare you can see the values for all the variables.

#!/usr/bin/env node

console.log("process.env.CORDOVA_VERSION: "+process.env.CORDOVA_VERSION);
console.log("process.env.CORDOVA_PLATFORMS: "+process.env.CORDOVA_PLATFORMS);
console.log("process.env.CORDOVA_PLUGINS: "+process.env.CORDOVA_PLUGINS);
console.log("process.env.CORDOVA_HOOK: "+process.env.CORDOVA_HOOK);
console.log("process.env.CORDOVA_CMDLINE: "+process.env.CORDOVA_CMDLINE);

Here’s the output for a test project.

Executing hook 


process.env.CORDOVA_VERSION: 3.3.1-0.4.2
process.env.CORDOVA_PLATFORMS: android
process.env.CORDOVA_HOOK: /home/mooreds/git/testproject3/hooks/before_prepare/test.js
process.env.CORDOVA_CMDLINE: node /usr/local/bin/cordova -d prepare

Note that if you are using this for platform specific code, you will want to run the commands separately: cordova build android and cordova build ios. If you just run cordova build and you have both ios and android platforms installed, the process.env.CORDOVA_PLATFORMS variable will be android,ios, and your code won’t be able to differentiate between them.

If you want to know about more Cordova CLI changes, check out “3 Cordova CLI Changes You Should Know About” which covers version 3.3.1-0.3.1.

How to use platform specific configuration in your Cordova app

This post comes out of a question I answered over at the guest post I did on Devgirl’s blog, ‘Three Hooks Your Cordova Project Needs’.

A commenter asked:

How do you retain the project level settings for cordova Android projects? Platforms folder removes project level setting when you run ‘cordova platform rm android’

I answered over there, but thought I’d expand a bit and write a post here.

When you are doing Cordova development, there are two main tooling paradigms. You can use native tooling (Eclipse, XCode) to manage your source, edit your javascript and CSS, etc–this is called ‘Native Platform Dev’. Or you can use tooling more typically used in web development (a text editor like Sublime or vi) plus Cordova CLI–this is called ‘Web Project Dev’. Here’s a bit more on the names of these paradigms.

In the first case, you are probably not removing the files under platform all that often–you are more likely to work out of that directory. In the second case, everything under platform is derived from your www directory, plus your plugins, so you can remove the platform directory easily.

I can’t really speak to Native Platform Dev, because it isn’t a Cordova workflow I’ve used. My book is entirely about Web Project Dev and how to do it most efficiently. If that is your paradigm, I imagine you won’t have much trouble with platform specific settings, because the native tooling is pretty good about capturing that in version control, so you can rely on it.

If, on the other hand, you are using Web Project Dev, then if you want to modify platform specific settings, you have three options:
You need to either:

  1. Only modify your project in ways that can be expressed in config.xml. Review the config.xml reference and the platform guides to figure out if your needed customization can be captured in this way.
  2. Write an after_platform_add hook which copies your changes over from elsewhere in your source tree (if you have a modified .java file for example).
  3. Write a plugin which modifies an XML files (AndroidManifest.xml) to insert your needed project level config, (an IntentFilter, for example), and add that plugin to your project in an an after_platform_add. Note you can only add XML nodes to config files with plugins, you can’t modify attributes or remove nodes.

Which of these is correct for you depends on exactly which platform specific feature you are trying to modify.