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Side Project

Ending a side project

I think side projects are great. They let you experiment, scratch and itch, and learn in a safe and low pressure environment. They can raise your professional profile too and are great fodder for a blog. Of course, they also take precious precious free time.

These all mean that it is entirely okay to shut down a side project when it is no longer serving you.

The side project could be:

  • less fun than it used to be
  • taking more time than you want
  • an area you used to be interested in but are no longer
  • related to a job you have left

In all of these cases, you have NO obligation to keep doing something simply because you used to.

So, shut it down.

How you do so depends on what the side project is. A blog should be treated differently than a webapp which should be treated differently than a library.

There are some things you can do for any side project:

  • Set an date to end your efforts–this is something for you internally.
  • Run through the finish line–keep up the good work.
  • Announce the end and what it means for the project.
  • Thank everyone who helped you.
  • Optionally make it available for a while longer.

What a “while” is depends on the effort and money required to make the project available, as well as how useful it is in the end state. A library can live on GitHub forever, especially if you archive it so it is clear that it won’t be getting updates from you. It’ll still be available to fork and may be useful to others. A directory of local restaurants offering patios, on the other hand, will decay in usefulness pretty quickly as businesses start and close.

Ending a project is just as natural as starting it. Make sure you do it right.

Ending projects

It is okay to let things end. You don’t need my permission, but I give it to you anyway.

I have let projects go in the recent and far past. It’s hard.

Tips for making it just a bit easier:

  • Sit on it for a while. Don’t make hasty decisions.
  • Give it a good shot. You, of course, get to define what that is, but you don’t want to bounce from project to project. 6 months of effort is my rule of thumb.
  • Listen to your gut. It knows what you really want.
  • Make a list of the good and the bad about this project.
  • If you can, offer to hand it off. How this works depends on the project type (an OSS project is different
  • Allow for a transition period where the project isn’t supported but isn’t quite gone.
  • Realize that changes happen and who you were when you started the project is different than who you are now. That’s okay.
  • Giving up something allows you to pursue new goals. This is a good thing.
  • Say goodbye, either privately or publicly, whatever feels right.

It’s never easy to say goodbye, especially if you have poured your efforts into something for years. I recently let a project I started in 2008 fade away. It wasn’t serving me any more and I had no enthusiasm for it. My life had moved on, and it took me a few years to acknowledge the truth–I didn’t want to maintain the project and couldn’t find anyone who did. While it was very useful for some folks for some time, it was no longer useful or fun for me.

It’s never easy to say goodbye, but it can be the right thing to do.

The lifechanging magic of a separate work computer

Man performing magic trickFor a span from 2002 to 2019, I almost never had a work computer. There was one or two times where a contract provided a computer. But primarily my work computer where I did, you know, my work, and my home computer, where I worked on side projects and did my writing and personal internet access, were one and the same.

At Transposit, where I recently started, I have a separate work computer and a personal computer.

This is huge.

Here’s what it means. (I work from home, so boundaries are a bit more fluid.)

  • I’m no longer tempted to work (not even look at Slack) when I pick up my computer to say, write a blog post.
  • I can set down my work computer at end of the day and feel “done”.
  • When I pick up my personal computer to work on a personal project, I’m more focused.

Working is such a endorphin rush sometimes. Having a separate work computer and not installing any work software (not email, not Slack, not nothing) on my personal computer helps me maintain work life balance. This means when I’m working I am working and when I’m not, I am not.


Things I wish I knew as a new developer

I’m participating as a speaker or panelist in my third annual Boulder Startup Week. This year I get to talk about my current passion project, Letters to a New Developer. I’m presenting on “10 things I wish I knew as a new developer” including tips like “learn version control” and “remember, it’s about outcomes, not output” It’s a free presentation on Monday May 13. I hope you can join me.

If that time or subject doesn’t work or interest you, check out all of the other awesome presentations happening in Boulder during the 2019 Boulder Startup Week and see if any of them tickle your fancy.

Announcing: Letters to a New Developer

Blank paper, pencil, lightbulb, eraserI’ve been working on a new project that I’m excited to share here. It’s called Letters to a New Developer. It’s a blog with over forty posts full of advice for people who are just starting out in the field of development.

So much of development is not about code. It’s about teams and processes and organizations and questions. I feel like the traditional education system (whether four year college or bootcamp) does a good job of teaching folks coding fundamentals (what you need to be a programmer) but there is so much more to being a successful developer than coding. In my experience, delivering code is a necessary but not sufficient activity for success in a software company.

That’s why I’ve spent the last five months writing up some of my experiences and learnings.

The posts are mostly mine, but some are from guest posters who bring a different perspective. I also excerpt posts I find on the Internet that I find helpful, so that I can stand on the shoulders of some of the giants who have come before.

Here are some of my favorite Letters To a New Developer posts: Always Be Journaling from Brooke Kuhlmann, Get Used to Failure, and Learning to Read Code is More Important Than Learning to Write It.

I hope you find this project as fun to read as I’ve found it to write.

Moving a database driven side project to Netlify

FishermanI recently moved a side project to Netlify. Netlify, if you aren’t familiar with it, is a static file hosting service with a great workflow, free SSL certificates, and a built in CDN. I made the move because the side project was a database driven site, but didn’t really use other server side interactivity (no user generated content, etc). I haven’t invested much in the side project over the past couple of years, but it still gets tens of hits a day and is useful to a users. It’s a top hit on google for certain keywords. I didn’t want to spend time updating the underlying application, but wanted it to be more secure. The site is only updated over a month or so every year. It is then read only for the next eleven months of the year, as it provides information on a very seasonal service.

Moving to Netlify (or, frankly, any other static site provider) provides the following benefits:

  • extremely low cost (Netlify is free for the level of traffic I have).
  • faster browsing experience for the end user (due to being behind a CDN).
  • free SSL certificates, with no hassle of setting up letsencrypt myself.
  • indirection–the source site can now be anywhere. I could put it on an ec2 instance that I only boot up when I need to push a new build, or could even host it locally. This means that I don’t need to worry about the updating the source application.

I could have chosen to do this with S3/Cloudfront/AWS Certificate manager/Lambda (or using technologies from some other cloud provider). But even though I’m familiar with all the steps to do this, it was lot of work. And Netlify was free and had done all the grunt work of bringing all these technologies (or similar ones, I’m not familiar with the tech behind the site, but they do write about it a bit).

What steps did I take to move a database driven directory site to Netlify? Enough that I wanted to document this for my future self.

  • Change the DNS for the site to have a lower TTL. During the transition from your site to Netlify, users may see versions served from either the old site or the new site, and you want to minimize that.
  • Remove all forms and other server side interactivity that your site has. You can replace them with javascript driven interactivity (like Disqus for comments). Netlify has some support for functions, but I didn’t explore that.
  • Set up Netlify using a default URL (they provide it, it is something like ‘’). I deploy from Bitbucket. (I know some people hate on Bitbucket, and I don’t like all of their UI, but they are free for private repos, which is a win for me.) This let me understand how to deploy a simple one page site.
  • Download the site. I used wget: wget -mk . The switches set up mirroring and convert all links to be relative.
  • Move the site to a subdirectory (I used web) and configure Netlify to deploy the HTML from that subdirectory. This lets you have other scripts outside of the webroot that can help you build the site.
  • Check in the site with the downloaded content and push it up to Bitbucket.
  • Watch the site be deployed to the Netlify default URL.
  • Access the site via SSL: ‘’ and look in the console for “mixed active content” errors. Fix those as applicable. (If this was for a client, rather than a side project, I’d solve all of these.) Note that if the source site is http only, you may need to hardcode https URLs.
  • See that “pretty” html pages like ‘’ are rendered as text.
  • Ask on Stackoverflow about the problem.
  • End up solving it by generating a _headers file after downloading the site. Update Stackoverflow question with the answer.
  • Test again that the site at the default URL looks good.
  • Update the webserver config and DNS for the database driven site. I wanted it to answer to both the old addresses: and a new address:
  • Update DNS to point and to the Netlify site. Instructions here.
  • Wait for DNS to propagate. When it does, check to make sure that SSL works.
  • Add a password for
  • Test the download process with the password (the wget command changes to wget --user=USER --password=PASS -mk
  • Write a script to do the download process.
wget -mk  --user=USER --password=PASS
mv mysitecom
cd mysitecom
find `pwd` -type f |grep  -v \\. |sed "s#`pwd`/##" > list 
for i in `cat list`; do echo "/$i" >> _headers; echo "  Content-Type: text/html" >> _headers; done
rm list
cd ..
rm -rf web
mv mysitecom web
git add web
git commit -m "pull in latest from"
# could do a git push here as well if you wanted

Now, any time that I make changes to the site, I need to run this script and push to Netlify. I could put it in cron or a scheduled lambda if I thought I was going to make changes often. For now, I’m content to run it manually. One downside is that I self-host my analytics code and that site is not SSL enabled. So I’ll need to make a change if I want to continue to get statistics.

So, in the end I have a fast, secure site that is hosted outside my infrastructure and that is easy to update. This process, while not trivial, was easy enough that it has me thinking about where else I could use it (this blog, for instance). Highly recommend.


Yesterday, I launched a partial rewrite of a long running side project connecting people to farm shares.  Over the past few months I’d fixed a few pressing bugs and overhauled the software so that a site and data model that previously supported only cities and zips as geographic features now supported states as well.

For the past week I’d been hemming and hawing about when to release–fixing “just one more thing” or tweaking one last bit.

But yesterday I finally bit the bullet and released.  Of course, there were a couple of issues that I hadn’t addressed that only showed up in production.  But after squashing those bugs, I completed a few more tasks: moving over SEO (as best as I can) and social accounts, making sure that key features and content hadn’t been thrown overboard, and checking the logs to make sure that users are finding what they need.

Why was I so reticent to release?  It’s a big step, shipping something, but in some ways it’s the only step that matters.  I was afraid that I’d forget something, screw things up, make a mistake.  And of course, I didn’t want to take a site that helped a couple thousand people a month find local food options that work for them and ruin it.  I wasn’t sure I’d have time to support the new site.  I wanted the new site to have as close to feature parity as possible.  I worked on the old site for five years, and a lot of features crept in (as well as external dependencies, corners of the site that google and users have found, but I had forgotten).

All good reasons to think before I leapt.

But you can only plan for so much.  At some point you just have to ship.

Twitversation: how much do you converse on Twitter?

twitter photo
Photo by eldh

You know what I said a few days ago?

I’d love to have stats on this to make myself more accountable, but I wasn’t able to find an easy way to show my Twitter usage (new tweets vs replys vs retweets)–does anyone know one?

Well, I didn’t find anything and thought it’d be fun to learn some of the Twitter API, a bit of Django, Bootstrap, and how to host something on Heroku.  So, I wrote an app, Twitversation, which gives you a rough approximation of how much you converse on Twitter, as opposed to broadcasting.  You can enter your Twitter username and it presents a breakdown graph and a numeric score (I’m 60 out of 100, whereas patio11 scores 78 and Gary V scores a hefty 83.

Twitversation only pulls the last 200 tweets, so it’s not canonical, but it should be enough to give you a flavor.  Sarah Allen has a post up about her score.

What’d I learn?  Among other things:

  • Heroku is super easy to get started on. And it’s free!  Perfect for your MVP.
  • Django has an unfortunate term for the C in the MVC (they call it a view).
  • You can create a pie graph using only CSS and HTML.
  • Side projects take longer than you think.
  • Picking a side project that doesn’t require any feeding is liberating.  Twitversation will keep running without any attention on my part, as opposed to my other side project.
  • Python’s dependency management is a bear for a newbie.  I didn’t have to do much with this project, because it had its own vagrant vm, but I saw some of the complexity out of the corner of my eye.  Makes me long for the JVM and classpaths, and I never thought I’d say that.
  • Catchy names are hard to come up with.

Hope you enjoy!