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Installing the AngularJS Docs on Your Computer

unplugged photo
Photo by jenny downing

If you want access to the AngularJS API docs offline, download the zipfile for the version you are using (latest as of writing is 1.2.23), unzip it it to a web server directory, and visit the URL in your browser.

The docs need to be served via http or https to work, so you can’t just download the zip file, unzip, and open up the index.html file in your browser.

I use the python simple web server.  If you are also using this simple web server, make sure to start the python web server in the top level directory of the unzipped files, not the docs directory.  The docs reach up a level and pull in javascript and css.

Obviously, you don’t get any links to outside blogs, articles or videos, but this does give you the API, the tutorial and the guide.  When I’m without internet access, having this on my computer gives me at least a fighting chance of solving any issues I run into.