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Ditching Hourly Rates

Back when I was consulting full time, I typically charged by the hour.  For some clients I’d do fixed bid pricing, based on an hourly guess, but that was typically after we had an established relationship.  Otherwise the risk of losing your shirt is just too high.  I’ve done that once or twice–no fun to be working to finish up a project and just knowing your hourly rate is heading far too rapidly towards single digits.

I’m not consulting now, but if I were I’d be following Jonathan Stark’s advice on value pricing.  You can sign up for his free email course, which is valuable.  After that you’re put on his generic email list which is 25% pitches for his business coaching and 75% good tips about value based pricing.

I will be honest, I’d have a lot of fear about moving to value based pricing, the same way I have fear about niching and focusing on a particular market.  Both are scary concepts because when I am a consultant, the feast or famine nature of the business makes me want to say yes to everyone (within my available skillset and time).

But these will be my first two business experiments if I ever go back to my solo consulting practice.  I’ve just read too many success stories (like this one) to not give it a try.

Ask the hard questions

Do you know that moment which happens at almost every meeting or conference call, when a participant refers to a concept that you don’t quite understand?  That moment happens to me often, and has throughout my career.

“The marketing funnel is part of the sales process.”

“We can just flurbuzz the bazznod.”

“We have plenty of runway.”

That is the moment when you can ask the hard question.

“Why is that connected?”

“What does that mean?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t understand.  Could you repeat that?  How do you define runway?”

Asking these questions is important.  Otherwise you and the other parties will be talking past each other, which will only lead to pain down the line when the misunderstanding is crystallized in people, process or code.

I’ve been asking these kinds of questions my entire career.  When I worked at a web consulting company in the early 2000s, there were often company wide conference calls discussing our precarious financial state.  I got a reputation as “the question guy” because I wasn’t afraid of asking the awkward question, even of the CEO in front of the entire company.  I was interested in hearing as real of an answer (as they could share).

If you’re interested in asking hard questions, here are some tips:

  • Pay attention beforehand.  If you are asking a question about something that was just mentioned, or that you should have known, you won’t have credibility.
  • Don’t worry about looking dumb (except if you weren’t paying attention, see above).  If it is a fuzzy concept, chances are others in the room are wondering what it is.  Besides, the goal is to increase your knowledge.  Check your ego.
  • Ask the question from a place of humility and make it about you.  Maybe you just really don’t understand.  I always like the phrase: “I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you just said.”
  • Approach with positive intention.  Don’t ask gotcha questions or try to prove you are smarter than the speaker.
  • If the answer is a bit fluffy or you don’t understand it, ask a second time.  “Thanks, but I’m afraid I still don’t get it.  Could you explain it to me again?”
  • If the speaker doesn’t answer or hedges again, offer to take it offline.  Depending on who is in the meeting, you don’t want to waste everyone’s time.  But then make sure you follow up.
  • Recognize if the topic is sensitive (financial matters) you may not get a clear answer.  At that point, getting the speaker to define terms but perhaps omit numbers is a win.

Again, the goal here is not to ‘get’ the speaker, it’s to help get everyone on the same page.  Asking tough questions to pin down some of the nebulous concepts we work with every day can help everyone make better decisions.

Saying Thank You

Sometimes it’s a good idea to stop and say thank you.

Thank you to my parents, who instilled a love of learning in me and trusted me to make my own decisions. Now that I have my own children, many of the choices you make seem even wiser now.

Thank you to my wife, my biggest cheerleader and BS detector. It’s a joy to walk through life by your side.

Thank you to Dave B, who took a chance on someone who didn’t have any real software development experience. I still remember troubleshooting winsock issues.

Thank you to Bryan B, who offered me an internship after college and then a job that I couldn’t believe I was getting paid for. The friends and connections I made at that job have reverberated throughout my adult life.

Thank you to all my consulting clients over the last decade plus, from Mike M and Pat M to Brian T to Corey S and Andy P to Josh G, Chris H and Matt K. I always have loved the rush of “I need to deliver but don’t have any idea how to do this” that happens two weeks into every consulting engagement, and I appreciated your patience.

Thank you to Anthony F and Lane H. I learned so much about software development, building a business and how to act from my years working for you.

Thank you to Ashley C. Building something from scratch is a wild ride.

I want to leave you with this comic, from the great Nathan Pyle.

By Nathan Pyle

Thank you.

Seek The Golden Comment: “zeus exit status 1” fix

This bit me yesterday, so I wanted to get it written down.  zeus is a preloader that makes running tests faster.  It can be a bit finicky about the gems available, even when using rvm.

Yesterday, I tried to upgrade a rails 4.2 app to rails 5.  (I failed.)  When I checked out my source branch to work on a different issue, ran a bundle install, and then a zeus start, I saw this:

zeus rake
zeus runner (alias: r)
zeus console (alias: c)
zeus server (alias: s)
zeus generate (alias: g)
zeus destroy (alias: d)
zeus dbconsole
zeus test (alias: rspec, testrb)
exit status 1

And then zeus exited.  I did some google searches and turned up these two issues: 118 and 237. Lots of folks having similar issues.

After reading carefully through these issue, and trying some of the suggested fixes as I did so, I arrived at the golden comment. I reproduce it here in its beautiful entirety:

There’s a lot of “try this” in here, but no actual debugging steps. Here’s how you can find the actual issue:

zeus –log ZEUS.LOG start then cat ZEUS.LOG

Excellent!  Using this logfile I quickly determined that the root issue was a collision in my json gem versions and was able to get zeus running again.

But that’s not really the point. The point is that this user (thank you Steven!) didn’t just provide an answer, he provided the means for me to diagnose and find my own answer.

I wish github had some way of calling out highly recommended comments, as if I’d seen his comment first, it would have saved me some time.

Just goes to show, you should always read the comments fully and look for the golden one when you are troubleshooting.


As a software developer, and especially as a senior (expensive) software developer, you need leverage. Leverage makes you more productive.  I find it also makes the job more fun.

Some forms of leverage:

  • test suite. A suite provides leverage both by serving as a living form of documentation (allowing others to understand the code) and a regression suite so that changes to underlying code can be made with assurances that external code behavior don’t happen.
  • libraries and frameworks, like Rails. By solving common problems, libraries, open source or not, can accelerate the building of your product. Depending on the maturity of the library or framework, they may cover edge cases that you would have to discover via user feedback.
  • iaas solutions, like AWS EC2. By giving you IT infrastructure that you can manipulate via software, you can apply software engineering techniques to ensure validity of your infrastructure and make deployments replicable.
  • paas solutions, like Heroku. These may force your application to conform to certain limitations, but take a whole host of operations tasks off your plate (deployments, patching servers). When a new bug comes out affecting Nginx, you don’t have to spend time checking your servers–your provider does. When you reach a certain scale, thost limitations may come back to bite you, but in the early days of a project or company, having them off your plate allow you to focus on business logic.
  • saas solutions, like Google Apps or Delighted. You can have an entire business solution available for a monthly fee. These can be large in scope, like Google Apps, or small in scope, like Delighted, but either way they solve an entire business problem. You can trade time for money.
  • experience, aka the mistakes you’ve made on someone else’s dime. This allows you leverage by pruning the universe of possibilities for solving problems, based on what’s worked in the past. You don’t spend time doing exploration or spikes. Note that experience may guide you toward or away from any of the points of leverages mentioned above. And that experience needs to be tempered with learning, as the software world changes.
  • team. There’s only so much software you can write yourself. A team can help, both in terms of executing against a software design/architecture and improving it via their own experience.

Leverage allows you to be more productive and the more experienced you get, the more you should seek it.

Things I wish I knew about Stripe

Striped, but not charging your credit card

So, at The Food Corridor, we’ve been using Stripe happily since we launched in June of 2016.  As a developer, I’d used Stripe before in a couple of different ways, but this has definitely been my most sustained use of the payment service.  (If you don’t know what Stripe is, it is an API that makes charging customers as easy as an API call.  More here.)

I wanted to outline some of the things I’ve learned from months of using Stripe.

  • Stripe supports pulling money directly from bank accounts, via ACH, but it really isn’t the same ACH as your bank lets you do.  This is because Stripe isn’t a bank.  The biggest thing to be aware of here is that Stripe ACH takes 7 days to arrive in your bank account.  Another issue is that you have to do verification.  They have two ways of doing verification–micro deposits and Plaid.  Plaid is instant, but only supports major banks, which was a non starter for us (updated 9/8: Plaid supports around 1000 banks now).  The code for micro deposits is straightforward, but be prepared for some customer support issues.  Stripe deposits two amounts and withdraws just one amount, which was confusing for some of our users.  It also takes a couple of days, so if your users are hot to spend money, Stripe ACH may not be a fit.  The win?  Definitely cheaper.  (And I didn’t find any other service that would support both credit card and ACH transactions that was developer friendly.)
  • Don’t forget to set up your webhooks out of the gate.  Stripe mentions this, but I glossed over it in the early days, and missed some events that were important.  (The most relevant is that ACH is asynchronous, so when an ACH transfer fails, it is reported via webhook.  If bank account verification doesn’t work, you’ll get a different kind of webhook.  Review the docs and set up webhooks for all the ACH events.)  If you don’t have time for a full featured webhook processing implementation, Zapier can just send the webhook data to your email. This can be a great stopgap solution.  Or you can use stripe_event.
  • Per support, if a webhook post fails (because your app is down, for example), they are retried once an hour for 72 hours.
  • Speaking of stopgap solutions, the Stripe Dashboard is fantastic for manual processes.  Just because you can automate everything via an API, doesn’t mean you should.  There can be some complicated edge cases with payment processing, especially around refunds, but they can easily be handled with a google doc of instructions and the Stripe Dashboard.  I have found only one use case that the API can handle that the dashboard cannot (a partial refund of an ACH transaction).
  • I have found Stripe support to be excellent, quick and knowledgeable.
  • Occasionally customer charges will be declined because of bank fraud triggers.  Expect to occasionally ask your customers to call their bank.  (I think this has happend about once every third month).
  • Disputes are a total pain, because the process is opaque and slow (expect a resolution in about two months and know you are not in possession of the payment during that time).
  • Make sure to capture the payment id anytime you charge a card or run ACH.  It will make future automation a lot easier.
  • Monthly plans are complicated, so if you can lean on Stripe for management, even if you are doing manual plan management (applying coupons, adding, or removing users from plans via the dashboard), do that.
  • The first payment you charge takes 7 days to move from stripe to your​ bank account.  This is for fraud protection.  Payments thereafter typically take 2 days (but it depends on your country and industry).

And here are some special tips if you are using Stripe Connect (their marketplace product).

  • Read the docs!
  • Remember that first payment timeline?  It applies to every one of the connected accounts.  Think about charging your own credit card as soon as you connect an account to help with customer cash flow.
  • Consider whether you want to use managed vs standalone accounts.  Managed accounts are a lot more work but allow you to have a seamless UX that you control.  Standalone accounts, which we use, are far quicker to setup.  I think this depends on the number of sellers you have in your marketplace.
  • You also want to think about whether to place the charges on the platform account or on the connected accounts.  A major factor there is who bears the Stripe fees, the platform or the sellers.  We charged on the platform account because we wanted all our data in one place.  If you are selling plans, you can’t charge on the platform and use Stripe plans.
  • If you are charging on the platform account, and are using standalone accounts (where the sellers have to set up a stripe account) your sellers won’t see charge descriptions unless you manually copy the description over.  The code looks like:

# this will let the sellers know what invoice the charge was for
transfer_id = charge.transfer
transfer = Stripe::Transfer.retrieve(transfer_id, expand: ['destination_
payment_id = transfer.destination_payment
payment = Stripe::Charge.retrieve(payment_id, {stripe_account: destinati
payment.description = description

Happy charging!

Heroku 503 errors

One day recently I woke up to a text from our monitoring service (part of minimal heroku operations tasks) saying our application was down.

Darn it.

Here’s the recreation of my steps in troubleshooting this issue:

  • Login, see that the app is indeed down.
  • Look at newrelic.
  • Look at the logs (papertrail!).
  • Look at the deployment history.
  • Note when the issue started–curses, not when I did a deploy.
  • Open a ticket with heroku (after doing some research). (Love their support.)
  • Double check that the database is good and hasn’t hiccuped.
  • Look at the logs more.
  • Add more dynos, see if that helps.
  • Google the error message.
    •  <app-name> heroku/router: at=info method=POST path=”<url>” request_id=8a17648f-2d84-46ea-abf2-5903be894a2c fwd=”″ dyno=web.3 connect=1ms service=4ms status=503 bytes=477 protocol=https“Notice that the issue is being stated right in the log file (passenger request queue filling up).  Here are sample error messages?
    • <app-name> app/web.3: [ 2017-07-12 14:47:44.3688 65/7f652dffd700 age/Cor/Con/CheckoutSession.cpp:261 ]: [Client 3-281] Returning HTTP 503 due to: Request queue full (configured max. size: 100)
  • Find some posts about the error message.  Here and here.
  • Start researching how to increase request queue size.
  • Talk a walk to clear my head.
  • Think about what external services we call, as that seems to be what might cause the request queue to back up.
  • Read another post that says restarting passenger helped.
  • Restart all dynos.
  • Problem disappears.
  • Look at logs more closely.
  • Last dyno to be restarted was the only problematic dyno.
  • Add comment to ticket about this being the cause.
  • Heroku confirms that the issue may have been the dyno: “sometimes individual dynos will hang and cause errors with 503 responses”
  • Write note to customers about the issue explaining how access to app was affected.
  • Lower number of dynos.
  • Breath a sigh of relief.

The Four Types of Slacks

I have been using slack for a few years now, but have really noticed an uptick in the last year or so.  (If you aren’t familiar with slack, here’s an intro to slack usage, and if you are, here’s a great code of conduct for public slacks.)
It seems to me that there are four main types of slack groups.

The first is the company/department slack.  This slack is long lived, contains many channels, and is multi purpose.  There are channels for ops, marketing, etc.  This slack is typically limited to the employees of a company, though contractors are also given access.  The main purposes of this slack are an ad-hoc knowledge base and to reduce email.  Depending on IT, this slack may be under the radar and compete with other solutions like hipchat, wikis or internal mailing lists.

The next type is a project slack. This is related to the company slack, but is less long lived, and has fewer members and channels.  It is used for coordination amongst disparate people, often a set of contractors.  May be maintained by the client or prime contractor, also serves as an ad-hoc knowledge base, but is primarily a means for coordination of effort.

Both of the above slacks may have other integrations with systems (CI/CD, monitoring, etc).  These integrations with external systems can make the slack a one stop shop for corporate knowledge and memory, especially if the members are on paid accounts.

The above types are obviously limited in membership.  The next two types of slacks are more public.

Another type of slack is the event slack.  This slack replaces or augments Twitter as a way for people at a conference to communicate.  May exist between events, but is quiescent while events are not happening.  Here channels may be related to aspects of the event or tracks, and the slack is typically owned by the event coordinator and provided as a service to the conference attendees.

Slack can also be an email list replacement.  I have been a member of several email lists for user groups/meetups in the front range, and it serms much of the activity on some of them have been driven to slack (the BDNT meetup is a good example). In addition, I see a lot of new slacks being created that would, a decade ago been email groups.  (Facebook groups are also a replacement for email groups, depending on your audience, but I have found slack to be far superior in searchability.). The number of channels is typically related to member list size and length of existence.  I have found these slacks be on the free slack plan, with its limits. I have also heard of slacks of this type charging for membership.

What has been your slack experience?  What did I miss?

Updating Stripe bank accounts: “A bank account with that routing number and account number already exists for this customer.”

So, if you want to handle ACH transactions with Stripe, you can. Some limits to include the length of time for the transaction (5 business days on top of stripes 2 business day transfer duration) and support only for US accounts, but the API is nice and the price is pretty nice too (0.8% up to $5).

But if you are trying to do recurring billing with Stripe and ACH and you want to let your customer change their default charge source between credit card and bank accounts as a payment source (or even two different bank accounts), you’re going to run into a roadblock. While Stripe will happily accept new credit information with the exact same card number, expiration date and CVC code, and just create a new source for each entry, it is not so forgiving with bank accounts. Instead, you’ll get this error message: "A bank account with that routing number and account number already exists for this customer." if you try to change the default source to an existing bank account record in Stripe.

I found some code with this error message, but it actually isn’t complete. It’s not best to examine the error message and switch on that, but I didn’t see a specific exception class for this type of exception.

For a complete solution, you need to check the stripe tokens routing number and last 4 digits of the account number. If a user has two different bank accounts that match both in the last 4 of the account number and the routing number, well then, I think you are out of luck.

Here’s the complete ruby code, making sure to match the current request’s routing id number just in case your user wants to switch between multiple bank accounts for their default charge.

    def update_customer_from_token(customer,stripe_token)
      # takes the stripe customer object and the new token 
      # from the stripe indicating the changed payment method

      success = false
      Stripe.api_key = ENV["stripe_secret_key"]
        new_pmt_obj = customer.sources.create({:source => stripe_token})

        customer.default_source =
        success = true
      rescue Stripe::InvalidRequestError => e
        # special case where the bank account already exists, let's use that.
        if e.message == 'A bank account with that routing number and account number already exists for this customer.'
          tokobj = Stripe::Token.retrieve(stripe_token)
          customer.sources.each do | src |
              if src.object == 'bank_account' && src.routing_number == tokobj.bank_account.routing_number && src.last4 == tokobj.bank_account.last
                customer.default_source =
                success = true
            rescue => e
              Rails.logger.error(STRIPE_ERROR_PREFIX+" 4 unable to update customer for "+customer.inspect+", "+e.inspect)
          Rails.logger.error(STRIPE_ERROR_PREFIX+" 3 unable to update customer for "+customer.inspect+", "+e.inspect)
      rescue Stripe::CardError => e
        Rails.logger.error(STRIPE_ERROR_PREFIX+" 1 unable to update customer for "+customer.inspect+", "+e.inspect)
      rescue => e
        Rails.logger.error(STRIPE_ERROR_PREFIX+" 2 unable to update customer for "+customer.inspect+", "+e.inspect)

Or, you could just let the user choose from a drop down list of their existing sources which one they want to be the default. That might be a cleaner solution.

Bare minimum of ops tasks for heroku

Awesome, you are a CTO or founding engineer of a newborn startup.  You have an web app up on Heroku and someone is paying you money for it!  Nice job.

Now, you need to think about supporting it.  Heroku makes things way easier (no racking and stacking, no purchasing hardware, no configuring apache) but you still to set up some operations.

Here is the bare minimum you need to do to make sure you can sleep at night.  (Based on a couple of years of heroku projects, and being really really cheap.)

  • Have a staging environment
    • You don’t want to push code direct to prod, do you?
    • This can be a free dyno, depending on the complexity of your app.
    • Pipelines are nice, as is preboot.
    • Cost: free
  • Have a one line deploy.
    • Or, if you like CD/CI, an automatic deploy or a one click deploy.  But make it really easy to deploy.
    • Have a deploy script that goes straight to production for emergencies.
    • Cost: free
  •  Backups
    • User data.  If you aren’t using a shared object store like S3, make sure you are doing a backup.
    • Database.  Both heroku postgresql and amazon RDS have point and click solutions.  All you have to do is set them up.  (Test them, at least once.)
    • Cost: freeish, depending on the solution.  But, user data is worth spending money on.
  • Alerting
    • Heroku has options if you are running professional dynos.
    • Uptimerobot is a great free third party service that will check ports every 5 minutes and has a variety of alert options.  If you want SMS, you have to pay for it, but it’s not outrageous.
    • Cost: free
  • Logging
    • Use a logging framework (like slf4j or the rails logger, and mark error conditions with a string that will be easy to search for.
    • Yes, you can use heroku logs but having a log management solution like papertrail will make you much happier.  Plus, it’s free for 2 days of logfiles.
    • Set up alerts with papertrail as well.  These can be more granular.
    • Cost: free
  • Create a list of third party dependencies.
    • Sign up for status alerts from these.  If you have pro slack, you can have them push an email to a channel.  If you don’t, create an alias that receives them.  You want to be the person that tells your clients about outages, not the other way around.
    • Cost: free
  • Communication
    • Internal
      • a devops_alert slack channel is my preferred solutions.  All deploys and other alerts go there.
    • External
      • create a mailing list for your clients so you can inform them of issues easily.  Google groups is fine, but use whatever other folks are using.  Don’t use an alias in your email–you’ll forget to add new clients.
      • do not use this mailing list for marketing purposes, unless you want to offload the burden of keeping the list up to date to the marketing department.
      • do make sure when you gain or lose clients you keep this up to date
    • Run through a disaster in your mind and make notes on how you would communicate the issue, both internally and externally.  How often do you update your team?  How often do you update your clients?  What about an internal issue (some of your code screwed up) vs an external issue.  This doesn’t need to be exhaustive, but thinking about it ahead of time and making some notes will help you in the crisis.
    • Cost: free

All of this is probably a four hour project, max.

But once this is done, you’ll rest easier at night, knowing you have what you need to troubleshoot and recover from production issues.