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Seek The Golden Comment: “zeus exit status 1” fix

This bit me yesterday, so I wanted to get it written down.  zeus is a preloader that makes running tests faster.  It can be a bit finicky about the gems available, even when using rvm.

Yesterday, I tried to upgrade a rails 4.2 app to rails 5.  (I failed.)  When I checked out my source branch to work on a different issue, ran a bundle install, and then a zeus start, I saw this:

zeus rake
zeus runner (alias: r)
zeus console (alias: c)
zeus server (alias: s)
zeus generate (alias: g)
zeus destroy (alias: d)
zeus dbconsole
zeus test (alias: rspec, testrb)
exit status 1

And then zeus exited.  I did some google searches and turned up these two issues: 118 and 237. Lots of folks having similar issues.

After reading carefully through these issue, and trying some of the suggested fixes as I did so, I arrived at the golden comment. I reproduce it here in its beautiful entirety:

There’s a lot of “try this” in here, but no actual debugging steps. Here’s how you can find the actual issue:

zeus –log ZEUS.LOG start then cat ZEUS.LOG

Excellent!  Using this logfile I quickly determined that the root issue was a collision in my json gem versions and was able to get zeus running again.

But that’s not really the point. The point is that this user (thank you Steven!) didn’t just provide an answer, he provided the means for me to diagnose and find my own answer.

I wish github had some way of calling out highly recommended comments, as if I’d seen his comment first, it would have saved me some time.

Just goes to show, you should always read the comments fully and look for the golden one when you are troubleshooting.