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Saying Thank You

Sometimes it’s a good idea to stop and say thank you.

Thank you to my parents, who instilled a love of learning in me and trusted me to make my own decisions. Now that I have my own children, many of the choices you make seem even wiser now.

Thank you to my wife, my biggest cheerleader and BS detector. It’s a joy to walk through life by your side.

Thank you to Dave B, who took a chance on someone who didn’t have any real software development experience. I still remember troubleshooting winsock issues.

Thank you to Bryan B, who offered me an internship after college and then a job that I couldn’t believe I was getting paid for. The friends and connections I made at that job have reverberated throughout my adult life.

Thank you to all my consulting clients over the last decade plus, from Mike M and Pat M to Brian T to Corey S and Andy P to Josh G, Chris H and Matt K. I always have loved the rush of “I need to deliver but don’t have any idea how to do this” that happens two weeks into every consulting engagement, and I appreciated your patience.

Thank you to Anthony F and Lane H. I learned so much about software development, building a business and how to act from my years working for you.

Thank you to Ashley C. Building something from scratch is a wild ride.

I want to leave you with this comic, from the great Nathan Pyle.

By Nathan Pyle

Thank you.

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