One of my clients had a problem earlier today. I helped them choose a new email setup, and they went with Yahoo Business Edition Mail. It’s worked like a charm for them until today. Oh, sure, they’ve had to adjust their business processes a bit, but it was a vast improvement over their previous situation, where only allowed one person in to view his or her mailbox at a time. And it’s quite low maintenance and fairly easy to learn, as it was entirely browser based.
But today, the web client for Yahoo! was busted. New layouts, new colors, old functionality gone, intermittent changes in the GUI, the whole bit. I got on the phone with Yahoo! support, and they assured me it was simply a webmail client problem. No mail was being lost. But, as Joel explains, for most folks, the interface is the program. You try explaining the difference between SMTP and POP and mail storage and local clients to an insurance agent who just wants to send her customers an application.
One of the worst bits is that, other than getting on the phone with Yahoo! support, there was absolutely nothing I could do to fix the problem. Alright, this isn’t entirely true–I could have worked on migrating them off the web client, and perhaps off Yahoo! entirely. And, had the outage continued, I probably would have begun that process. But fixing the web client was entirely out of my hands. That’s the joy and the pain of outsourcing, right? The problems aren’t yours to fix (yay!) but you can’t fix the problems yourself (boo!). Also, chances are the outsourcing provider is never going to be more enthusiastic than you about fixing your problems, and might be significantly less.
Yahoo!!! Since they ‘upgraded’ the service, I cannot access my mail. I get a “File Download” panel… Just hangs around doing nothing for a while, then nothing!
Got a reply from Yahoo ‘Help’ saying blah, blah blah, and that if I have further trouble, to contact them via their new upgraded service – which I still can’t get at! This is from any pc; and none of the workarounds on this page work!
Anewly opene email account (since the upgrade) works perfectly, but none of my established accounts are available to me!
I have not been able to access my yahoo mail either for the last 2 days. I can log on and access the other features, address book, calendar and notepad etc,, it just wont load the mail . I get the message ” a connection failure has occurred” I am in Australia and my husband was able to get to my mail on his computer in the USA no problem. I am using a Mac with the Mac OSX 10.3 (panther) with IE and Safari,, Mail wont open on either browser.
Any Ideas?
Well i’ve found a way to get past all that gibberish/letters/code whatever it is..
I just need to make sure Ad Muncher is running before i try to sign into yahoo mail…and i get in everytime…i dont know why though…im only using the banner/pop-up blocking features of it but it works.
Dunno why it works..but it works for me…maybe can help some of you guys too.
I too have been unable to access any pages for the last few days. Has anyone on this thread been able to successfully solve this problem?
I too have not been able to access one of my yahoo mail accounts. I have two accounts and one works and one doesn’t. The one that doesn’t work just hangs and hangs and finally returns a typicall cannot access message. The account was fine immediately after Yahoo’s upgrade but seemed to go down late Friday/Early Saturday. It is really frustrating as contacting Yahoo is a joke!!! Nice upgrade YAHOO!!
I haven’t been able to get into any of my Yahoo e-mail accounts or Yahoogroups this weekend. I was able to open a new account, but could not sign out of it, much less sign into an old account — and when I went back to the new account later, the same problem occurred — we sit and sit and eventually get a “Cannot find”/”Page not available” error message. (I heard that Comcast customers were having problems, but Comcast claims they have been resolved.)
Ha.. funny that. I am on COMCAST as well and cannot get to one of my email accounts.
I have been having the same issue all weekend, trying to sign into anything on yahoo, or even submit a help form!!
At my friend’s house, with COMCAST as well, I was able to log into some things, but not others.
Wow, you would think a service as big as yahoo would get this issue fixed!
After reading the above comments, I am also a COMCAST customer, so I called them and it is a problem with Comcast – they are “working on it” with hopes of resolution in 3 to 4 business days!
I too have had problems since late Friday. I have comcast at home but just got into work and tried it out and STILL can’t login. I know we aren’t using comcast at work… it could be a problem with the service provider comcast uses.
Ok folks…. here’s what I found…
I just started having the ‘page cannot display’ problem and found that it’s resolved by using a proxy. Enough said for experienced users.
For those of you who are saying ‘huh?’, read on…
a proxy acts as a middle man, passing your requests on to a web server. This means that the web server thinks it’s the proxy making a request, not your IP. The proxy forwards the response from the web server back to your PC.
Your ISP says it’s not their problem cause they are working fine. Yahoo says it’s not their problem cause their mail server, is indeed, operating fine.
If this resolution works for you, then it means that Yahoo won’t accept requests from your IP, maybe because they believe you are a spam server (that’s just a guess).
One last thing – you can find proxy servers by searching the net for ‘proxies’. And keep in mind that not all proxies will work, especially if Yahoo has the proxy’s IP blocked. To update IE with your proxy, go into IE’s Internet
Options….Connections…. LAN Settings….and at the bottom under Proxy
Settings, click ‘use a proxy server for your LAN’ and fill in the address & port of the proxy server (I used as a proxy with a port of 80)
Good luck to all!
I too have not been able to access any of my yahoo mail accounts ,doesn’t work just hangs and hangs and finally returns a typicall cannot access message. The account was fine immediately after Yahoo’s upgrade but seemed to go down late Friday/Early Saturday. It is really frustrating as contacting Yahoo is a joke!!!
Any way to get help…Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
This is an interesting thread. I have been a COMCAST subscriber and never had any problems until I bought a new computer! Set it up this weekend, re-installed the COMCAST software and now I’m getting the “not available” message. I’ll bug COMCAST and see if I can shake more info out of them.
Update – Just spoke with Comcast. They do confirm Yahoo problems. As of Monday AM EST, Comcast say they think they have resolved the problem accessing My Yahoo pages except Mail. They are still trying to resolve routing issues with Yahoo Mail. No answer on when they expect to resolve the problem.
Minor breakthrough earlier. I actually managed to get to the welcome page at 3PM UK time and after several attempts managed to get into the inbox, but couldn’t open any messages. I had 2 messages from Yahoo about the problem but couldn’t get into the first to read it. After many tries, I finally managed to get into the second, which was a feedback request asking me to follow a link to fill out a form stating what I thought of the new ‘improved'(????) Yahoo mail and to advise of the problems I’d been having, but the link didn’t work and since then I have been getting the same page of symbols as before each time (Maybe their swear filter knew what I was going to say and chickened out!). Seems that they may be making progress, albeit very slowly. The problem definitely lies with Yahoo.
My only advice is to keep firing off those error reports, every day, twice a day if need be, as this seems to get them moving a bit.
At least I managed to get into the inbox to see who had written to me, so thankfully I can contact the senders via msn instead to let them know not to send anything to my Yahoo mail for the time being. If I do manage to get into the feedback form at some point, I will try to let them know about this page so that they can see for themselves the different problems everyone’s mentioned & how fed up we all are with their lack of information etc.
So I contacted Comcast about the problem Monday 11 AM eastern time. They totally deny that it is their problem. The curious thing is that I can access the yahoo mail if I hook my computer directly to the modem, but if I am trying to access it through my router it times out and gives me the usual error page. The rest of my internet works fine when connected to the router, and I can access hotmail and ebay. Does anyone know a way that I can fix this???
To be honest, I don’t think it has too much to do with Comcast, think it’s just an issue with Yahoo themselves. I’m in the UK and do not use Comcast and I’m still having the same problems as everyone. There seems to be a few variations in what people are experiencing, some people managing to get in but not be able to use certain features, some people can’t get in at all. Some resolutions seem to work for some people but not for others, for example, some have found that if they switch to using dial-up instead of BB they can get in, I only have dial-up but I can’t get in. Think it’s just a case of Yahoo getting themselves sorted out, then hopefully all these problems should disappear.
This would be getting funny if it weren’t so annoying. When I contacted Comcast, they did seem to indicate that it was (at least partly) their problem. Here’s the response:
We apologize for the inconvenience of this Yahoo issue.
This Yahoo issue is a known issue that we are currently looking into.
The problem is more than likely an update issue of some sort (possibly
DNS) between our two services that will self-correct on your end when
If you have a router, disconnect it and connect one computer directly
into the cable modem. Unplug the modem from its source of power for one
minute then plug it back in. Reboot your computer. Try accessing things
If the above doesn’t help resolve your problem, try accessing Yahoo
directly via its IP address.
If that doesn’t work, you will have to wait for resolution on this end.
Engineers are working towards resolution right now. Unfortunately, I
have no estimated date/time for resolution.
If you have any additional questions or concerns related to this matter,
please contact us at 1-800-COMCAST.
The ad muncher suggestion worked like a charm, i downloaded it ran it & instantly gained access to my yahoo mail 🙂
Looks like thing may have been solved (maybe??),10540524~mode=flat~days=9999~start=140
Crazed, you are a genious! I have also just downloaded the Ad Muncher thing from and instantly I have accessed my mail and everything seems to be working fine. So if anyone else is still having problems, please try this, hopefully it will work for you too! I am now able to reply to an email from Yahoo regarding my fault report and I will let them know about this, hopefully this will help them work out the problem. BIG THANK YOU TO CRAZED!
Anyone know of an Ad Muncher equivalent for the Mac?
My problem finally ended, with no help from me. I assume Comcast and Yahoo! figured it out.
Yahoo mail is working for me now too, with no help from me. Started working yesterday afternoon around 3 p.m. EST. I might buy that AdMuncher thing anyway, sounds like a neat program!
Is anyone still having access problems this morning? And has anyone heard any official word from Yahoo on the matter?
I figured out the problem with my mail. Yahoo was innocent in this case. I had accidently unchecked Yahoo Messengers Protocol Helper in IE. Simple as that. So anyone still having the same problem, it’s something to check.
I also got a reply from Yahoo Help, they do try. They told me to upgrade my browsers. 🙂
Free Yahoo! Mail problem (Delete Button)
I too had foll problem using I.E 6: Yahoo Mails Delete button dosen’t work.
I have Spyware, Zonealarm blocking Popups and resticting IE changes.
Doing foll will fix it:
Tools->Internet Options -> Security -> Choose Trusted Site
Click on Sites Button and add
This site collects your personal profile:
» (click for more info)
Vivek Dey
My yahoo mail account is still having a capacity of 6MB, whereas yahoo says 100MB is free and automatic. so how could i update my mail account to 100MB.
Jignesh Patel
Ok…its working out fine for me..thanks a lot (no sarcasm seriously).
No problems signing in either.
Anyone experiencing this problem(s) with Yahoo Mail:
1) While in Inbox the “Delete”, “Spam”, “Mark” and “Move…” buttons do not work,
2) I can open and read messages, but the “Delete”, “Reply”, “Forward”, “Spam” and “Move…” buttons do not work
3) The page formats/layouts are not “correct”.
I’m sure it’s a firewall problem, because I only have these problems when I use my laptop at work, where I’m behind the company’s firewall.
Does anyone know of a fix? THANK YOU!
I was having problems accessing my email. What finally worked was the following.
I pulled the power plug out of both the router and cable modem and let them both sit a few minutes. You have to pull the plug – just turning them off doesn’t work!
I then plugged the cable modem back in and let it sit for a minute or so until got to the point where the data light was not on and two others were solid. I figured this was its “Uh, I’m waiting” state.
I plugged the router it.. let it go through its boot and its lights started and the data light on the cable modem start flashing. Typical stuff. Ok.. So I go back to my computer which has not been rebooted or anything.. In fact I was still logged into Yahoo messenger when I pulled the plug. It logged in automatically. I loaded IE independent of Yahoo messenger and typed Entered my login ID and password and pressed [ENTER] and…
Don’t know what the exact issue was but after doing the above it worked like there never was an issue.
hello, still my mail account is showing 6mb storage, i have not got 100mb free storage, what is problem in my mail account please give me solution
Anyone has problem regarding free yahoo mail like this?
1) While in Inbox the “Delete”, “Spam”, “Mark” and “Move…” buttons do not work,
2) I can open and read messages, but the “Delete”, “Reply”, “Forward”, “Spam” and “Move…” buttons do not work
3) The page formats/layouts are not “correct”.
This happened after I had installed the mcafee internet security.
Anyone knows how to fix?
I have a paid account. I am having all of these problems. IF i can edven get in. most times I can get in, then cant do anything. send, open a folder, delete..whatever. eventually it times out and it goes to an error page.
i called them, they went in my account- as they did, mine got fast as anything. said they couldnt see anything wrong! hung up, and it went to worse than before. now I cant log in at all!
funny, Yahoo posts profits and stock increases this week – but I cant use thier product. I hate msn, but I think i am about to be a hotmail user.
Since 6/19/20 I have had problems with Yahoo email. Going on three weeks now. I can’t reply or forward. Delete works okay. For awhile I could compose and send but not any more. ? with the problems appearing to involve a large number of clientele world wide, both paid and unpaid, why haven’t I read anything in the papers or on the news about it? Perhaps we should start inundating the media with the question? I will be monitoring this site for an answer. Email less for almost 3 weeks.
Diane Perkins
Dear sir……..
how are u my some yahoo id hacked plz send me
free software and simple send me …….
my id is yahoo:
i’m having problem with mail between my yahoo mail and anyone with aol. they not getting any of my mail and i’m not receiving any of theirs. any answers?
where is the html tags allowed on the compose mail window in yahoo mail. i can’t seem to see the html tag allowed in my yahoo mail. i’ve been using it before but with this new yahoo mail look i can’t see it. and i definately want to make use of html tags.please anybody with a solution should please and please email me. i might not be able to get back to this site, cos i got many other sites to paste my complaint on. please and please help me.
my email address is
this is the help i received. might benefit someone
Yahoo have made certain buttons dependent on the browser allowing their advertisiers’ sites to run _Javascript applets or “Mobile Code”.
They appear to have made agreements with spammers to force us to view their ads and provide profile info to them.
To make matters worse, the particular sites will vary for each of us depending on our location, domain version and (possibly) pregathered profile info.
My ??? addie is fine, but will only send attachments if I allow “” to use mobile code. Sometimes it will also request (another scumbag spammer) when I ask to attach a file.
You might want to set up a temporary .uk addie as described in my post: is worse! I had to enable Javascripting on both “” and “” before it would allow me to even send or delete an email.
To resolve this, you need to put your firewall into “Learn mode” or in ZAP’s case, switch on Privacy Advisor. When it blocks _Javascript, click to view details, then enable mobile code for that site. Go back to the previous page and repeat until no more Java blocks are happening.
nb. You *don’t* need to allow cookies, web bugs or (ironically) adverts. These can remain blocked throughout!
All the buttons you pushed to get this far will now work. If others don’t, just find out what site is requesting _Javascript and allow it.
Don’t forget to note which sites you enable. When Yahoo get their act together, you want to be able to go back and block all mobile code from each of the scumbag ones you just enabled.
Get back to me (somehow!) with browser and firewall versions if you need more detailed help, but I can’t tell you exactly what to do without that knowledge.
The pub beckens me right now, but I’ll check for any reply later.
Good luck!
i get this message when i try to login into my email account:
Unfortunately, we are unable to process your request at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again later.
what is going on here, i can’t access my email since july 11 and today july 12. is any one having this problem, please let me know if you know a way to login in.
ok peeps thanks for all the help. especially basil: . but my problem has been solved. after writing yahoo i finally got a response. here is it:
Thanks for writing to Yahoo! UKIE Customer Care.
In an effort to provide you with a better streamline interfaced, we
removed the View HTML source checkbox on the compose page. We
apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
Customer Care – Yahoo! UK & Ireland
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email and any attachment is confidential
and may be legally privileged. It is intended for the named recipient
well anyway too bad cos i don’t think it was the right thing to do. peeps are definately gonna miss teh html tags. especially myself. anyway thankGod for my email account. atleast i can now fall back on them cos they allow the html thingy. peace out.
I have also started to have this problem HOWEVER it seems tied to my DSL subscription. I have 2 laptops – the first i installed the Verizon DSL software to “activate” account. The second I did not. On my first laptop I experience all of the problems above with no resolution. I have uninstalled the verizon software and downloaded firefox to no result. My OTHER laptop accesses Yahoo mail and sends just fine. I find it strange the only things I can access onthe first computer in the Yahoo account is Help and my addresses….
What can I do to fix my other laptop – im guessing somehoe the MSN/DSL software blocks yahoo in my registry??? Is this possible??
Yippee!!! After more than 3 weeks my Yahoo is back and apparently running just as it use to. I finally contacted a computer newspaper columnist whos suggested that my problem might be browser specific.
He suggested that I change browsers. He thought that Internet Explorer might be my problem as they had done things like this in the past and that their Hotmail is a major competitor of Yahoo. I changed to Netscape (there are other browesers which might work also) and everything seems to be running just fine.
I can send, delete, reply and forward to an individual or using the multiple addressee format.
Hope this helps someone out there. Best to you all
I want my email address RE-ACTIVATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
try to change ur Yahoo password once. it works for me at least!
im tryin to log in on black planet and it says either wrong user name or password and it worked erlier when i loged in
im tryin to log in on black planet and it says either wrong user name or password and it worked erlier when i loged in
i am one of those who receive the annoying “page cannot be displayed” message everytime i try to access to i tried everything people suggest: other browsers, changing proxy settings, secure box, other links, deleting cookies,unplugging the cable modem etc. but nothing worked! i’m having this problem for a few days but i can see here that these things started at least in november 03, so it has been at least eight months. of course, this is not the first problem i had with yahoo. i see there is some serious things going on; but as far as i could find out from the search engines, still nobody deals with the issue, except the victims and some good people who try to help them (us) in some forums. i’m pretty sure that my problem will be solved within a few days or weeks -it’ll go just as it came,supernaturally- but it seems like they’ll continue to make other people angry.
they make millions of dollars but still fail to work properly and they don’t give a damn about it. so, let’s protest yahoo! (i got really really mad this time!)
I don’t want mozilla on my yeahoo sites please see that this is taken care of as soon as possable it wiuld be greatly appreachated
john tabat
I have a problem like this can you help me.
YPAGER.exe has generated and will be closed by Windows.
You will need to restart the program.
An errror log is being created.