One of my clients had a problem earlier today. I helped them choose a new email setup, and they went with Yahoo Business Edition Mail. It’s worked like a charm for them until today. Oh, sure, they’ve had to adjust their business processes a bit, but it was a vast improvement over their previous situation, where only allowed one person in to view his or her mailbox at a time. And it’s quite low maintenance and fairly easy to learn, as it was entirely browser based.
But today, the web client for Yahoo! was busted. New layouts, new colors, old functionality gone, intermittent changes in the GUI, the whole bit. I got on the phone with Yahoo! support, and they assured me it was simply a webmail client problem. No mail was being lost. But, as Joel explains, for most folks, the interface is the program. You try explaining the difference between SMTP and POP and mail storage and local clients to an insurance agent who just wants to send her customers an application.
One of the worst bits is that, other than getting on the phone with Yahoo! support, there was absolutely nothing I could do to fix the problem. Alright, this isn’t entirely true–I could have worked on migrating them off the web client, and perhaps off Yahoo! entirely. And, had the outage continued, I probably would have begun that process. But fixing the web client was entirely out of my hands. That’s the joy and the pain of outsourcing, right? The problems aren’t yours to fix (yay!) but you can’t fix the problems yourself (boo!). Also, chances are the outsourcing provider is never going to be more enthusiastic than you about fixing your problems, and might be significantly less.
I THINK that when you download a large amount of data in a short time from your yahoo mailbox it assumes you are using a program to retrieve your mails automatically rather than actually logging on to or pay the premium for POP access, which is what they want.
As I said this is just my theory and besides I can see that many other people have had other reasons that prevented them from accessing their mail box, including the use of a proxy. All I’m saying is that it seems that yahoo doesn’t like it when you use a program to download your e-mails and penalizes you by service refusal if they get wind of you doing this.
please sar,my yahoo mail link window no open
I have been getting the unavailable for 2 weeks now and only when it says I have new messages can I get in. I am internet connected by netzero which is powered by Yahoo. It is so frustrating, I thought it was due to the way I have my computer hooked up, but now I see by all of your comments we are all upset with this. I can’t believe yahoo is not doing something since there are so many users out there and like you all I like Yahoo’s sights best of all. I have used AOL,MSN and yahoo has always been my favorite. I hope we all can get this resolved.
Unfortunately, we are unable to process your request at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again later. Getting that for about two months now nothing works and yahoo doesnt accept calls about it because its a “free service”, way to go yahoo.
I am sick of being unable to get my mail from Yahoo. Every day the same thing page unavailable at this time. When is something going to be done about this.
well well I finally found a bunch of people suffering like me!!! Well for you all information I have been having dumped to yahoo 999 page for email since 2-3 years!! Hehe first i had it with both my yahoo email addresses , then i screamed mails at yahoo for one of them and they are pretty darnm aware of the problem. So eventually my first email was fixed, but by second is still pain in the ass. I tried all tricks since 2-3 years and it takes a while to login mail. secure mode, multiple click s weasling way in through Accounts Info,, Chat rooms, Profiles but never ever immdediately from normal front page i.e I tried login from maybe 3-4 countries on various systems, hell even changed the com part at end address to abbreviations of various countries. Manipulated caches and so , But the fact is as below;
a) yahoo knows what the problem is
b) they damn care and are too lazy to solve it
C) all you folks send them mails by highliting all above posts and copying into email and sending to yahoo.
d)damn yahoo old geezers stop gobbling beers and get your piles laden rears onto this major issue, or have a stinky demise a la dinasour.
e) If you yahoo didnt hear me first time., well hell ya get up and solve this issue..
f) As a sign of protest i have cancelled my working yahoo mail and switched to msn, i use the other one for storage, yeap thats what yahoo has come up to a low down storage bunker!!!
g) While know all the fatalities and disasters of java script, thank you yahoo for forcing us to swallow that, switching to old version is like commiting crime, always reminded that u are back bench.
H) I cant believe that u yahoo ppl are scraping money by exposing our beloved consoles to those ugly jackers and intruders, and if you know that mail is spammed with netsky, bloody hell message back to sender not receipient.
i) i really think that loading with java is dangerous, at least i will credit you that you don’t ceremeniously inject tracker upon exiting like msn does (it will pump tribal fusion as i caught it many times while exiting to msn page from mail)_
j) i really think you all should email to yahoo’s over gloated geezers that soon we all be switchin them off.
Sorry for writing with so many mistakes hell i am tired at this moment and its night time my place and i was just a while ago dumped to YAHOO999(aka 666 satan) page. Curse you Y mail.
as for emergency fix forget secure mode. If u can login to messanger just click and login from there or else furiously high speed try login in, ( FU, multiple tries won’t get you locked out, as i don’t think all times its possible, maybe once or twice)
I have not been able to get into my mail for three days. It is geting frustrating. Is there anything you can do? Thank you very much I appreciate it.
Taken from another posting at
Try lowering the MTU (Home/Wan Settings). Start with something like 1352, if it works, move it up until it no longer works, then move it back down. I know it doesn’t sound like it should work but it does.
Many people in this case are facing this problem right ???
“This page is currently unavailable. Unfortunately, we are unable to process your request at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again later.”.
As my experience as System Administrator in Malaysia about 2 years, i’m facing this problem too…
and now i I have a solutions, maybe you’re using DSL modem with router or maybe this course is from your enterprise that have a proxy firewall such an example ISA firewall. But let make this thing simple, So the best way is try lowering the MTU.
What is MTU? MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) is the maximum size of each packet sent (in octets).
If you’re using DSL Modem with Router
The MTU can be found on web-based configuration just an example on Aztech DSL modem is http://starmodem or
1. Go in the Expert Mode
2. in Wan Connections. u saw PPP WAN uplink. Click Edit.
3. Click Edit ‘Ip Interface’
4. now u will find the MTU. Change it to 1350.
5. Click Change
That is based on Aztech DSL Modem, but i think it’s a same concept on other brand.. I hope u all can solve this problem..
Now u can check ur yahoo mail without clicking the secure site. 🙂
p/s : about the MTU, u can put it higher if u like, but try to experiment it if it work when using yahoo mail.. until u get the best MTU. Credit also to anon for sharing ideas. 🙂
reinstalled yahoo, and for some reason when in chat trying to access peoples profiles, i get an error message and i cant view the profiles says something to the effect of http://files cannot be found make sure spelling is right. this happens all the time. please help,,ty
I can not reed my mail any more from my computer. When I click on a message that I have recieved I get blank page. On any other computer I can reed my mail, no problem; the problem comes when I try to reed the mail on my computer at home. All that I get is a blank page.
I can’t access Yahoo email at home. I receive the same message “Unfortunately we are unable to process your request at this time……”. This is so frustrating. I have tried every fix you recommended and a few worked for awhile. Now nothing works. So I gave up and signed up with a free hotmail account. Problem solved.
My theory is that Yahoo wants to force people to sign up with a premium account.
I have a problem like this can you help me.
YPAGER.exe has generated and will be closed by Windows.
You will need to restart the program.
An errror log is being created.
I cannot access my yahoo email- It takes me to the page that says I have x amount of email, but then displays a cannot find server page. If anyone can help, this mail is very important stuff for school, financial aid, etc! I have tried several ideas above but none work. I did recently install a netgear router to my pc.
Unavailable page yahoo mail why
please send me the reason
Dear sir,
Unfortunately, we are unable to process your request at this time.
This message is coming alternatively. Please solve it
just this week when I log on to read my e-mail, the subject column is blank, If I disable my Norton Internet Security, then click back to mail the subject appears again..This only happens at my home computer, It works ok at work..any ideas/
Many people in this case are facing this problem right ???
“This page is currently unavailable. Unfortunately, we are unable to process your request at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again later.”.
As my experience as System Administrator in Malaysia about 2 years, i’m facing this problem too…
and now i I have a solutions, maybe you’re using DSL modem with router or maybe this course is from your enterprise that have a proxy firewall such an example ISA firewall. But let make this thing simple, So the best way is try lowering the MTU.
What is MTU? MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) is the maximum size of each packet sent (in octets).
If you’re using DSL Modem with Router
The MTU can be found on web-based configuration just an example on Aztech DSL modem is http://startmodem or
1. Go in the Expert Mode
2. in Wan Connections. u saw PPP WAN uplink. Click Edit.
3. Click Edit ‘Ip Interface’
4. now u will find the MTU. Change it to 1350.
5. Click Change
That is based on Aztech DSL Modem, but i think it’s a same concept on other brand.. I hope u all can solve this problem..
Now u can check ur yahoo mail without clicking the secure site. 🙂
p/s : about the MTU, u can put it higher if u like, but try to experiment it if it work when using yahoo mail.. until u get the best MTU. Credit also to anon for sharing ideas. 🙂
Every Time that I try to access my yahoo e-mail
account, a page comes up that reads:
Yahoo!-999 This page is currently unavailable
Unfortunately, we are unable to process your
request at this time. We apologize for the
inconvenience. Please try again later.
And later…hours, days…I do try again, to NO
AVAIL. What’s going on? One moment, I was reading
my e-mail, and then, for NO apparent reason, it
wiped me out and I couldn’t get back into my e-mail account?
Yahoo mail was inaccessible yesterday and extremely slow today. Anyone know what is going on?
Above, I posted a complaint about Yahoo!-999 and
not being able to get back into my yahoo e-mail
I tryed just about everything, with no results.
Then while I was…’once again’…on the sign-in
page, I clicked on the secure tab and bingo, I
was FINALLY able to get into my e-mail account.
So, needless to say, you might want to give it a
help please, my wife can only log onto her e-mail. once she gets the message, welcome sofia, the mail box locks up and she can not open her folders, or sign out or compose. all she can do is click on the red “x” at the top to get out of the page. her address is “” and her i.d. is: sabecassis, but once she gets into the box that is it. however i have a yahoo mail box as well and mine works fine. what is wrong with her mail box that it keeps hanging up?
once in a while it will let her go to the inbox and she opens one e-mail and then it hangs up.
this is a real pain and we would like yahoo to correct but i can not seem to get hold of anyone.
can you help.
jean daniel lomont
For going on 3 weeks I havent been able to get into my email it wont let me past verify password can anyone help?
I downed the messenger but I still cant get into my email!
hey, Yahoo!Mail has just updated free to a service offering 100MB storage … great, i thought! then i discovered i could only get as far as my “Check Mail” page once signed in – i couldn’t get anywhere near my messages. & the format was weird. i hope Yahoo!Mail can get this problem sorted fast because i’m expecting some very important news soon! (& email, typically, is the only way i can get it!) has anyone else experience this at all? i appreciate the 100MB thing but i’d rather have something that actually works, than all the space in the world but no way to use it! (so, i’ve created another email account elsewhere…)
this is the kind of stuff i’m getting:
<a href=”/ym/ShowFolder?rb=Trash&reset=1&YY=57394&inc=25&order=down&sort=date&pos=0&view=a&head=b&box=Inbox” class=”first” title=”Navigate to the …
I have 3 yahoo accounts, one of which is a paid account. Since early this morning, I have had little to no success accessing any of them. What little access I’ve had won’t allow me to respond to emails and the whole program just freezes up. It would be nice if they’d acknowledge the problem and let users know what they are doing to fix it and how long it will take.
I have had a problem accessing my e-mail account for 2 days, and I don’t know where to go for help. Obviously, others are experiencing the same problem.. Hope Yahoo can fix it because I can’t.
Hey, I’m having the same prob. It’s not my DI-604 either. I dropped my MTU to 576 (56k standard) and inched my way up to the normal 1500. Never worked. I tried IE, Firefox, Opera, no result. They are having a network failure.
Next Issue: My yahoo messenger does not work. No log in… The tracert to their ( works. ( There is a serious latency at the last hop. Maybe they’re going through some sort of DoS attack…?
just found out about the new storage and tried to sign in to check it out, entered id and password..pressed sign in and what do i get but a page full of garbled letters and characters.
i think it’s happening to everyone … or most people. i want to be sympathetic to Yahoo & praise them for enhancing their service, & i know that mistakes happen … but i think it’s totally unprofessional because it’s gone on now for over 24 hours. i REALLY hope they fix it soon! & until now, Yahoo has been the best. a question to Yahoo: what’s going on?!
Experiencing similar problem since the upgrade. Mails being sent ‘via’ the yahoo accounts are taking hours to reach the destination (in some cases over 24 hours) – only know this as I belong to a group and postings that I make normally appear within a few minutes.
Most other users wouldn’t be aware that their mail isn’t arriving as ‘usual’
why isn’t the yahoo mail not working at all ???????
Any ideas why uk yahoo mail loads up as what looks like HTML. In the past I have just had pages of characters. This is a fairly frequent occurrence. Tried logging in via international sites which works until mail goes back to uk.
what i want to know is if this thing, this problem, is affecting EVERYONE (or most) with a Yahoo!Mail account. if some people can acces their mail, i wonder what the difference is betweem “us & them”! as far as i know, i’m all there with recent updates. someone suggested that it could be the sheer volume of people just clambering to get hold of a free 100mb Yahoo mail account. i’ve done Internet searches on this & i can’t really find much info about these problems – except this nice little forum where we the people can vent our frustrations… & i wish i knew more than speculation… & Yahoo! seems to be doing a PR blackout.
you’ve probably all seen this by now – nothing about what we’re discussing, just the promo. still…
I ws having trouble with loads of garbled letters/character when i tried to sign in…I’ve found i can get into my email if i use dial-up…and i tried making another email account and i can get into that one no problems.
So does all that garbled letters/numbers stuff mean my ip has been blocked from accessing my own email account ? why ? what is going on ?
this is just getting confusing now
My problem is that I can access my yahoo email from work, but not from home!!! And no “page cannot be displayed” etc either. I recieve a pop up telling me “Getting File Information:…..from
Driving me mad!!! Can anyone help?
It’s good to hear that I am not the only one having problems with their yahoo accounts. I can log in and receive mail with little or no problems, but I can’t send mail…. Emails sent either through the Yahoo website, or their smtp server take hours to arrive (if at all!)..
Does anyone know what is going on at yahoo? I’ve sent yahoo repeated Help forms, with no response.
I’m almost relieved to know I’m not the only one having problems accessing Yahoo mail! Every time I try, all I get is a page full of symbols! (Is this happening to some of you?)It was working fine until Tuesday when I got the message about the upgrade to 100mb of storage, as soon as I went past that page it all went pear shaped! If only they would put up a page explaining the problems and keep people up to date with the progress instead of leaving everyone hanging and wondering what the hell is going on.
We have a problem with the miserable Yahoo email “enhancements” that I haven’t seen mentioned yet. Our e-mail comes in with a GIGANTIC FONT OR TYPE SIZE, so big that it scrawlS across the screen so that we lose all sense of what is being said as we try to read it. Needless to say both of us have sent countless messages to Yahoo with no answer!
Does anyone know what is going on?? This happened right after we were notified of the wonderful new “enhancements.”
We’d be very grateful for any help since it’s futile to look to Yahoo for help.
Marjorie Murfin
As others have expressed, I’m glad to know it wasn’t just me experiencing problems with my Yahoo! Mail account. I have been unable to get to my email for many days now. I can actually log in, but once I get to the page that tells me of all the “wonderful” enhancement and click on the “Continue to Yahoo!Mail” button, it times out and I get a “Page cannot be displayed” error.
Off of that enhancement page is a link to their Help page from which I sent many pleas for help and never received a response. Low and behold, I got one last night. I was shocked (it went to another email I listed when submitting my form). I still can’t get to my email, but just thought I’d share with you what their response was:
Thank you for writing to SBC Yahoo! Mail.
Please know that we are aware of the issue you described in your email.
There appeared to have been a widespread Internet issue that could have
affected numerous websites and we are currently investigating its
potential impact on our services. Also, we are currently upgrading
tens of millions of Yahoo! Mail accounts for consumers worldwide, some
users may experience temporary fluctuations in service as we update our
systems. Please continue to try accessing your account, or clicking the
Refresh button on your browser. We expect Yahoo! Mail to resume to
normal after the upgrades are completed.
Thank you for taking the time to write to us.
SBC Yahoo! Customer Care
New and Improved Yahoo! Mail – better than ever!
Well here I am again. Yahoo uk mail back to gibberish. It worked for about a day. Storage size took a couple of days to increase.
Back to either displaying as programming script or graphic buttons display. One or two occasions managed to make sense of a couple of downloads before went off again.
I can confirm that as a free subscriber there is absolutely no customer service. In one or two years I have never received a reply from them.
Yahoo uk tv satellite channels been out of date for months. Cannot update my Yahoo to show correct channels.
Maybe everyone should get together and contact the advertisers and tell them they are paying for a crap service that probably does NOT work more than it does, with no way of recording problems. Advertisers should demand an immediate refund unless Yahoo addresses its inadequecies straight away.
I also keep getting an error message when in yahoo mail or messenger.Something to the tune of Visual basic C+++ runtime error and internet explorer has to close down.
my email account has been terminated after days of trying to log on with my passward since 15 of june with no luck
Has anyone had the same problem
5 days without a glimpse of my inbox and counting! “New and improved Yahoo! Mail – better than ever!” ???? – they are definitely having a laugh!
Still no official word on the matter, which is pretty poor. Customer Care has certainly passed them by – maybe it’s just a sign on the door of an empty office – seems that way! Brandy, thanks for enlightening us with the reply you were sent, replies from Yahoo are like gold dust it seems, maybe you should frame it, could be a valuable antique in the future!
They probably think we have no right to complain because many of us are taking advantage of a free ‘service’, but obviously paying customers receive little or mostly no extra for the ‘privilege’ of paying.
How nice would it be if they actually told people what was going on?!
im going 3 days of not being able to long into my yahoo. the 100 mb of space was nice but not unless i can get to my mail… the same thing with juno. im going nutty with out any e-mail…
Is there any hope that this problem will be corrected? I was able to see my yahoo page yesterday and see that I had mail but unable to access the messages. Today, I can’t even get to my home page much less the help page. Any suggestions?
I am having similiar problems accessing my Yahoo account. I am unable to login via e-mail or even just login to I downloaded Yahoo Messenger. I was able to login to Yahoo Messenger and I could view my address book in messenger. But i still cant access my e-mail or briefcase. Funny thing is that yesterday I was able to once access it and saw the new UI, browsed my e-mails and came to know about the 100 MB improved storage limit. I will keep looking at this forum to get help.