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Monthly Archives: February 2018 - 2. page

Speed up development by catching your mail locally

Have you ever been developing some kind of application that sends email? You need to test how the email looks, so you have to have access to an external SMTP server and you have to configure your application to use that. You can definitely set up sendgrid or another MTA to send email from your local computer and then use a real email address as your target. However, then to develop this portion of the application you need to be online.

Another option that I’ve found is the Mailcatcher gem. This is a small ruby program that you can easily configure as your SMTP endpoint. Then when your development environment sends mail, mailcatcher catches it. Then you can visit a URL on your local computer and view received emails. As soon as mailcatcher shuts down, the emails are lost, however.

Even though this is a ruby gem, you can use the app with different languages–as long as it you can configure the application to point to an SMTP server, you’re good (in the readme, there are examples for Django and PHP).

One note about it being a gem. Don’t put it in your Gemfile if you are building a rails app, because of possible conflicts. This means that if you manage your ruby environments via rvm you’ll need to re-install mailcatcher every time you change your ruby version.

Bonus: mailcatcher even has an API so you can use it in your integration test environment to verify that certain actions in your application caused certain emails to be sent.

How Trello Wowed Me By Handling An Edge Case

We are using Trello for our product development planning at The Food Corridor. Previously we were using Pivotal Tracker, which I chose, but a new team came on to help us and they were more comfortable with Trello. I may do a compare and contrast of these tools in the future, but for now I wanted to celebrate the beauty of a well designed piece of software.

I don’t mean how Trello looks, though it certainly looks pretty. I mean how they handle UX edge cases. I ran into one the other day, and it blew my mind that Trello acted as I had hoped.

Here’s the situation. We use the Trello numeric card ID along with this git hook:


# from

if story_id=`git branch |grep '*'|sed 's/.*-//'`
    echo "[#$story_id]" >> "$1"

To help tie commits to stories. If someone is working on a story with the id 123, they work on a feature branch called add-new-feature-123. When committing, they may write a message like: “Updated the message to the end user when they save”, and this hook will automatically add “[#123]” onto that commit message.

When someone is looking at the code six months or two years from now, they will be able to look up that story and get context about why the message was changed beyond what was in the commit log.

We were cleaning up old releases in Trello and had moved all the released stories to another board. However, I noticed that the cards were renumbered when they were moved to that board. Whoops! That meant that the commit messages wouldn’t be useful in looking up the cards. I had discussions with the product manager and we decided to keep all future releases on the same board to maintain the numbers–we’d just archive them (it’s worth noting that when you search for 123 and the card is archived, the search won’t return the card unless you add the is:archived search operator to your query).

However, I was ready to write off the cards that had been moved to the other board. What were the chances that if I moved the cards back to the original board, the card numbers would be maintained? I gave it a try just to see.

Trello did the right thing! The cards, when moved back to the original board, assumed their original numeric ID.

I am very impressed, as I imagine there are a very small portion of Trello users who care about this behavior. As someone who doesn’t really care about design but does care about user experience, that is an example of attention to detail that I wanted to call out and praise.

Own your online identity

This post from Fred Wilson echoes a lot of my thoughts. Whether you are posting to twitter, instagram, facebook, Medium, HuffPost, or anything else, it’s always worth remembering that you are leveraging someone else’s platform. That means you are renting it, not owning it. So, you are at the mercy of the platform. Whether in terms of content lifespan, deep linking or even just how your content is presented, you only have as much control as they allow.

That doesn’t mean there isn’t value in these platforms. There is tremendous value because they aggregate eyeballs, have excellent user interfaces and often host your content for free. Just be aware of the price you are paying (TANSTAAFL).

And always maintain a presence that you own if you care about your content. Repost all your content on your own site, so that even if the third party site goes away, you still have your work.  (If that’s not possible, print a PDF and save it in Google Drive, at a minimum.)

It’s not hard to buy a domain and set up a free google site (I wrote up instructions). You can use with your own domain for only a few dollars a month. Even if it isn’t as trafficked or as beautiful as a Facebook note, you control it. Once you’ve seen a few platforms rise and fall and/or change their business plan, you’ll be happy you used them for their leverage, but maintained as much control of your content as you could.

Building a Bridge as Your Clients Walk Across It

There was an interesting article posted to hacker news about the nuts and bolts of a SaaS product that you might not expect (article, discussion).  I commented based on my experience that the early days of a SaaS product are like building a bridge while your clients are walking across it.  You want the bridge to be far enough ahead of your clients that they won’t fall off it.  But, not so far that if you or they want to go a different direction you’ve wasted time and materials building a useless walkway section.

So, don’t build features your customers aren’t going to use. But do build features they are going to need. How do you know what the difference is?

  • you can ask them.  This is the only way to start unless you are a target user of your SaaS product (in which case, ask yourself).  Depending on the technical sophistication of your users, you may or may not get good requirements, but there’s no better way to understand their pain.  They will speak very confidently about their pain, however they will also try to give you suggested solutions.  Don’t take those as gospel, as they may not have thought through the ramifications of said solutions.  Find them by looking where they congregate online (facebook groups, forums, reddit).  Targeted email may be OK if you have a relationship.
  • you can build a placeholder.  This is a great way to see if folks want the feature, if you have some folks using your app.  We built a placeholder for document management: “email us and we’ll upload your documents”.  After a few emails, we knew it would be worth it to build out some way for folks to self serve.
  • you can build a MVF (minimum viable feature).  A feature does not need to spring from your mind fully tested, polished and automated.  Sprinkle in manual steps, use emails to people instead of automation, or release only a subset of a feature.  The goal here is again to see usage before you fully develop it.  Another benefit is that the MVF may be all that is needed.
  • you can wait until clients ask for it.  The value of this depends on when they need what they ask for.  If they need it when they ask for it, then it’s just another data point (“thanks for the request.  We’ve noted it in our roadmap”).  If they need it a week or a month after they ask for it, then you can actually build it for them.

It actually can be quite helpful to checkpoint feature usage every so often.  I’ve seen this done two different ways, though I’m sure there are more.  The first is to look at the data and see what features clients are using.  This is nice because it just takes developer time, digging through your OLTP database.  Make sure you write down the results and the queries.  However, this won’t work until you have some users who’ve been using your system for some period of time.  The second is to schedule user interviews and watch your clients or prospects use your system.  This is time intensive, but can lead to many many insights and gives you definite user empathy.

Now, this type of development doesn’t free you from having a strategy. You need to pop your head up every three months or so and revisit the strategy and see if your business is working toward it. But if you are a completionist than early stage SaaS is not for you.

All the ways usernames can go wrong, or a story about why you favor third party solutions

This post on usernames is hitting the top of Hacker News right now. It’s worth a read for an in depth examination of how many ways something that seems fairly simple, usernames, can go wrong. Whether that is allowing impersonation due to unicode code points (see a related XKCD), how to handle email addresses, or what usernames should be prohibited, the simple idea of having someone use a text string as part of their authentication scheme is not so simple.

Here’s a great quote from the post talking about the right way to do it:

So if you’re building an account system from scratch today in 2018, I would suggest reading up on [the tripartite identity] pattern and using it as the basis of your implementation. The flexibility it will give you in the future is worth a little bit of work, and one of these days someone might even build a good generic reusable implementation of it (I’ve certainly given thought to doing this for Django, and may still do it one day).

What I took away from this is that usernames are hard. And that, paradoxically, the amount of business value that I create by doing usernames correct is minimal, until it’s a vector for attack. That means that I’m far better off choosing a third party library or service that focuses on authentication than rolling my own. That third party service is much more likely to have read, understood and implemented the tripartite identity pattern (in addition to any other benefits) than I will. (If I build many systems which require authentication, then maybe I can write my own library of username checks. But then I’d be better off open sourcing it, unless it was a competitive advantage.)

Now, this doesn’t mean I should blindly use any open source authentication library. I still need to examine it, see if it is used and maintained, and determine if it meets my requirements. This is not an “open source good, roll my own bad” post.

But the default should be to find an open source or third party system when I’m working on this type of software plumbing. (For rails and authentication, devise is where I’d start.) If I look around for an hour or two and can’t find anything that meets the needs of the project (either directly, with configuration or with minor code modification), then, and only then, should I start to think about rolling my own. Yes, it’s less fun to configure a third party library than it is to roll your own, but the kind of edge cases that a third party library or service will handle make it a better choice.

This has been an issue for a long time. I still remember walking into a contracting engagement a decade ago and seeing that they had their own database pooling solution. For Java. In 2004. When Apache DBCP had been around for a few years. I’ve been guilty of this myself, often at the beginning of a project when it feels like I need to get up to speed quickly, the problem space seems simpler and sometimes I’m not as familiar with the ecosystem. So this issue isn’t going away, but this post is my plea to my future self to default to third party solutions.

Serverless Framework

I had coffee with an acquaintance who is doing a lot of event driven data processing. Whereas ten years ago to tackle this problem you might use an ETL tool like Pentaho or Talend, now his process runs entirely on AWS Lambda functions. He is leveraging the Serverless framework to manage and deploy these applications. As I understand it there is a thin shim layer between the business logic and the lambda event handler, but the business logic is isolated and knows nothing about its environment. That makes the business logic very testable.

His description of the Serverless framework intrigued me. As he described it, the framework is driven by a simple yaml file and takes care of, among other tasks, the complicated infrastructure set up to tie Lambda functions to a variety of AWS events. I haven’t done it myself, but I’ve heard that setting up a lambda to API Gateway link is a real bear. Doing so allows a lambda function respond to a web requests without any AWS authentication, and is a key use case.

You can write and deploy lambda functions in any language that AWS Lambda supports (unfortunately, not java 9 at the moment). Here’s a java/maven/serverless tutorial. It also supports multiple cloud providers, though I haven’t done much beyond note that the documentation exists.

However, using Serverless does require writing code. If evaluating a a complicated ETL process which non developers needed to be able to understand and support, Serverless would not be a good fit. I’m not aware of any abstraction layers on top of it, though I guess you could run, for example, Pentaho Kettle jobs within lambda. There’s also an issue around cold start times–when your code hasn’t been invoked for a while, it can take longer to start up when a request or event occurs. Apparently there are partial solutions, but your lambdas still get cycled every few hours regardless.

I worked through some of the tutorials and was impressed at just how easy it was to get started. If I had a simple API or data processing pipeline to build, Serverless would definitely be on my short list of possible implementation options. It is very inexpensive, scales easily and encourages encapsulation.

Incidentally, my acquaintance’s company is hosting a lunch and learn on this technology at the end of the month. More details here.

Smashing: A Quick Dashboard Solution

I’m putting together a business metrics dashboard for The Food Corridor (what is old is new again, I remember a project at XOR, my first job out of school, that was all about creating a dashboard). I could have just thrown together some rails views, but I looked around and saw Smashing, which is a fork of Dashing, a dashboard project that came out of shopify.

Smashing is a sinatra app and is fairly simple to set up. It looks gorgeous, a lot better than anything I could hack together. I could install it on a free heroku dyno. Even though it will take a bit of time to spin up, it is now running for free. Smashing has nice MVC separation–you have dashboards which assemble widgets, and then jobs which push data to widgets on a schedule. Sending data looks something like this: send_event('val', { current: current }) where val is referenced in the widget.

You can create more than one dashboard (I did only one). They aren’t customizable by non developers, but once the widgets are written, they can be created by someone with a modicum of experience editing HTML.

Some tips:

  • Smashing stores its state in a file. If you are running on heroku, the filesystem is ephemeral. You have two options. You can store the state in an external data store like redis (patch mentioned here, I didn’t try it). Or you can rely on the systems you are polling for metrics to maintain the state. That’s the path I took.
  • The number widget has the ability to display percentage changed since last updated: send_event('val', { current: current, last: last }). Make sure that val is an integer–I sent a string like “100000” and that was treated as a zero for purposes of calculation.
  • If you are accessing any external systems, make sure you inject any secrets via environment variables.  For local development, I used dotenv.
  • You’ll want some kind of authentication system.
  • The widgets that come with Smashing aren’t complicated, but neither are they documented, so prepare to spend some time understanding what they expect.
  • I grouped jobs, which gather the data, by data source.  You can send multiple events per job, and I thought that made it clearer.  Connections to APIs or databases only needed to happen once as well.
  • The business metrics which I was displaying really only change on a monthly basis.  So I wanted to run the data gathering immediately, then in a week or two weeks.  Because of the ephemeral state, I expect the second run will never happy, but wanted to be prepared for it.  I did so by creating a function and calling it once on job load and then in the scheduler.

Here’s pseudo code for the job that pulls data from stripe:

Stripe.api_key = ENV['STRIPE_SECRET_KEY']

def stripe
  # pull data from stripe...
  send_event('stripeval', { current: current })


SCHEDULER.interval '1w' do

Smashing is no full on technical metrics solution (like Scout or New Relic), but can be useful for displaying limited data in a beautiful format with a minimum of developmetn effort. If you’re looking for a dead simple dashboard, Smashing will work for you.

Getting access to the very nice date functionality in non Rails Ruby

I am doing some small ruby scripts for a dashboard and need to do some date calculations, like the timestamp of the first of the previous month and the timestamp of the end of the previous month. Rails makes this so easy with ( - 1.month).beginning_of_month. I looked around for a way to do it with straight up Ruby, but didn’t see a good solution.

Luckily, some of the nice parts of Rails have been broken out into the active support gem. You need to add it to your Gemfile or however else you are managing your gems, of course. Confusingly, the gem is activesupport and the require statement is require active_support/... (see the underscore?).

There’s an entire guide on how to pull in just the active support functionality you need. Unfortunately, I couldn’t make the targeted includes work (I was trying to pull in both numeric and date extensions precisely, but kept getting the error message undefined method `month' for 1:Integer (NoMethodError).

Finally, I just pulled in active_support/time and everything worked.