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Monthly Archives: February 2018 - 3. page

Blast from the past: 5 worlds

5 Worlds is a Joel Spolsky classic. This article needs to be updated (it’s from 2002, when shrinkwrap software was still A Thing) but it still has a lot of wisdom and illustrates just how large the scope of work available to software developers is (even more so now that software is eating the world).

Whenever you read one of those books about programming methodologies written by a full time software development guru/consultant, you can rest assured that they are talking about internal, corporate software development. Not shrinkwrapped software, not embedded software, and certainly not games. Why? Because corporations are the people who hire these gurus. They’re paying the bill.

Note that assuming a software developer is a webdev is like assuming a lawyer is a trial attorney. Just like there’s lots of ways to practice law, there are lots of ways to build software. And, to be honest, this is probably true of every profession. If you go to a party and ask someone “what do you do” and really really listen, chances are you’ll get a startling view of the world, because everyone does something interesting.

Switching Scales

Developers need the ability to switch scales. I don’t know if this is crucial for any other profession (maybe a general contractor building a home?). For developers the ability to zoom in and focus on a specific problem for a few hours, and then zoom out and focus on the bigger picture, whether that is project management and reporting, or system architecture, is crucial.

The way I do it is to compartmentalize rigorously. This means that when I am focused on a bug, I’m focused on the bug. Sometimes I’ll timebox such investigation so I don’t get wrapped around the axle of the problem. If I encounter other issues, I file them off in the issue tracker (you do have an issue tracker, don’t you)?

If, instead, I’m focusing on the big picture, paradoxically it can be harder to focus. I think best when writing, so I’ll start out with a document outlining the issue. This has the added benefit of allowing me to easily collaborate (google docs FTW), refind the problem definition and solution, and revisit it over time. Other folks work better with other artifacts (app click throughs, diagrams) but the information density and flexibility of written communication work best for me. However, either way I need to set aside some time to focus on the question at hand.

Once you compartmentalize successfully, you can start to have the each scale inform decisions made at the other. Bugs that may feel urgent to fix can be deferred because that system is not accessed often, or will be rewritten soon. System diagrams may be reworked because you know that sub components belong together (or don’t). You may know where the “dark, scary” areas of the application are and make time to rework them. There may be patterns of code or services worth extraction.

One of the hardest parts of management, from personal experience and discussions with others, is letting go of the details. As an engineering manager, you should absolutely let go of critical path implementation items–you shouldn’t be working on the hardest problem or any key components. Depending on the size and needs of your team, your focus may be on recruiting, providing political cover or knocking down impediments to team goals. But I think you need to have a touchpoint at the lowest level of your application. Whether that is achieved through non blocking code reviews, fixing non critical bugs, or knocking out a customer support request, zooming in to the implementation level will inform your worldview. Just don’t let it be too large a focus; definitely don’t let it block your team.

If the idea of letting go of product implementation doesn’t appeal to you, you may want to dive in to management more. There are plenty of details and challenges to management (read High Output Management for a great intro). In fact, there are similarities between building a successful piece of software and building a team that builds a successful piece of software. People aren’t code though–imagine if when you ran a function you got a slightly different result based on how the function felt, how its home life was, what previous work the function had done, etc, and you’ll have some idea of the complexity of management.

If you’ve tried management and it doesn’t work for you, you can remain an individual contributor. Realize this will have an impact on your compensation (in most orgs) and your leverage (link) to effect change.

But it may be worth it to remain a builder.

A Few SQL Database Links

So, here are two different relational database links that I am currently interested in.

The first is PostgreSQL Exercises. This is a fun way to sharpen your SQL. While I’m not a big user of PostgreSQL, I have enjoyed it the few times I’ve touched it. And the basics of thinking in SQL are useful across any database.

The second is Modern SQL. I was pointed to this site (in particular this page on pivots) after asking a question on a slack (so I can’t link to it). My question was about how to transform a set of event values (X happened Y ago, then Z happened at Y+1, and so on) up into counts (X happened N times, Z happened M times). But the entire site is worth reading if you are a SQL nerd, especially the use cases.

Bonus, check out this Twitter thread about using a single SQL database as a data source for multiple microservices. Pragmatism!

Useful rails gem: rack mini profiler

Sometimes you need to do some profiling of your application to see where performance issues lie. I haven’t done an extensive survey of the options, but a friend recommended rack mini profiler. As the name suggests, this can be used with any rack based framework (so rails, hanami, etc).

There are a number of reasons to use this profiler. Learning to use a profiler, any profiler and how to performance tune is a key part of being a software developer, as opposed to programmer.

It can run in production. You can limit who can access the profiler, and it usually sits in the upper left hand corner with a “page load time”, but you can jump into more detail as needed.

It runs all the time. This lets you have an ambient view of the application (at least the parts that you are touching regularly).

When you are investigating a performance issue, you can easily dive into the views, controllers and SQL queries that your application is making.

It is simple to install, just a simple gem in your Gemfile.

Well worth getting to know, if you are supporting a rails application.

Interview with a early stage SaaS founder

I had the chance to talk with my good friend and former colleague Corey Snipes about his SaaS project. He recently launched Meeting Star, a lightweight SaaS tool to help coordinate tech meetups. This interview has been lightly edited for clarity.


Why did you come up with this product?

It began as a desire to fill my own need, for a lightweight and inexpensive place to manage small local tech events. It seemed like a fairly straightforward set of features, which wouldn’t take long to build and release as a product. (Don’t they always?) I was aware of several other tech meetup organizers who were looking for an alternative to (often due to price, sometimes due to dislike of the feature set or UI). I did quite a bit of research last fall and didn’t find any suitable alternatives so I built it.

What do you hope to achieve with this app?

I have a few parallel interests here. I want a tool that’s useful to me as a meetup organizer. I want to leverage my experience building, marketing, and operating other software products — both my own, and for customers I’ve had over the years. I want to add a business line in my portfolio that provides value and makes people happy, while also being financially sustainable. I also run a separate, conference-related application and I anticipate some complementary lift between the two.

How much research did you do before plunging in and writing it?

Quite a bit. You can always do more, of course. I poked around online and found several lists, articles, and discussion threads about alternative platforms. I followed conversations of other meetup organizers discussing the relative merits of various methods. I made a list and tried seven or eight of what seemed like the top contender products. I was looking for a place to run my meetups, though, not specifically looking at competition. But in the end, everything was either trying to be a full-featured community management piece, or was such a terribly crafted alternative that I felt there were exactly zero real usable options for what I wanted to do.

Who is the product aimed at?

This particular [app] was born of my own needs, and I tend toward tech and entrepreneurship meetups. It’s well-suited to tech and software meetups. Those are the people in my network. Those are the meetups I attend and organize, and those are the users whose needs I can most easily identify and meet. Since it’s a reasonably lightweight application, it’s actually well-suited to many different kinds of groups, but software/tech/biz meetups are my focus.

What would make you consider this product a success?

Right now, success is getting ten paying, happy customers and getting things dialed in to their needs. I subscribe to Patrick McKenzie’s wisdom that the first ten customers are critical for turning your idea into something people want to use. And also, for proving it’s not a fluke. If you can get to ten, you can get to a hundred. And if you can get to a hundred, you can get to a thousand. For me, long-term success is a useful, sustainable product that has revenue to turn into improvements, runs smoothly, and maybe also puts a little money in my kids’ college fund.


You can find out more about Corey, including why he’s moving to Cleveland, at his website.

Basecs: Basics of Computer Science

If you backed into software as a career like me (thanks physics degree!), you may not have a firm grounding in basic computer science concepts. This can be hard to gain during your work week, as clients care far more about feature delivery than they do about which data structure you used.

However, having an intuitive sense of how computers work and what basic algorithms and data structures are can enrich your experience as a developer. Why? For the same reason understanding how to grow peas lets you appreciate a fine meal–understanding fundamentals lets you peer down through abstractions and appreciate what you are building on top of.

There are plenty of intro articles and books out there, but I recently stumbled across basecs and have been enjoying it.

The author starts from the beginning (what is binary), covers various data structures and algorithms, and ends with a discussion of just in time compilation. Her prose is comprehensible and she adds illustrations which complement the text.

If you are a developer without fundamentals, like me, you may enjoy this year long series on the basics of computer science.

Feature branch development

I remember when I had lunch with a friend, back when I was using SVN and he was using git.  He said “it’ll change your life”.  I had read about darcs years ago and had read Joel’s post about distributed version control systems.  I was still like “meh.  SVN does what I need it to do–tag releases, keep track of changes, and I can branch if I need to”.

Boy, was I wrong.

I’ve been using git since around 2014, and it’s great.  I don’t remember where I heard it, but someone said “branching in SVN is easy, it’s the merging that is difficult”.  Git takes the pain out of merging (mostly, of course you can still hose yourself pretty well).  I have to also reference this classic XKCD comic whenever I talk about git.

Regardless, one of the things I’m loving about working with git is that if you always use feature branches, use story numbers in your branch name (like story-update-123), and you set up your prepare-commit-msg script, you can track back every change to a story.  Here’s my prepare-commit-msg script:


# from

if story_id=`git branch |grep '*'|sed 's/.*-//'`
    echo "[#$story_id]" >> "$1"

Another nice feature of the branch handling is that you can roll forward and backward branches. I use bitbucket, so I use the GUI revert command, which creates a nice revert PR. (I then immediately revert the revert PR so that I can apply the intended changes in the future by merging the second PR.) This makes it possible to push a feature to staging, realize it isn’t fully baked, and revert it so you can get out another feature release. Perhaps you could do this with SVN or another centralized VCS, but I was never comfortable enough with branches to do it.

All in all, git has been life changing as a developer. Thanks Russ, you were right!