The Flex FileReference object makes it very easy to send a file to the server. I had a situation where I wanted to send some additional data and also get back server output. This is possible, but not entirely intuitive, so I wanted to document this for others. In the process of making this work, this post and this post were very helpful to me.
To send more than a file, you use a URLVariables object, like you normally would. The key is to realize that you also have to set the URLRequest.method
to URLRequestMethod.POST
, otherwise these variables get lost. (Makes sense–no one sends files via GET, but it was not obvious to me.)
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url); var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); variables.docname = docName.text; = variables; request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; try { fileRef.upload(request); } catch (error:Error) { trace("Unable to upload file."); }
To get any response from the server (like a success message or filename), you have to attach a listener to the DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA
event, like so:
fileRef.addEventListener(DataEvent.UPLOAD_COMPLETE_DATA, onUploadCompleteData); ... private function onUploadCompleteData (event : DataEvent) : void { var myData = new String(; // do something with your serverside data... }
[tags]flex,file upload[/tags]