I was playing around recently with some data (from the US Patent and Trademark Office), trying to import it into S3 and then to Athena. Athena is a serverless big data query engine with schema on read semantics. The data was not available on the AWS public dataset repo. Things didn’t go as well as planned. Here’s how I wanted them to go:
- download some data
- transform it into CSV (because Athena doesn’t support currently XML and I didn’t want to go full EMR, even though hive supports XML)
- upload it to s3 bucket
- create a table based on the data
- run some interesting queries using Athena
- possibly pull some of the data in Amazon Machine Learning to do some predictions
- possibly put some of the data in an s3 bucket as JSON and use datatables to create a nice user interface
Like pretty much every development project I’ve ever been part of, there were surprises. What was different is that I had a fixed amount of time since this was an exploratory project, I set a timebox. I didn’t complete much of what I wanted to get done, but wanted to document what I did.
I was able to get through step 5 with a small portion of data (13k rows). I ended up working a lot on windows because I didn’t want to boot up a vagrant box. I spent a lot of time re-learning XSLT in order to pull the data I wanted out of the XML. I used a tool called xmlstarlet for this, which worked pretty well with the small dataset. Here’s the command I ran to pull out some of the attributes of the XML dataset (you can see that I also learned about batch file arguments):
xml sel -T -t -m //case-file -v "concat(serial-number,',',registration-number,',',case-file-header/registration-date,'\n
,',case-file-header/status-code,',',case-file-header/attorney-name)" -n %filename% > %outfile%
And here’s the Athena schema I created:
serialnumber STRING,
registrationnumber STRING,
registrationdate STRING,
statuscode INT,
attorneyname STRING
LOCATION 's3://aml-mooreds/athena/trademark/';
After I had done the quick prototype, I foolishly moved on to downloading the full dataset. This caused some issues with disk storage and ended up taking a long time (the full dataset was ~300 files from 500M to 2GB in size, each containing about 150k records). I learned that I should have pulled down one large file and worked it through my process rather than making automating each step as I went. For one, xmlstarlet hasn’t been updated for years, and I couldn’t find a linux package. When tried to compile it, it was looking for libxml, which was installed on my ec2 instance already. I didn’t bother to head further down this path. But I ran into a different issue. When I ran xmlstarlet against a 500MB uncompressed XML file, it completed. But any of the larger files caused it to give an ‘out of memory’ error. I saw one reference in the bugtracker, but it didn’t seem to apply.
So, back to the drawing board. Luckily, many languages have support for event based parsing of XML. I was hoping to find a command line tool that could run XSLT in order to reuse some of my logic, but it doesn’t appear to exist (found this interesting discussion and this one). python seemed like it might work well.
Then I ran out of time. Oh well, maybe some other time. It is fun to think about how I can automate all of this. I was definitely seeing where lambda functions and some other AWS features could have fit in nicely. I also think that using RDS might have made more sense than Athena, given the rate of update and the amount of data.
Lessons learned:
- what works for 13k records won’t necessarily work when you have 10x, let along 100x, that number
- work through the entire pipeline with real world data before automating any part of it
- use EC2 whenever you need to download a lot of data
- make sure your buckets and athena are in the same region. I wasn’t, and there was no warning. That’s fine with small data, but could have hurt from a financial viewpoint if I’d been successful at loading the whole dataset
- it can be fun to play around with this type of stuff, but having a timebox keeps you from going down the rabbit hole too far