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Meetup talk outline

If you are thinking about doing a tech talk at a meetup, you should!  It’s a great way to deepen your experience, try a different skill and learn a lot.  It also has the benefit of making you a higher profile developer.

I was coercing a friend into talking at a meetup and he asked if I had any questions for his talk.  ‘X’ is what he was talking about.  (Where ‘X’ in this case was webhooks, but it could be any technology or protocol that is of interest to you.)

I rattled off the following set of questions that would be of interest.  I thought they might make a good template for any future meetup talks, so wanted to record them here for posterity.

  • what is X?
  • why does X exist?
  • what are prominent apps that use this tech?
  • how do you use it?
  • how would you test it?
  • how do you deal with dev/test/prod environments?
  • are there any gotchas?  Have any war stories?
  • how do you troubleshoot?
  • alternatives?  strengths and weaknesses of this solution or the alternatives?
  • any third party libraries that someone should be aware of?  How about tools?

What do you want to hear from presenters?

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