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Fun with golang

Prairie Dog
Yes, it’s not a gopher, but they are related.

I’m writing a small piece of work in golang. It’s been fun to learn a new language. Initial thoughts:

  • I love the strict compiler. It saved me from making some dumb mistakes. It’s annoying at times (when you are cleaning up after println debugging you have to remove the log import statement).
  • I love that go fmt is built right into the language. No more formatting wars.
  • The standard library has some testing support but it’s pretty primitive.
  • It was weird that you have way to mark methods as private.
  • I did a small bit of concurrency work and go seems like a great fit for that.
  • The docs are great. I spent a lot of time on the Tour and the API docs.
  • The name is too general, but when googling, I was able to search for ‘golang’ and retrieve good results.

I have a few friends that rave about go. I can see why.

The joy of removing code

I am working on a project right now where my main task is to remove code. “What? I thought developers were supposed to add code, not remove it?” Well in some cases removing code actually can help a project. Some reasons to remove code: if the code doesn’t serve any purpose, if it isn’t executed, if it is for an edge case that never happens, if it has been superseded.

Removing code is easier with automated tests, but I still find myself using a combination of automated tests, manual testing, and the find command. (This codebase is ruby, if I was using java I’d use the type system.) It’s painstaking work, but will be good in the end.

My steps for removing code:

  • Start with a plan and and end goal in mind. Otherwise it can get overwhelming if you are dealing with a system of any size.
  • Create a feature branch
  • Identify one piece of code you’re going to either remove or keep
  • Make sure you know where it is called. If it isn’t called anywhere, remove it.
  • Remove any tests and associated functionality (views, helpers, etc).
  • Examine any state managed by the code for removal (database tables, etc)
    • Oftentimes I’ll just note that this should be removed in a few months, and focus on hiding the UX. It’s a lot easier to resurrect UX if you make a mistake than it is a dropped database table.
  • Commit the changes with a good commit message.
  • Fan out from there and see if you need to add anything to your list.

Take your time, don’t rush it.

Code that never runs can’t have any bugs, and is super fast. Think about removing some code today.

CircleCI shutting down version 1.0

I’ve been a happy user of CircleCI at multiple companies. Right now we pay them at The Food Corridor and they handle almost all our deployments. (I still deploy to production manually.)

We just got a note that they are shutting down their 1.0 offering and will not support it as of Aug 2018. The 2.0 offering was announced in 2016 and generally available in 2017. So, there will be about one year of overlap. Not too long.

I understand that desire to move forward.Trust me, I do.

I don’t know how much engineering effort it takes to support the two versions, but my guess is that they’ll see some significant customer loss from this. Why? CI is something that you just want to work. You don’t want to think about it. Which is why a SaaS solution makes so much sense. I am happy to just keep paying them month after month for their excellent product.

But, if I have to take some cycles to move from CircleCI 1.0 to CircleCI 2.0, why wouldn’t I take some time and evaluate other solutions too? I assume they’ve run the numbers and the amount of money it takes to support 1.0 must be more than the amount they will lose via churn.

AWS does a good job of this–they never deprecate anything (you can still set up SimpleDB if you want). They just hide it, make other offerings better, and make older offerings more expensive.

In fact, if I were CircleCI, I might offer a ‘legacy’ CircleCI 1.0 plan, where people with significant investments in the older infrastructure can pay more for access to that old codebase. Depending on the amount of support required, that might be some significant free money.

Relatedly, Amy Hoy has a great post on how to get your customers to pay you more money.

Coding tests for interviews

Ahmed Fasih posted his proposed alternative to a HackerRank pre-interview test. This sparked comments in the HN discussion.

I think it is worth approaching these kinds of tests from both sides, as this topic has come up a lot in some email lists of which I am a member.

As an employee, you want to be assured of the best chance of finding a job that is a good fit, and of minimizing the time spent to apply to each job. You also want to maximize the number of jobs you get offered, so you have optionality (“well, I’d love to work for you, company XYZ, but I’m considering other offers and was wondering if you could give me more XXX” where XXX is whatever you desire, money, time off, health care, etc).

As so many employees say in the discussion, if you are a senior person, these kinds of tests can be a bit insulting and disconnected from the actual work. Who is going to transform a 2D array in their regular job? I’d reach for a library or stack overflow answer.

On the other hand, if you are at the point where you need to fill out an online test rather than talking directly to the hiring manager about how you can solve her pain points, maybe that’s a problem? LinkedIn is pretty magical in terms of finding this info out, though of course there may be corporate protocols that make this circumvention impossible.

As an employer you want to find the best person for the price in the shortest amount of time. Where best depends on the position, but is some mix of skills, culture fit, desire for the job, and perceived amount of time they’ll stay. You also want to be fair to all applicants and have some kind of apples to apples means of comparison.

As so many managers say in the discussion, these tests weed out folks who can’t code their way out of a paper bag. If you’re a senior engineer, you’ve probably worked with some folks like that, so you can see the need. They also do so relatively quickly and in a way that scales and is equitable across different candidates.

So, as a senior engineer, I’d:

  • seek employment where I could circumvent these types of tests through my network
  • avoid these types of employers unless it was a great job
  • if I had to take the test, try to have sympathy with the employer and take it as an opportunity to brush up on my algorithms

And if I were the employer, I’d think about these tests are a filter. Just like a GitHub profile, they’ll give you some information. Whether that information is relevant to the current candidate search, and is worth filtering out good candidates who don’t bother filling out tests, is an exercise left for the reader.

How Trello Wowed Me By Handling An Edge Case

We are using Trello for our product development planning at The Food Corridor. Previously we were using Pivotal Tracker, which I chose, but a new team came on to help us and they were more comfortable with Trello. I may do a compare and contrast of these tools in the future, but for now I wanted to celebrate the beauty of a well designed piece of software.

I don’t mean how Trello looks, though it certainly looks pretty. I mean how they handle UX edge cases. I ran into one the other day, and it blew my mind that Trello acted as I had hoped.

Here’s the situation. We use the Trello numeric card ID along with this git hook:


# from

if story_id=`git branch |grep '*'|sed 's/.*-//'`
    echo "[#$story_id]" >> "$1"

To help tie commits to stories. If someone is working on a story with the id 123, they work on a feature branch called add-new-feature-123. When committing, they may write a message like: “Updated the message to the end user when they save”, and this hook will automatically add “[#123]” onto that commit message.

When someone is looking at the code six months or two years from now, they will be able to look up that story and get context about why the message was changed beyond what was in the commit log.

We were cleaning up old releases in Trello and had moved all the released stories to another board. However, I noticed that the cards were renumbered when they were moved to that board. Whoops! That meant that the commit messages wouldn’t be useful in looking up the cards. I had discussions with the product manager and we decided to keep all future releases on the same board to maintain the numbers–we’d just archive them (it’s worth noting that when you search for 123 and the card is archived, the search won’t return the card unless you add the is:archived search operator to your query).

However, I was ready to write off the cards that had been moved to the other board. What were the chances that if I moved the cards back to the original board, the card numbers would be maintained? I gave it a try just to see.

Trello did the right thing! The cards, when moved back to the original board, assumed their original numeric ID.

I am very impressed, as I imagine there are a very small portion of Trello users who care about this behavior. As someone who doesn’t really care about design but does care about user experience, that is an example of attention to detail that I wanted to call out and praise.

All the ways usernames can go wrong, or a story about why you favor third party solutions

This post on usernames is hitting the top of Hacker News right now. It’s worth a read for an in depth examination of how many ways something that seems fairly simple, usernames, can go wrong. Whether that is allowing impersonation due to unicode code points (see a related XKCD), how to handle email addresses, or what usernames should be prohibited, the simple idea of having someone use a text string as part of their authentication scheme is not so simple.

Here’s a great quote from the post talking about the right way to do it:

So if you’re building an account system from scratch today in 2018, I would suggest reading up on [the tripartite identity] pattern and using it as the basis of your implementation. The flexibility it will give you in the future is worth a little bit of work, and one of these days someone might even build a good generic reusable implementation of it (I’ve certainly given thought to doing this for Django, and may still do it one day).

What I took away from this is that usernames are hard. And that, paradoxically, the amount of business value that I create by doing usernames correct is minimal, until it’s a vector for attack. That means that I’m far better off choosing a third party library or service that focuses on authentication than rolling my own. That third party service is much more likely to have read, understood and implemented the tripartite identity pattern (in addition to any other benefits) than I will. (If I build many systems which require authentication, then maybe I can write my own library of username checks. But then I’d be better off open sourcing it, unless it was a competitive advantage.)

Now, this doesn’t mean I should blindly use any open source authentication library. I still need to examine it, see if it is used and maintained, and determine if it meets my requirements. This is not an “open source good, roll my own bad” post.

But the default should be to find an open source or third party system when I’m working on this type of software plumbing. (For rails and authentication, devise is where I’d start.) If I look around for an hour or two and can’t find anything that meets the needs of the project (either directly, with configuration or with minor code modification), then, and only then, should I start to think about rolling my own. Yes, it’s less fun to configure a third party library than it is to roll your own, but the kind of edge cases that a third party library or service will handle make it a better choice.

This has been an issue for a long time. I still remember walking into a contracting engagement a decade ago and seeing that they had their own database pooling solution. For Java. In 2004. When Apache DBCP had been around for a few years. I’ve been guilty of this myself, often at the beginning of a project when it feels like I need to get up to speed quickly, the problem space seems simpler and sometimes I’m not as familiar with the ecosystem. So this issue isn’t going away, but this post is my plea to my future self to default to third party solutions.

Getting access to the very nice date functionality in non Rails Ruby

I am doing some small ruby scripts for a dashboard and need to do some date calculations, like the timestamp of the first of the previous month and the timestamp of the end of the previous month. Rails makes this so easy with ( - 1.month).beginning_of_month. I looked around for a way to do it with straight up Ruby, but didn’t see a good solution.

Luckily, some of the nice parts of Rails have been broken out into the active support gem. You need to add it to your Gemfile or however else you are managing your gems, of course. Confusingly, the gem is activesupport and the require statement is require active_support/... (see the underscore?).

There’s an entire guide on how to pull in just the active support functionality you need. Unfortunately, I couldn’t make the targeted includes work (I was trying to pull in both numeric and date extensions precisely, but kept getting the error message undefined method `month' for 1:Integer (NoMethodError).

Finally, I just pulled in active_support/time and everything worked.

Blast from the past: 5 worlds

5 Worlds is a Joel Spolsky classic. This article needs to be updated (it’s from 2002, when shrinkwrap software was still A Thing) but it still has a lot of wisdom and illustrates just how large the scope of work available to software developers is (even more so now that software is eating the world).

Whenever you read one of those books about programming methodologies written by a full time software development guru/consultant, you can rest assured that they are talking about internal, corporate software development. Not shrinkwrapped software, not embedded software, and certainly not games. Why? Because corporations are the people who hire these gurus. They’re paying the bill.

Note that assuming a software developer is a webdev is like assuming a lawyer is a trial attorney. Just like there’s lots of ways to practice law, there are lots of ways to build software. And, to be honest, this is probably true of every profession. If you go to a party and ask someone “what do you do” and really really listen, chances are you’ll get a startling view of the world, because everyone does something interesting.

Switching Scales

Developers need the ability to switch scales. I don’t know if this is crucial for any other profession (maybe a general contractor building a home?). For developers the ability to zoom in and focus on a specific problem for a few hours, and then zoom out and focus on the bigger picture, whether that is project management and reporting, or system architecture, is crucial.

The way I do it is to compartmentalize rigorously. This means that when I am focused on a bug, I’m focused on the bug. Sometimes I’ll timebox such investigation so I don’t get wrapped around the axle of the problem. If I encounter other issues, I file them off in the issue tracker (you do have an issue tracker, don’t you)?

If, instead, I’m focusing on the big picture, paradoxically it can be harder to focus. I think best when writing, so I’ll start out with a document outlining the issue. This has the added benefit of allowing me to easily collaborate (google docs FTW), refind the problem definition and solution, and revisit it over time. Other folks work better with other artifacts (app click throughs, diagrams) but the information density and flexibility of written communication work best for me. However, either way I need to set aside some time to focus on the question at hand.

Once you compartmentalize successfully, you can start to have the each scale inform decisions made at the other. Bugs that may feel urgent to fix can be deferred because that system is not accessed often, or will be rewritten soon. System diagrams may be reworked because you know that sub components belong together (or don’t). You may know where the “dark, scary” areas of the application are and make time to rework them. There may be patterns of code or services worth extraction.

One of the hardest parts of management, from personal experience and discussions with others, is letting go of the details. As an engineering manager, you should absolutely let go of critical path implementation items–you shouldn’t be working on the hardest problem or any key components. Depending on the size and needs of your team, your focus may be on recruiting, providing political cover or knocking down impediments to team goals. But I think you need to have a touchpoint at the lowest level of your application. Whether that is achieved through non blocking code reviews, fixing non critical bugs, or knocking out a customer support request, zooming in to the implementation level will inform your worldview. Just don’t let it be too large a focus; definitely don’t let it block your team.

If the idea of letting go of product implementation doesn’t appeal to you, you may want to dive in to management more. There are plenty of details and challenges to management (read High Output Management for a great intro). In fact, there are similarities between building a successful piece of software and building a team that builds a successful piece of software. People aren’t code though–imagine if when you ran a function you got a slightly different result based on how the function felt, how its home life was, what previous work the function had done, etc, and you’ll have some idea of the complexity of management.

If you’ve tried management and it doesn’t work for you, you can remain an individual contributor. Realize this will have an impact on your compensation (in most orgs) and your leverage (link) to effect change.

But it may be worth it to remain a builder.

Basecs: Basics of Computer Science

If you backed into software as a career like me (thanks physics degree!), you may not have a firm grounding in basic computer science concepts. This can be hard to gain during your work week, as clients care far more about feature delivery than they do about which data structure you used.

However, having an intuitive sense of how computers work and what basic algorithms and data structures are can enrich your experience as a developer. Why? For the same reason understanding how to grow peas lets you appreciate a fine meal–understanding fundamentals lets you peer down through abstractions and appreciate what you are building on top of.

There are plenty of intro articles and books out there, but I recently stumbled across basecs and have been enjoying it.

The author starts from the beginning (what is binary), covers various data structures and algorithms, and ends with a discussion of just in time compilation. Her prose is comprehensible and she adds illustrations which complement the text.

If you are a developer without fundamentals, like me, you may enjoy this year long series on the basics of computer science.