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Why I’m using a RSS reader (again)

Many moons ago, I moved from a personal handwritten RSS reader to Bloglines.  Then, a few years ago, I stopped using Bloglines (before they were bought).  I had too many feeds on Bloglines and was spending less time on the computer after work.  I also had some big personal happenings taking a lot of time, and was burnt out on learning new technologies.

So, for a couple of years, I read blogs occasionally, but didn’t subscribe to them in a reader.  The ones that really spoke to me were either visited regularly (by memory) or subscribed to via email (and often unsubscribed quickly).

But recently, I have been consuming a lot more content.  I think there are a number of reasons for this, but the biggest is that the household has an iPad. The iPad is crappy for creating content, but is fantastic for consuming it.  I also enjoy the ability to email articles with the tap of the finger.

Last week, I found myself visiting the same seven or eight sites over and over again, to see if there was anything new posted.  After the third go-around, I mentally kicked myself and said, ‘that’s what an RSS reader is for!’.

By happenstance, I saw an article on HackerNews about the NewsBlur founder around the same time, and decided to check NewsBlur out.  I actually appreciate the limited number of blogs available on the free version of NewsBlur–I hope that will help me avoid the blog overflow that occured last time.

One thought on “Why I’m using a RSS reader (again)

  1. Pingback: RSS Pick: Calculated Risk | Dan Moore!

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