I was finally able to get access to the wild.org server via FTP (previous cliffhanger resolved). After cautioning me to be very careful (“please proceed with caution and help keep wild.org from blowing up…warnings from my IT guy”) Emily handed over FTP access.
I proceeded very carefully.
We had already had discussions about what we were going to vary to test the donation button. Pictures, location of button, text of button, and text around button were the major variables. One of the hard things about GWO is deciding what to test–the possibilities are infinite. Even with our handful of variables, we ended up dropping some options and still have 100 variations to test!
Actually installing GWO was pretty easy. The only wrinkle was the fact that the goal was a click of a button and not another page. This post was helpful. One item that that post didn’t cover was validation–GWO doesn’t let you start an experiment if the program can’t verify that the script tags are installed correctly. Since we were doing a non standard install, I gimmicked up a goal page for validation, then added the goal tracking to the onclick event as described in the post.
So, the experiment is currently running on The WILD Foundation homepage. It’s been running for about a week, and has only 1 non test conversion. I worry that we are not testing big enough changes (a donate lightbox, rework the entire front page), but I think it makes sense to let the test run for a few weeks and see what kind of data we get.
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