I just released a new version of gwt-crypto. You can download it here. While encryption in javascript has its limits, it also has its place. Currently, I am using it for some data (lat/lng) that we want to be obscured, but is not top secret.
If you’re using this library, please let me know what you’ve found it useful for.
Overall, this has been a fun experience. I’ve learned at least the basics of maven, had some interaction with users and written tests for bugs they file. (I got involved in this project earlier this summer, because I contacted the maintainer.)
[tags]encryption, tripledes, gwt,open source[/tags]
Hi Dan, not sure this may interest you, but I have recently optimize an RC4 stream cheaper for JavaScript and it works pretty fast with every browser and very long strings as well.
Have a look: http://sessionstorage.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src/RC4.js
Thanks for the link, Andrea. Just curious why you went with RC4–it looks like there are some security issues: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RC4
’cause the 256 chars key changes randomly and for each session, so I guess it’s secure enough for that purpose: HTML5 sessionStorage emulation in every browser. I would not go for RC4 over static stored data, makes sense?
Yes, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the explanation!
Hey Dan,
Following up on your release of gwt-crypto from the other day, I’ve had a play and run into an issue you may be able to help with. Its regarding interoperability with the dotnet TripleDES implementation.
Can you tell me about the feedback incorporated when performing the encryption/decryption? MS enforces a minimum feedback block size for its implementation (8-bits by default), so if I know what size you used in your implementation then I can hopefully align the two. The reason I ask about feedback is that I’ve looked at the exposed dotnet 3DES properties and the defaults as implemented in the source of gwt-crypto – and feedback is one I’m unsure about.
From what I can see, the IV is 64-bits of zeros by default; which I can emulate in dotnet land. I can ensure that the keys are (reported to be in Intelli-J and VS) identical. Both gwt-crypto and dotnet 3DES support the PKCS7 padding format, so the last property I can see that can be manipulated to align between the two seems to be the feedback block size.
Also, if you have any other notes on interop between gwt-crypt and dotnet world’s 3DES implementations, I’d be appreciative.
Hey Dan,
Please belay that last query. With a little more playing today I have successfully implemented GWT TripleDES encrytion of data that is decrypted using dotnet TripleDES.
My findings for others were first that gwt-crypto internally must use a feedback block of the same size as the blocksize (8-byte), PKCS7 padding and an 8-byte & zeroed IV. All of these can be mirrored in dotnet land. Second is that using the encoding objects or inbuilt system frombase64X() methods can muddy the data when deriving key & value byte arrays. However, by checking out and following the same hex encoding and decoding algs as defined within gwt-crypto, the data will marry up nicely (not tested over large data sets yet).
So, cheers on a great gwt library =)
Thanks John. I’m no crypto expert, but appreciate your comments and am sure they will be helpful for others. If you end up writing up a summary beyond this comment, I’d be happy to link to it (here and from the google code site).