I listened with envy to Corey Snipes, a friend and colleague in Denver, when he talked about being a member of the Hive, a coworking space. I have rented an office in the past, but always thought a coworking space was a no brainer business plan in Boulder, given all the tech startups, one person PR firms and entrepeneurial environment. After all, some of what I miss about being independent was that water cooler talk, or the ability to just bounce ideas off someone in real time. (Yes, I imagine twitter fills that need for some.) I remember a few emails floating around the New Tech Meetup mailing list, but never heard of a plan come to fruition. But then again, perhaps I just discounted Boulder’s real estate market as a barrier to entry.
Anyway, today, Corey sent on an email announcing Carbon Space, Boulder’s very own coworking space. Located off 30th street, between Valmont and Pearl, with plans starting at $199/month, I hope this space succeeds. Hey, I may even check it out myself! Visit the website for more details.
[tags]boulder, coworking[/tags]
It looks great, but with a caveat: it’s pretty far outside the commercial heart of Boulder, by which I mean the Pearl Street Mall. But maybe that’s just me wanting it to be closer to Snarf’s.
Ralph, that’s true. It’s not in the heart of downtown, which would be preferable.
Looks like there are some other coworking arrangements for Boulder listed here:
On second look, I was rather dismayed to see that their web designers have a problem with superfluous apostrophes.
Also, I should be clear that Corey isn’t associated with this space at all–he just forwarded the email on from a Hive list he’s on.