Previously, I described how to integrate a network call into the GWT mortgage calculator. (See Step #2, Step #2a and Step #2b.) Now I’m going to add an another, more complex mortgage calculator panel. This will add in more real world costs. Both the simple and advanced calculators will be available at the same time, using a tabbed interface. Additionally, I’ve added a servlet which will serve up correct JSON in hosted mode, which means that anyone who wants to download and play with this code will be able to do so without any software beyond the source, the GWT, and a modern version of Eclipse. See the new tabbed interface in action and download the source. (Please note that the interface online is not exactly the same as the interface you can build via the download–my client had me make a couple of changes.) I’ll also talk about how I integrated this calculator onto a property specific page.
Adding a tabbed interface was actually quite easy. I used a TabPanel. The only hiccup was that you cannot reuse widgets. I thought it’d be nice if the loan amount, for example, stayed the same between the tabs. However, if you place a widget in two different containers, the last one wins–the widget simply isn’t in the first container. I tested this with the VerticalPanel and the FlexTable. Instead, I had to create new widgets. I’m sure that I could have achieved synchronicity between widgets with a KeyboardListener, but the payoff didn’t seem worth the hassle. Other than that, this is a minor revision. I did some refactoring and pushed validation up to the button widgets.
The JSONServlet
shows how to keep server and client source in the same tree, and also provides a simple way to toy with JSON client-server communication. I tested this and you should be able to simply untar the source, import the project into Eclipse, do a bit of GWT judo, and run the project. Steps (only tested for windows, sorry) to reproduce the final working product:
- You will have to download the GWT since I can’t legally redistribute it.
- Unzip it into, for example,
- Download and untar the mortgage calculator source, say into
- Copy gwt-user.jar and gwt-dev-windows.jar into the lib directory, for example
. (This lets you run theMortgageCalc-compile.cmd
batch file to compile the app from the command line. If you just want to see the javascript in action, you can stop there and copy the resulting .html/.xml/.gif files to a host someplace and view in a browser.) - To set up the debugging, start Eclipse.
- Import the project vai the File \ Import menu item.
- When you’re ready to run the browser in hosted mode, edit the launcher in Eclipse. Choose the Run menu, then the Run… option.
- Select the MortgageCalc application (under Java Application)
- Choose the Classpath tab. Remove the gwt-user.jar and gwt-dev-windows.jar files.
- Click under ‘User Entries’
- Click the ‘Add External Jars’ button.
- Navigate to where you unzipped GWT (for example,
and select both gwt-user.jar and gwt-dev-windows.jar - Click ‘Open’
- You should see the two jars with this icon next to them:
. If you see this one instead:
, that means you added them as jars, not as external jars, and you won’t be able to run in hosted mode. (Updated 6/21: You’ll get the error described here:
[ERROR] The browser widget class could not be instantiated java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load required native library 'gwt-ll'
) - Click ‘Apply’ and then ‘Run’.
The next step is to integrate the calculator into an existing JSP and pull some information from that JSP page. Since this is tightly integrated into the Colorado HomeFinder site, code would probably not be useful, so it’s not provided. However, if you’d like to see the results, visit Colorado HomeFinder and search for a home, click through to a property and then click the ‘Mortgage Payment’ link. (Sorry this process is not streamlined, but any link I put to a specific property page on that site will expire in a few months.)
The ideal calculator gets listing price and other information from the server, and prepopulates the appropriate fields. However, the calculator needs to know what property it is being shown for; in other words, it needs to pick property specific data out of the page. There are a couple of possible methods: I could write a javascript variable to the page and use JSNI to turn it into a data structure that my compiled gwt code could read. Or I could put text into a hidden div and then use the Google DOM classes to get the data.
Since what I needed to retrieve was a few simple numeric values, I went with the DOM option. If I had a more complex data structure to communicate, using JSNI might have been a better option. I used getElementById to find the appropriate div and getInnerText to get the contents of that division. With those pieces, I could query back to the server and get the price, taxes, etc. which I would use to fill in the appropriate text boxes on the mortgage calculator.
And I believe that’s all for now. There are, of course, many places where Icould expand this calculator, but this is functional enough and we now have an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of GWT. And that’s the subject of my next post.
I got the UnsatisfiedLink Exception and your suggestion of adding the jars as external jars helped. Thanks a lot.
same here.. spent hours googling on the Unsatisfied link Exception thing .. thanks a lot !!!!
Glad this helped!
Tabbed Interface converts your HTML into a dynamic tabbed interface. It does not require you to set up a list of links, or anchors for the tabs. Is JavaScript is required?
Yes, Image Revive, GWT always requires javascript to be available.