If you are looking to stand up an application quickly, I often recommend the AWS marketplace. This service has thousands of vendor maintained solutions and is a great way to get going quickly. Note that some of the solutions have extra per hour charges, and if that is the case per second billing won’t apply. These solutions are focused on individual AWS EC2 instance images (so you can quickly stand up a phpbb instance or a redmine server, for example).
However, another good option is AWS Quick Starts. These are recipes for deployments, possibly of multiple virtual machines, and are aimed at handling larger business problems. There are over 80 listed on the Quick Start page right now, ranging from creating a data lake to a HIPAA reference architecture to running devops tools like consul and bitbucket. These solutions may or may not carry additional charges, so make sure review licensing and billing information as well as functionality.
If you are thinking about setting up a complex system in AWS, it’s worth some time to see if someone has put a reference Quick Start together. It may not fit your needs perfectly, but can be a good place to begin.