Interesting discussion on HN about how you’d build a simple CRUD app in 2018. (CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update and Delete of records in a system.) As you’d expect, no shortage of opinions, with a lot of specifics. Also lots of recommendations to use what you know, which is always a good idea. CRUD apps, where you are simply gathering data via a web interface, run the gamut of complexity and usability, but it’s hard to believe how powerful having a centralized repository of data can be.
And the nice thing is that once you get the data into the backed of a CRUD app (which is likely a SQL compatible database, but could be any other kind of datastore) you can either combine that data with other systems, expose the data via an API, or both.
Here was my answer to the question:
I’d use Rails today. But I can see the value in Django or Express or ASP.Net or Spring Boot.
Criteria I’d think about:
What is going to be easy for my organization to support (both operationally and with future code changes).
What do I know/want to learn? If the CRUD app is complicated, then I want a tech I know well. If the CRUD app is simple, then I may want to experiment with a different technology (again, within the organizational support guardrails).
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