I’ve only briefly worked with Expresso. But I’ve heard good things about it. However, one ‘feature’ is really chapping my hide at the moment. Apparently, the only way to authenticate someone is to call the attemptLogin method on a ‘Controller’ object (a subclass of a Struts Action), which is protected and takes, among other things, the http request and response. There’s no way I can find to just pass in a username/password and authenticate. In addition, the authorization system is not broken out either. In OO fashion, you ask an object if a user can access it, and the object knows enough to reply.
I’m not trying to rag on the Expresso developers. After all, they are giving away a fine, full featured java web framework for free. But this just drove home to me how important it is in web applications to have the classes that talk http be nothing more than a thin translating layer around business classes. For instance, all a struts action should do is convert http forms to domain specific value objects, and then call business methods on business objects.
If this was the case in Expresso, it’d be trivial for me to leverage Expresso’s existing authentication model–I’d just have to fall the methods on the business object, perhaps after creating a domain specific value object. Now, however, I’ll probably have to monkey around with the http request and response, and decode exactly what parameters it wants, and fake those up.
So you’re feeling the pain?! There was some talk a long time ago to refactor all the login stuff out into their own class… apparently that never happened. Can you use some sort of Mock object to mock up the http stuff? Your point about needing only a thin wrapper on the web tier is exactly what Webwork does! Webwork is a wrapper on Xwork (the core engine aspect to the webwork web framework).