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Fun stuff I’ve done

amusement park photo
Photo by Loozrboy

One of the companies I’ve met with wanted a bit more context around work I’ve done, so I wrote up some of the ‘greatest hits’ of tech work I’ve done in the past couple of years. It was so much fun, I thought I’d post it here so I’ll remember it in a few years.  This is just some of the tech highlights, and doesn’t include other things I’ve learned (managing folks, softer development skills, etc).

  • Colorado is a directory of Colorado CSAs. This site received 28k visits in 2013, and 26k visits so far in 2014. You can view the source. The source has some quick and dirty aspects, since this is a side project.
  • Home valuation processing software output. This was a fairly simple algorithm (linear regression among geographic datasets) but involved some interesting processing because of the number of records involved (1M+) and data sources. The graph shown here was generated by code I wrote. The content is human generated, however. I worked directly with the CEO on requirements for this v1 project.
  • I wrote an ebook about an aspect of mobile app development last year:
  • I built large chunks of COhomefinder (which has not been touched in 2 years, because the business has decided to move forward with an outsourced home search solution). The last code I touched was replacing google maps with mapquest. I also built a widget for featured home listings that could be dropped into other websites. You can see both on the search results page.
  • I wrote a hybrid mobile app that displays news and info about neighborhoods in the front range. This never really got much traction, unfortunately.

It’s fun to look back.