A few months ago I was contacted by Morgan who read a comment I’d made on Hacker News about reshuffling my work life balance. He was starting a site for parents who work in technology, and was looking to interview such people for tips on parenting. After a flurry of emails, we finally found a time that worked for both of us and were able to skype for an half hour.
My interview is up here. Morgan doesn’t do a ton of editing, so it is a little rough, but you get a sense of my thought process:
M: Has having a Baby changed your worldview, beliefs, or how you treat other people? How so?
D: Sometimes I wonder how my parents can take me seriously, given that they saw me as an infant. You put it nicely, getting some empathy, starting out as something that just cries, poops and sleeps.
If you are a parent who works in technology and want to chat with Morgan, let me know and I’ll do an intro.