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Andrew Hyde: tips for your startup job hunt

Andrew Hyde, Boulder startup hub, gives some tips on the startup job process.  Having been a part of a few startups, I thought I’d review the high points of the list, but it’s worth a read regardless.

Lots of his tips are useful to people hunting for jobs at established companies as well–I’ve long been a believer in personal blogging (#12) as a ‘living resume’ (among its other benefits), and the research required to write a blog post about the company (#10) will be useful to you as well.  Here’s another post with good tips.

I especially enjoyed his riff on generalists: “In the history of startups, not a single ‘generalist’ has ever been hired.  They are called founders.” I’m not sure I entirely agree, but I do think that if you want to be hired for money at a startup, you should have a strong focus (whether that be development, marketing, sales, operations, etc, etc).  However, even if you are hired as, say, a developer, you’ll need to do other things (testing, customer service, perhaps even marketing)–that’s part of the fun.

He does give some contradictory advice: have a resume in PDF (#2) but at the same time “ditch a resume” (#8).  I think he means that while a resume is nice, startups are more interested in specific projects and achievements than a typical big company with an HR department.  Some argue one should approach all job interviews in the same manner.
The most important piece of advice that Andrew gives is #7, which is worth quoting in full:

Be clear.  You are looking for a job.  Cut the buzzswords, what is the best fit?  Steady?  Fast paced?  Live in Boulder?  Just say it.  Cut the shit.

In my job hunts, knowing what I actually wanted was the hardest task, but the most important.  Why is it hard?  When I’ve been looking for a job, I am anxious and concerned about the future, often thinking about my slowly draining savings.  Declaring what I actually want (beyond “a job, any job, please God, give me a job” which is sometimes how I feel 🙂 ) necessarily excludes opportunities.  However, that is the exact reason that it is the most important task.  By excluding opportunities that wouldn’t be a good fit, or would make me bitter, or wouldn’t serve the employer well, I freed myself up to focus on situations where I could help the employer succeed and be happy.

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