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I’ve been writing SQL*Loader scripts to load a fair bit of data into Oracle. I have a set of load tables with minimal constraints on them, into which SQL*Loader pushes the rows. Then I have written some PL/SQL which pulls from the load tables to the real database.

This architecture was chosen because the PL/SQL procedures can be written to allow incremental as well as full data loads. In the incremental case, it’s conceivable there there’d be a different way of pushing data over to the load tables (via ODBC or JMS, for example). In addition, the load tables can be denormalized, and you can put enough intelligence in the PL/SQL to turn your data structures into something at which a DBA won’t cringe.

Anyway, I thought I’d share a few tips, gleaned through the process. I’m definitely no SQL*Loader guru, but here are some useful links: the sqlldr FAQ, full of good information and recently updated, the Oracle Utilities page which does a great job of explaining all the options of SQL*Loader, and this case study which outlines internationalization with sqlldr. All very useful.

Two other tips: If you are loading delimited character data that is longer that 255 characters, you need to specify the length in your control file (for example, declaring it in the control file as char(4000)), or else you’ll get an aggravating error message warning that the data you’re loading is longer than the column in which you’re trying to load it. I spent some time looking very carefully at the load table trying to see what I was missing before I googled and found out that char fields do have default sizes in sqlldr control files.

And the bindsize and rows parameters are related, in terms of the amount of data that sqlldr can push into a table before it commits. You can make rows very very big, but if bindsize is too small (it defaults to 64k, apparently) the commits will happen sooner than they need to. For more explanation and other perforamance tips, see this page.

Overall, I’ve been very happy with how easy it is to load a fair bit of data, quickly (both in terms of load time and in development time) using sqlldr.